Sense sal feat. Carlos Sadness - Fins Que Surti el Sol - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sense sal feat. Carlos Sadness - Fins Que Surti el Sol

Fins Que Surti el Sol
Until the Sun Rises
No mirem enrere, però lluny de tot
Let's not look back, but far away
recordem la terra d'allà on som
let's remember the land from where we are
Jo busco la drecera del teu cos,
I'm looking for the shortcut to your body,
les ganes de sortir, de recordar el teu nom!
the desire to go out, to remember your name!
No volem mentides, som el que som
We don't want lies, we are who we are
que no ho tinc clar, però com tothom
I know I'm not clear about it, but like everyone else
tinc ganes de seguir la meva sort,
I want to follow my luck,
només anar endavant amb ganes de tot
just go forward with the desire for everything
Tenim el món a baix, tenim la sang al cap,
We have the world below, we have the blood in our heads,
som parts de l'univers, fem l'última i marxem
we are parts of the universe, let's do the last one and leave
Donem la volta al llit, farem nostra la nit
Let's turn the bed around, we'll make the night ours
Fins que surti el sol,
Until the sun rises,
a la teva pell,
on your skin,
a dins la foscor,
in the darkness,
el teu cos calent!
your warm body!
Avui veig la sortida, et veig gegant,
Today I see the way out, I see you as a giant,
que no pararàs i em buscaràs
I know you won't stop and you'll look for me
No què vols de mi, però ho tens molt clar:
I don't know what you want from me, but you're very clear about it:
avui em sobra tot, avui em falta molt.
today I have too much of everything, today I lack a lot.
No trobo on amagar-me, ja saps on sóc,
I can't find where to hide, you know where I am,
sempre pensant en com puc girar el món,
always thinking about how I can turn the world around,
si quan et veig a prop s'atura tot
if when I see you close everything stops
i em fas imaginar que fa calor
and you make me imagine it's hot
Tenim el món a baix, tenim la sang al cap,
We have the world below, we have the blood in our heads,
som parts de l'univers, fem l'última i marxem
we are parts of the universe, let's do the last one and leave
Donem la volta al llit, farem nostra la nit
Let's turn the bed around, we'll make the night ours
Fins que surti el sol,
Until the sun rises,
a la teva pell,
on your skin,
a dins la foscor,
in the darkness,
el teu cos calent!
your warm body!
Si veus sortir el primer raig del día
If you see the first ray of daylight come out
creuar la finestra i buscar el teu somriure,
cross the window and look for your smile,
trobarem la foscor fet a mida
we'll find the darkness made to measure
entre mantes, llençols, i les cortines.
between blankets, sheets, and curtains.
Si veus sortir el primer raig del dia
If you see the first ray of daylight come out
trobarem la foscor fet a mida.
we'll find the darkness made to measure.
Si veus sortir el primer raig del día
If you see the first ray of daylight come out
trobarem la foscor feta mida.
we'll find the darkness made to measure.
(Fins que surti el sol) Fins que surti el sol
(Until the sun rises) Until the sun rises
a la treva pell
on your skin
(a dins la foscor) a dins la foscor
(in the darkness) in the darkness
Fins que surti el sol, fins que surti el sol
Until the sun rises, until the sun rises
a la teva pell, a la teva pell
on your skin, on your skin
a dins la foscor, a dins la foscor
in the darkness, in the darkness
el teu cos calent, el teu cos calent!
your warm body, your warm body!
Fins que surti el sol,
Until the sun rises,
a la teva pell,
on your skin,
a dins la foscor,
in the darkness,
el teu cos calent!
your warm body!

Авторы: alicia rey

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