I talk to her about the cocaine, make her a square plan
Histoire dla motiv? ya dla hinff du biff a la cl?
Stories about motivation, there's some hash, money in the key
Me di qu'c'est OK
She tells me it's OK
Pour qu'il ait pas d'vague
So that he doesn't get agitated
C'est baba qui la filoche sans qu'elle le sache
It's the pimp who watches her without her knowing
Bien organis?,
1 heure du mat elle prend son tas de po devant l'vigile arrive d'entr? e sap? comme une s...
Well organized,
1 a.m. she takes her bag of stuff in front of the security guard arrives in between, a bag like a...
Elle met l'paquet sur la piste se fait remarqu? dragu? e agripp? e
She puts the package on the runway, gets noticed, seduced, hooked
Par le mec en question, la jou classe coupe de champ, chaude
By the guy in question, the class act, glass of champagne, hot
Elle lui r? pond cache:"ce soir on va dans ma chambre"
She whispers to him, "Tonight we're going to my room"
Ne sachant pas qu'il va s'faire lynch?, bite dans la tete ne veut plu la lach? e, sachez qu'apr? avoir su son age sa m'connait, deja en planque en bas d'chez la fouf, p?-sa en clochard brolik?, tu sais c'est qui qui nass sur des ton-car et les attends avec impatience? c'est marhbboull!
Not knowing that he's going to get lynched, dick in her head, doesn't want to let go, know that after I found out her age my blood ran cold, already hiding at the bottom of the chick's place, half-dressed like a tramp, you know who's hanging out on the garbage truck and waiting for them with impatience? It's Marhbboull!
Au moment ou j'perd patience connect? par d'autres qui, on m'dit qu'ils approchent, jle vois yeux rouge, l'accroche lui gratte une pi? ce, pas l'temps d'mettre la met a la poche, jle cross! sonn?, pi? tin?, j'sui oblig? d'balayer, menot? j'le fou dans l'coffre, direction la cave a une poutre, si sonn? son nez gongl? les yeux band? s recommand? par: SEFYU MOLOTOV!
At the moment I lose patience, connected by others who, they tell me they're approaching, I see him with red eyes, I grab him, scratch him, don't have time to put the money in my pocket, I hit him! I knock him out, damn, I have to sweep, handcuff him, I put him in the trunk, head to the basement to a beam, if he swells, his eyes are blindfolded, recommended by: SEFYU MOLOTOV!
On a fait un deal, t'as pas respect? l'contrat, pour qui tu nous a pri? pourquoi tu fais? a? pourqoui la hasba? pourquoi tant de gourmandise? pourqoui essayer de nous la mettre? tu m? rite que j't? guise au cuter n'ai pas peur tinkiet
We made a deal, you didn't respect the contract, who do you take us for? Why did you do that? Why the greed? Why try to cheat us? You deserve me to cut you with a box cutter, don't worry
RR: hein! tu crois qu'on allait t'lacher comme? a! hein
RR: Hey! Do you think we were going to let you go just like that! Hey
H? vas-y dis nous ou t'as mis les trucs! ah dis nous!
H? Go ahead, tell us where you put the stuff! Ah, tell us!
BABA: h? h? h? h? sef j'sui d? ter? a y'est j'vais m'le faire
BABA: Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Sef, I'm determined, I'm going to do it
H? marhboul sort la scie qu'j"lui coupe les orteils
H? Marhboul, take out the saw, I'll cut off his toes
RR: coupe lui l'oreille!
RR: Cut off his ear!
BABA: qu'il sente la douleur et qu'il pleure sa m? re
BABA: Let him feel the pain and mourn his mother
Tu veux pas que j'le bute OK j'vais l'torturer!
You don't want me to kill him OK I'll torture him!
Pour moi c'est pareil laisse moi faire j'vais l'op? rer avec d? licatesse et sans stress.
For me it's the same let me do it I'll operate on him with delicacy and without stress.
Sefyu: ohh! pff! t'as grimp? carte gold CB,
Sefyu: Ohh! Pff! You climbed gold card CB,
Pff dans l'bizz ya pas d'mec oper
Pff in the business, there's no guy who operates
Aujourd'hui t'es inculp?
Today you're charged
C'est pas les BRB ni des polars de cit?
It's not the BRB or police documentaries
Flipp? s bien? quip? s
Flipped out, well equipped
T'as barber tes? quipiers, scalp? s les billets
You shaved your buddies, scalped the bills
T'as kidnapper mon b? b? les
2 pieds dans l'gueppier
You kidnapped my baby, both feet in the trap
On t'as vu a st Tropez SLK 2.30 coup?
We saw you in St. Tropez, SLK 2.30 shot
Non! aujourd'hui y'a pas d'copains laisse? a au CP
No! Today there are no friends, leave them to the police
Qui vivra de l'? p? e mourra par l'? p? e
Those who live by the sword die by the sword
Tu t'es? cop? e le role du macab?
Did you imagine yourself in the role of the pimp?
"Stiplait!" ya plus d'stiplait
"Please!" No more please
"Piti?!" ya plus d'piti?
"Mercy?!" No more mercy
T'aurai? t? un mec bien t'aurai connu qu'des mecs pos? s
You'd have been a good guy if you'd only known good guys
Cette question faut t'la pos?
You had to ask yourself that question
Tous les sis-gro qu'carnaquent aux cros leurs ames sont repos? es
All the tough guys who snitch on their friends, their souls are at peace
Ici ya pas d'jack power et s? rie B, RR, BABA il a
2 minutes pour s'expliquer!
Here there's no jack power and B series, RR, BABA he has
2 minutes to explain himself!
(Merci? om-man38 pour cettes paroles)
(Thanks to om-man38 for these lyrics)
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