Scrop - Reseña - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Scrop - Reseña

Año 93 enero 17 Capricornio único hijo estudiante de rap y leyes
Year 93, January 17th, Capricorn, only son, student of rap and law,
criado en un paraíso de un barrio lujoso aquí pinto salinas del norte de caracas vivo allí
raised in a paradise of a luxurious neighborhood, here I paint Salinas del Norte de Caracas, I live there.
yo soy lo que no quieres tratar si no conoces
I am what you don't want to deal with if you don't know,
ser social no es mi virtud principal
being social is not my main virtue,
me entiendes entonces, no busque tanto afecto de parte wey
you understand then, don't look for so much affection from me, babe.
total que para ser amigo no existe creada una ley, vengo del barrio de abajo donde la cosa es candela
After all, to be your friend, there is no law created, I come from the neighborhood below where things are hot,
pero no existió barrera hoy represento a Venezuela, represento a mi bandera y hasta el día que me muera
but there was no barrier, today I represent Venezuela, I represent my flag and until the day I die,
gritare que formo parte de la población rapera
I will shout that I am part of the rapping population.
no soy tipo de paciencia respeto todas las creencias,
I am not the patient type, I respect all beliefs,
no me importa tu existencia, no vivo de tu apariencia
I don't care about your existence, I don't live by your appearance.
creo con la vida en dios, también yo creo en la ciencia y también creo que la
I believe in God with life, I also believe in science and I also believe that the
hummer que quiero está un poco lenta
Hummer I want is a little slow,
pero ese es otro tema desde pequeño tengo metas
but that's another topic, since I was little I have goals,
quiero graduarme de abogado y una familia completa
I want to graduate as a lawyer and have a complete family,
darle todo a mi viejita y una fortuna concreta
give everything to my old lady and a concrete fortune
para darme el lujo de a cualquiera operarle las tetas
to give myself the luxury of operating on anyone's boobs.
yo que es ser pobre también que es pasara trabajo
I know what it is to be poor, I also know what it is to go through work,
yo conozco la vida de la gente que esta abajo,
I know the life of the people who are below,
por eso recuerdo siempre y mis lagrimas se salen cuando
that's why I always remember and my tears come out when
compre mis primeros Jordán con mis propios riales, recuerdo los momentos de antes de aquel liceo
I bought my first Jordans with my own money, I remember the moments before that high school
que me gustaría devolverme y vivirlos de nuevo,
that I would like to go back and live them again,
cuando las obligaciones eran solo sacar veinte
when the obligations were only to get twenty
y tener novias por coñazos y rezar porque no se encuentren
and have girlfriends by the ass and pray that they don't meet.
me toco ser valiente y darle la cara a la vida y aceptar que hay que salir a la calle por la comida
I had to be brave and face life and accept that you have to go out on the street for food
a trabajar por mi familia esa que se jodió tanto pa' que yo fuera estudiante y no me metiera malandro
to work for my family, the one that worked so hard so that I could be a student and not get into trouble.
tampoco soy pastor tampoco yo soy un santo me he portado a los coñazos y o te imaginas cuanto
I'm not a pastor either, I'm not a saint, I've behaved like a jerk and you can imagine how much,
pero son experiencias que me han hecho madurar temprano y a recordar que a mis hermanos los cuento con una mano
but they are experiences that have made me mature early and remember that I count my brothers with one hand.
como todo ser humano
Like every human being
he fallado y la he cagado, y le he mentido a mucha gente que quizás en mi ha confiado
I have failed and I have screwed up, and I have lied to many people who may have trusted me
y a pesar que todas esas cosas quedaron en el pasado
and even though all those things were left in the past,
aun quisiera devolver el tiempo y verlos a mi lado
I still wish I could turn back time and see them by my side.
yo fui un mujeriego, muchas chicas tuve no lo niego,
I was a womanizer, I had many girls, I don't deny it,
tendré bastantes cuentos para mis hijos cuando sea viejo,
I will have enough stories for my children when I am old,
contare de mis amores, los corazones rompidos y que el amor si existe aunque siempre se encuentre escondido
I will tell about my loves, the broken hearts and that love does exist even though it is always hidden.
soy rapero con orgullo por eso rapeo aquí,
I am a rapper with pride, that's why I rap here,
aunque años atrás otros dijeron no creer en mi,
although years ago others said they didn't believe in me,
ahora mírenme feliz le puse color a lo gris, salí de un barrio de caracas y cante en otro país
now look at me happy, I put color to the gray, I left a neighborhood in Caracas and sang in another country.
Yo le demostré a la gente que no importa donde vivas cuando luchas y te esfuerzas tu siempre estarás arriba
I showed people that it doesn't matter where you live, when you fight and strive you will always be on top.
yo le demostré a mi barrio que poseo el fundamento razón por la cual ahora soy el que lo represento
I showed my neighborhood that I have the foundation, which is why I am now the one who represents it.
por eso no entiendo cuando me tildan de sifrino
That's why I don't understand when they call me a snob,
cuando muchos tienen miedo caminar donde camina
when many are afraid to walk where I walk,
cuando ellos no saben que es escuchar disparos, que te llamen y te digan que a tu pana lo mataron
when they don't know what it is to hear gunshots, to have someone call you and tell you that your friend was killed.
cuantas veces no fallaron, cuantas veces me ignoraron cuantas veces las puertas en la cara no me cerraron
How many times did they fail, how many times did they ignore me, how many times did they slam the doors in my face,
pero nunca me frenaron mas bien ellos me inspiraron y se equivocaron porque ahora mi show cuesta mas caro
but they never stopped me, they inspired me and they were wrong because now my show is more expensive.
agradezco al público presente por siempre apoyar a una de las voces del genero urbano en general
I thank the audience present for always supporting one of the voices of the urban genre in general,
de un servidor humilde que aunque se volvió grande nunca olvida sus raíces tampoco que paso hambre.
of a humble servant who, although he became big, never forgets his roots, nor that he went hungry.

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