Sense Sal - Estima Lliure - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sense Sal - Estima Lliure

Estima Lliure
Love Freely
Cada cop que et miris i em diguis
Every time you look at yourself and tell me
Que no pots trobar el teu lloc
That you can't find your place
Cada cop que et miris et trobis
Every time you look at yourself and find yourself
Podràs ser com tu vols
You can be who you want
Jo sento que quan balles mous els huracans
I feel like when you dance, you move hurricanes
Tu com l'aire seràs lliure (Lliure, lliure)
Like the air, you will be free (Free, free)
Que tu ets com la selva que trenca l'asfalt
You are like the jungle that breaks the asphalt
Avui vull que et mengis la vida
Today I want you to eat life
No et baixaré la llunya, que això ho pots fer tu (No)
I won't take down the moon, you can do it yourself (No)
Per curar-te les ferides
To heal your wounds
Que a les nits hi puges i no ho sap ningú
That at night you go up and nobody knows
Avui vull que ploris de riure
Today I want you to cry with laughter
Però pensa en mi quan creguis que sola no pots
But think of me when you think you can't do it alone
Avui farem soroll
Today we will make some noise
Seguirem caminant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá
We will keep walking, keep going, uh-la-la-lá
Seguirem endavant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá
We will keep moving forward, keep going, uh-la-la-lá
Seguirem caminant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá
We will keep walking, keep going, uh-la-la-lá
Seguirem endavant
We will keep moving forward
Estima lliure
Love freely
Estima lliure
Love freely
Cada cop que et miris i em diguis
Every time you look at yourself and tell me
Que no pots trobar el teu lloc
That you can't find your place
Cada cop que et miris i et trobis
Every time you look at yourself and find yourself
Podràs ser com tu vols
You can be who you want
Jo vull sentir com dius que això ja s'ha acabat
I want to hear you say that this is over
Que tot ha valgut la pena
That everything was worth it
Perquè tu ja veus com se t'han aferrat
Because you can already see how they have clung to you
Arrels i ales a la terra
Roots and wings to the earth
Ara veig en tu el que jo vull veure en mi (Sí)
Now I see in you what I want to see in myself (Yes)
I ja no hi ha por, ni dubte
And there is no more fear, no doubt
Que si seguim juntes, juntes fem camí
That if we go on together, together we will make our way
No ens donarem per vençudes
We will not give up
Però pensa en mi quan creguis que sola no pots
But think of me when you think you can't do it alone
Avui farem soroll
Today we will make some noise
Seguirem caminant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá
We will keep walking, keep going, uh-la-la-lá
Seguirem endavant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá
We will keep moving forward, keep going, uh-la-la-lá
Seguirem caminant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá
We will keep walking, keep going, uh-la-la-lá
Seguirem endavant
We will keep moving forward
Estima lliure
Love freely
Estima lliure
Love freely
Estima lliure
Love freely
Seguirem caminant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá (Lliure, lliure)
We will keep walking, keep going, uh-la-la-lá (Free, free)
Seguirem endavant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá (Estima lliure)
We will keep moving forward, keep going, uh-la-la-lá (Love freely)
Seguirem caminant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá (Estima lliure)
We will keep walking, keep going, uh-la-la-lá (Love freely)
Seguirem endavant, seguim, uh-la-la-lá
We will keep moving forward, keep going, uh-la-la-lá

Авторы: Alicia Rey, Marc Riera Madurga

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