Seira Kariya - わたしだらけ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Seira Kariya - わたしだらけ

My Own Self
8月30日は 毎年 悩んでた
August 30th, every year, I agonize
明日にするか 夏休みの 宿題を見つめて
Whether to do it tomorrow, staring at my summer homework
電気代に ガス水道 いつもギリギリまで
Electricity, gas, water bill, always waiting until the last minute
振り込むこと 忘れてるけど 携帯だけは引き落とし
I forget about paying the bill, but my phone is always on autopay
一週間も前に打合せをした 仕事のプレゼン会議がもう
A week ago, I had a business meeting, a presentation that's now
The day after tomorrow
明日のわたしが困っている 姿が浮かんで 考える
Thinking about the future me who's going to be struggling
今のわたしがいまやれば 全部 丸く収まるまるから
If the present me does it now, everything will be fine and dandy
昨日のわたしに怒っている ずるいわ 親の顔見てみたい
Angry at the me of yesterday, it's not fair, I want to see your face
今のわたしが今やれば 明日のわたしがデートにも行ける
If the present me does it now, the me of tomorrow can go on a date
Ah... 体が重い... Ah... 寝たい...
Ah... My body's heavy... Ah... I want to sleep...
郵便ポストの中も メールフォルダの中も
My mailbox and email inbox
わたしで止まってる連絡 もうそろそろ返さなきゃ
Are filled with my messages, and I really should reply soon
朝一 振り込む予定だった今月分 残高は今のとこそのまま
I was supposed to pay this month's bill first thing in the morning, but the balance is still the same
Can I slip out of work and go do it?
五時間後のわたしが焦っている 姿が浮かんで 考える
Thinking about the me of five hours in the future who's going to be freaking out
今のわたしが今やれば 銀行に走らず 済むのかも?
If the present me does it now, maybe I won't have to run to the bank?
五時間前のわたしに飽きれてる どうして 任せぱなしなの?
Fed up with the me of five hours ago, why did you leave everything to me?
今のわたしが今やれば 五時間後 私、飲みにだって行ける
If the present me does it now, the me of five hours from now can go out for drinks
明日のわたしが困っている 姿が浮かんで 考える
Thinking about the me of tomorrow who's going to be struggling
今のわたしがいまやれば 全部 丸く収まるまるから
If the present me does it now, everything will be fine and dandy
昨日のわたしに怒っている ずるいわ 親の顔見てみたい
Angry at the me of yesterday, it's not fair, I want to see your face
今のわたしが今やれば 明日のわたしがデートにも行ける
If the present me does it now, the me of tomorrow can go on a date
It's all up to the me of the present

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