Sehabe - Katafalk - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sehabe - Katafalk

Eskiden iyiydim, iyi biriydim
I used to be good, a good person
Atıyordu kalbim, diriydi
My heart was beating, it was alive
Şendim şakraktım, hayat matraktı
I used to laugh and joke, life was a blast
Artık psikolojisi bozuk bir ahmaktır!
Now I'm just a fool with messed up psychology!
Bir abim vardı
I had a brother
Canı sağ olsun, neden darıldığımı anlamadı hiç
Bless his soul, he never understood why I was upset
Hayallerimiz vardı; yanlış düşünmüşüm
We had dreams; I guess I was wrong
Meğerse hepsi hayallerimmiş...
Turns out they were just my dreams...
Hayat İstanbul′da zor, ateş pahası
Life in Istanbul is hard, everything's expensive
Müzik karın doyurmaz, kal beş parasız
Music doesn't fill your stomach, you're left penniless
La oğlum kendine faydan yok
Yo man, you're useless
Vatana olsun hadi git tecili boz
Go serve your country, break your deferment
Diyarbakır Jandarma Bölge Komutanlığı
Diyarbakir Gendarmerie Regional Command
Gitmediğin doğu, hani o utandığın
The east you never went to, the one you were ashamed of
Er ve Erbaşla dolup taştığı
Overflowing with privates and NCOs
Hani parasını verip de kaçtığın
The one you paid to avoid
Bana kimse... Bana kimse...
Don't anyone... Don't anyone...
Bana kimse anlatmasın!
Don't anyone tell me!
Bana kimse... Bana kimse...
Don't anyone... Don't anyone...
Bana kimse bana beni anlatmasın!
Don't anyone tell me about myself!
Bana kimse... Bana kimse...
Don't anyone... Don't anyone...
Bana kimse anlatmasın!
Don't anyone tell me!
Bana kimse... Bana kimse...
Don't anyone... Don't anyone...
Bana kimse bana beni anlatmasın!
Don't anyone tell me about myself!
Azrail bile yokladı ama sen sormadın hâlimi
Even the Angel of Death came knocking, but you didn't ask how I was
Azrail bile yokladı ama sen...
Even the Angel of Death came knocking, but you...
Bir albay iki başçavuş muvazzaf
One colonel, two sergeants major on active duty
Personel şubem muazzam
My personnel department is amazing
Diyarbakır güzel alıştım harbi
Diyarbakir is beautiful, I'm used to the war
"Navete çiya?, Çavani başi?"
"Where are you going?, Head spinning?"
Görev geldi demedim: "Dursam iyi"
When duty called, I didn't say: "I better stay"
Mardin Kızıltepe, Nusaybin
Mardin Kızıltepe, Nusaybin
Bismil, Çermik, Çüngüş hepsine gittim
Bismil, Çermik, Çüngüş I went to them all
Hazro, Kulp, Lice, Silvan, Sur
Hazro, Kulp, Lice, Silvan, Sur
Sonra patladı Suruç, patladı bomba!
Then Suruç exploded, the bomb exploded!
Patladı terör, farklı piyonlar!
Terror exploded, different pawns!
Babam diyor:
My father says:
"Savaşta kaldın, oğlum terör yavaşlamaz mı?"
"You're stuck in war, son, won't the terror slow down?"
JÖH'e üç teğmen geldi, devreydi
Three lieutenants came to the Special Forces, they were rookies
Operasyon şehit haberi susar mı?
Operation, will the news of martyrs ever stop?
Ve de bu onun ilk göreviydi...
And this was his first mission...
Şafak saymaktan utandım
I was ashamed to count the dawns
Sonra Muhammed uzmanın evi
Then there was Specialist Muhammed's house
Eşine söyleyeceğiz kalbim n′olur dayan!
We have to tell his wife, my heart, please endure!
Güya psikolog diye götürdüler
They supposedly took me as a psychologist
Daha merdivende başladım ağlamaya...
I started crying on the stairs...
Sustum... Bağıramıyorum!
I'm silent... I can't scream!
Aynada kendimi tanıyamıyorum
I don't recognize myself in the mirror
Adım Barış buna umut mu denir?
My name is Barış, is that what you call hope?
Biri vardı o da unuttu beni
There was someone, but she forgot me too
Burada yedi kere şehit töreni oldu
There have been seven martyr ceremonies here
Birer, üçer, beşer mi dersin?
Would you say one, three, or five at a time?
Anılar bazen acı olur
Memories can sometimes be bitter
Hafızandan geçer mi dersin?
Do you think they'll ever leave your mind?
Bana kimse... Bana kimse...
Don't anyone... Don't anyone...
Bana kimse anlatmasın!
Don't anyone tell me!
Bana kimse... Bana kimse...
Don't anyone... Don't anyone...
Bana kimse bana beni anlatmasın!
Don't anyone tell me about myself!
Bana kimse... Bana kimse...
Don't anyone... Don't anyone...
Bana kimse anlatmasın!
Don't anyone tell me!
Bana kimse... Bana kimse...
Don't anyone... Don't anyone...
Bana kimse bana beni anlatmasın!
Don't anyone tell me about myself!
Azrail bile yokladı ama sen sormadın hâlimi
Even the Angel of Death came knocking, but you didn't ask how I was
Azrail bile yokladı ama sen...
Even the Angel of Death came knocking, but you...

Авторы: Barış çetin

Sehabe - Katafalk
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