Seksi - 3BC (feat. Ourmoney & Biba) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Seksi - 3BC (feat. Ourmoney & Biba)

3BC (feat. Ourmoney & Biba)
3BC (feat. Ourmoney & Biba)
Seksi, Ourmoney, Biba, triple black, Chiraq
Sweetie, Ourmoney, Biba, triple black, Chiraq
Popilo se, varilo se, sad se budzi štek
Get ready, I am fired up
Malo zgib, malo propadanje, malo sklek
A bit of workout, a bit of prostration, some push-ups
Mali Heineken i top skanka, CC starter pack
Heineken and top dancing, classic CC starter pack
Izbušim traku ko Tec9, pa taksijem odem na McDrive
I shoot the lane like Tec9, in a taxi to McDrive
Ne znamo ko si, boli nas kurac, ne moš se rešiš, šetaj
We don't know who you are, we don't care, you won't get away, get on your way
Nije to boost, nije to marketing, nije to tekst, nije to pesma
This is not a boost, no marketing, no lyrics, no song
Ja sam i pravio sranja i platio bato, da bio bih ovde gde sam
I have made and paid for shit, dude, to be where I am today
Žace izlete na prepad al' kurac, opet smo prazni, žalimo slučaj
Outings for a robbery, but damn, we are broke again, sorry for the incident
Burice šta da ti kažem, to ti je život, šutiraš ili puštaš
Crazy, don't know what to tell you, this is life, you shoot or miss
Od malih nogu policije čuvaš se, sa 20 staješ da gudraš se
Since childhood, you beware of the police, at 20, you start sucking up to them
Znamo sve parkove, prolaze, klupe, terasice, parkinge, ulaze
We know all the parks, alleys, benches, terraces, parking lots, entrances
Braću otključajte, mnogo njih iza je
Unlock your brothers, so many of them are in jail
Nismo mi krivi, policija kriva je
It's not our fault, the police are to blame
U kraju kao u banci, primamo dolare, eure, dinare
In the neighborhood, like in a bank, we accept dollars, euros, dinars
Uveče svašta se radi, jer preko dana, majka sa detetom igra se
Lots of stuff happens at night, because during the day, mother plays with her child
Mora da kasni u školu kad vidiš da klinac trči s' rancem preko livade
He must come late to school when you see a kid running across the meadow with his schoolbag
Ne pijem kafu za dobro jutro
I don't drink coffee for a good morning
Jer ispred kuće su i ovo jutro
Because they are also here this morning in front of the house
Živce prespojim sa dobrom vutrom
I fix my nerves with a good fire
Danas kružim pijan jer sam turu šutno
I circle drunk today because I'm out of the tour
Tri pluća i sve je mutno
Three lungs and everything is blurry
Do kuće idem samo svojom rutom
I go home only on my own route
Kesu ne pipam sa svojom rukom
I don't touch the money with my own hand
Sam svoje stvaram, baš mi nije čudno
I make my own stuff, I'm not surprised
Isto sranje godinama dugo
The same shit for years
Novi klinci na ćošku sa burom
New kids on the corner with a drill
Kriminalci za tastaturom
Criminals behind the keyboard
Čitam komentare dok se smejem ludo
I read the comments while I laugh like crazy
Pola 5, pola kraja budno
5:30 am, 5:30 pm, still awake
Danas tu su hasl, trče sprint za pare
Today there's money here, they are sprinting for it
(Braća prave da u kšte stave, neki mnogo fale dok su iza brave)
(The brothers make the dough, some talk big while they are behind bars)
Pogledaj okolo care, probleme svare u zamotanom kecu
Look around, dude, they solve problems with a joint wrapped in a towel
Dok geto guta neku novu decu
While the ghetto swallows new kids
Trending daju nekom tamo slepcu
They give the trend to some blind man over there
Već 6 dina stojimo u mestu
We've been stuck in place for 6 days
Ćutim, radim, čekam bolje dane
I keep quiet, work, wait for better days
Da jedog dana bolje jutro svane
For, one day, a better morning to start
Ourmoney, CC, 3BC sranje
Ourmoney, CC, 3BC shit
Vozimo brzo F1, McLaren
We drive F1 fast, McLaren
Ako zajebeš, reši penale
If you mess up, settle the penalty
Jel možeš da prodješ, da rešiš gavrane?
Can you get through, solve the ravens?
Pogledaj okolo, klate se glave
Look around, heads are shaking
Imamo ovde i grupi cave
We also have groupie chicks here
I braću što jave kad snime žandare
And the brothers who report when they shot the cops
I one što pale kad naprave sranje
And those who burn when they shit
Šta da se radi, guramo dalje
What to do, we keep going
Jedan je izašo drugi na mardelj
One went out, another one in jail
Čekam da stigne, pa bratu da šaljem
I'm waiting for him to arrive, just so I can send him to his brother
Neko tu radi, ja sa tim se zgranem
Someone's working here, I'm shocked by that
Naravno da, kod iste smo zgrade
Of course, we are in the same building
Jer iste smo glave u krugu u priči od ranije (u priči od ranije)
Because we are the same heads, in the same story since earlier (in the same story since earlier)
Naše su kurve triput opranije, ne znaš ovako da saviješ
Our bitches are triple washed, you don't know how to bend over like this
Trenerke umesto haljine, sise prepune skanije
Sweatpants instead of a dress, tits full of scars
Naši su versovi krvavo meso
Our verses are bloody meat
Vaši su versovi poput boranije
Your verses are like hay
Druže shvati da kasnite, u stvari bre stigli smo ranije
Dude, get that you are late, we actually arrived early
Na HAZZE-u Ourmoney je, uzmi pojačaj, isprati priču
Ourmoney is on HAZZE, get reinforcement, listen to the story
Kad zovu me braća, ispratim klinku
When the brothers call me, I answer the door
Al uvek joj prvo, razmažem šminku
But I always, first, spread her makeup
Oni stižu u tripu, jer stižu u džipu
They arrive in a trip, because they arrive in a jeep
A obično samo mi premesti kitu
But usually we just move the package
Ti vidi na klipu, kolko smo fresh
See how fresh we are on the clip
Tvoja nam devojka izbaci ples
Your girlfriend is dancing for us
Svrati s' drugaricom odradi twerk
Stop by with your girlfriend, do a twerk
Jesi čuo novu vest? Seksi, Biba, Ourmoney
Did you hear the news? Seksi, Biba, Ourmoney
Best of the best, best, fuck the rest, sine
Best of the best, best, fuck the rest, son

Авторы: Crni Cerak

Seksi - 3BC (feat. Ourmoney & Biba) - Single
3BC (feat. Ourmoney & Biba) - Single
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