Scriptor feat. Valar - Sumnja - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Scriptor feat. Valar - Sumnja

Na životnom puteljku dugo šećem
I've been walking on life's path for a long time
I kad ljude srećem, zatrepćem pod dojmom tužne sreće
And when I meet people, I blink under the impression of sad happiness
Jer što ih više poznaš to ti netko umre češće
Because the more you know them, the more someone dies more often
Radost je stvar trena, a vrijeme uvijek teče
Joy is a matter of moments, and time always flows
Noćne more ostavljaju očne bore
Nightmares leave wrinkles around the eyes
Čaša pada s ruba kad ju staviš točno pored
The glass falls off the edge when you put it right next to it
Ljudi ne sakriju smrad ni kad stave parfem
People can't hide the smell even when they put on perfume
Život je gorak, želim nešto slatko, barem na tren
Life is bitter, I want something sweet, at least for a moment
I kamo sreće da te stalno srećem
And how lucky I am to meet you constantly
Vjera će nas oslobodit ako znanost neće
Faith will set us free if science won't
Ne beri brigu jer ne sadimo probleme
Don't worry, because we don't plant problems
Ako pobijede snage prosvijetljenog uma, slavimo kod mene
If the forces of the enlightened mind win, we celebrate at my place
Zapišem glosu i prevedem to na latinski
I write a gloss and translate it into Latin
Ton prati stih dosljedno ko Toma Akvinski
The tone follows the verse consistently like Thomas Aquinas
I tada oštra bol presiječe umnjak
And then sharp pain cuts through the mind
U žilama ovoga imena teče sumnja
Doubt flows in the veins of this name
Trnci nelagode, nepovjerenje
Shivers of discomfort, distrust
U nekom je red, u nekome nered
In some it's order, in some it's chaos
Provalija neizvjesnosti je sve dublja
The abyss of uncertainty is getting deeper
Od pjesme do vječnosti ostaje sumnja
From song to eternity, doubt remains
Pito sam, proroka lakog sna kako zna
I asked the prophet of easy sleep how he knows
Jel veza atomska, od nagona do patosa
Is the connection atomic, from instinct to pathos
Reko zakon zna, vagnut mjeru svakog zla
He said the law knows, it weighs the measure of every evil
Lago sam, znam, sebi sam kad sam jako slab
I was quiet, I know, I'm to myself when I'm very weak
Dobro, gdje sam zapeo kad ne znam razlike
Okay, where did I get stuck when I don't know the difference
Šta kaže važni kler, šta je svijet fantastike
What does the important clergy say, what is the world of fantasy
Dioničaru sentimenta, svaka je vijest dobra
For the shareholder of sentiment, every news is good
Oprali smo ruke, onda krenuli smo jest govna
We washed our hands, then we started eating shit
Nama potpis vama novci
We have signatures, you have money
Bog je otpisan ko Trocki, ovisan o kocki
God is written off like Trotsky, addicted to gambling
Ko se lovi za oprosti uvijek novi sram podnosi
Those who chase forgiveness always endure new shame
Život ima više smisla opisan komplotski
Life has more meaning described in a conspiratorial way
Šta kad gladovanje miriše na mlado janje
What if starvation smells like a young lamb
Tad je znanje samo razlog da je nade malo manje
Then knowledge is only the reason why there is less hope
Kažu da sam sanjo grešni um dumne
They say I dreamed a sinful mind, you know
Ne bi vjerovo da umrem, prešo sam rub sumnje
I wouldn't believe I'd die, I crossed the line of doubt
Ljepota je u oku promatrača
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Laž i istina su troma braća ispod krova trača
Lies and truth are slow brothers under the roof of gossip
Što me vraća na mimiku lica savjesti
Which brings me back to the mimicry of the face of conscience
I ljubomorni pogled kad proklija klica zavisti
And the jealous look when the seed of envy sprouts
Ambicija govori dok se ne ostvari
Ambition speaks until it is realized
Požuda u licima gori dok čovjek ne ostari
Lust burns in faces until a man grows old
Čuvam svoje stvari, ne branim boje stranih
I keep my things, I don't defend foreign colors
Produktivnost je na godišnjem još uvijek, bolest radi
Productivity is still on vacation, illness is working
Ne postoji snažan samac
There is no strong single
Tko tvrdi suprotno je talac kamuflaže srama
Whoever claims the opposite is a hostage of the camouflage of shame
I što su napadi jači brani se brže
And the stronger the attacks, the faster it defends itself
Na putevima do ljubavi su stanice mržnje
On the roads to love are stations of hatred
Preko granice srdžbe, reko mani se tuđeg
Across the border of anger, he said, get your hands off someone else's
Papir vrijedi, al su kovanice tvrđe
Paper is worth it, but coins are harder
I kada tijelo mumije naivno sve razumije
And when the mummy's body naively understands everything
Um je oduvijek pod uvjetom sumnje
The mind has always been under the condition of doubt

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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