Seo2 - Tres Historias - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Seo2 - Tres Historias

Tres Historias
Three Stories
Esta es la historia de un tipo como cualquiera
This is the story of a guy just like any other,
Un tipo que ni siquiera quiere ser de primera
A guy who doesn't even want to be first-rate.
Normal como uno, sin dinero en la billetera
Normal like one, without money in his wallet,
Que ama, odia, come, duerme y nada espera
Who loves, hates, eats, sleeps and expects nothing.
Este hombre es Juan, maneja un taxi por la ciudad
This man is Juan, he drives a taxi around the city,
Le alcanza pal pan no le da tiempo para pensar
He has enough for bread, no time to think.
El stress lo lleva a odiar a todos sin maldad
Stress leads him to hate everyone without malice,
Un matrimonio desgastado que prefiere olvidar
A worn-out marriage he prefers to forget.
Su fantasía es una chica que ni conocer. D
His fantasy is a girl he doesn't even know. H
La lleva en el asiento de atrás sin mayor roce
e carries her in the back seat without much contact,
Se permite soñar que algo podría pasar
He allows himself to dream that something could happen,
La vida tiene vueltas todo puede cambiar
Life has turns, everything can change.
Se llama Macarena tiene un hijo, vive en periferia
Her name is Macarena, she has a son, lives on the outskirts,
Con el tiempo hablan sin que la cosa se ponga seria
Over time they talk without things getting serious.
Juan ve todo en su puesto de taxista
Juan sees everything from his taxi driver's seat,
Y de cuentos podría hacer una larga lista
And he could make a long list of stories.
La ciudad tiene más de una arista de droga y muerte
The city has more than one edge, of drugs and death,
Mas / de un tipo con poca suerte
More than one guy with little luck,
Que asalta para obtener una dosis fuerte
Who robs to get a strong dose,
La psicosis le hace matar al cliente
Psychosis makes him kill the client,
Error de cálculo / horror mayúsculo
Miscalculation / major horror,
Pedazos de muerto se encuentran al crepúsculo
Pieces of the dead are found at dusk,
El lado oculto en aparente entorno pulcro
The hidden side in an apparently clean environment.
Para a Juan un hombre con un extraño bulto
A man with a strange bulge stops Juan,
Al comienzo sólo buscó aceptación
At first he only sought acceptance,
La protección del que la llevaba en la población
The protection of the one who carried it in the population,
Más de una razán para no tener el alma seca
More than one reason not to have a dry soul,
La caga′ en su casa criado en la lleca
He screws up at home, raised in the hood,
La ley de la selva, cuidado con las jugadas
The law of the jungle, beware of the moves,
Una opción salvarse, la otra no tener nada
One option to save yourself, the other to have nothing,
Hacerla corta / pocos caminos veía
To make it short / he saw few paths,
Desde chico desconfiando de la policia
Since he was a child, distrusting the police,
No lo culpo si no tenía referentes
I don't blame him if he had no references,
La madre alcohólica, el padre nunca presente
Alcoholic mother, father never present,
El hermano mayor cumple condena en puente alto
Older brother is serving a sentence in Puente Alto,
3 años y 1 día, motivo: asalto
3 years and 1 day, reason: robbery,
Zapatos rotos, una casa que se inunda cuando llueve
Broken shoes, a house that floods when it rains,
A los nueve tubo su primer nueve
At nine he had his first nine,
Hoy es jueves, el ahora adolescente
Today is Thursday, the now teenager,
Ha cometido delitos, es un delincuente
Has committed crimes, he is a criminal,
Roba y miente, hace lo que tiene que hacer
He steals and lies, does what he has to do,
Al final del dia no se va a quedar sin comer
At the end of the day he will not go hungry,
Su enseñanza de vida no es leer ni multiplicar
His life lesson is not to read or multiply,
En lugar de eso sabe apuñalar y disparar
Instead he knows how to stab and shoot,
Para complicar aún mas su situación
To further complicate his situation,
Desde los 11 carga con una adicción
Since he was 11 he has been carrying an addiction,
Pastabase para el pobre por que es mas barata
Pasta base for the poor because it is cheaper,
Si no fuma le duele la guata, necesita plata
If he doesn't smoke his stomach hurts, he needs money,
Sale a pata, conoce esta ciudad como su palma
He goes out on foot, knows this city like the palm of his hand,
Esta noche una punta es su arma pierde la calma
Tonight a point is his weapon, he loses his cool,
Su adicción empieza a presionarlo
His addiction starts to pressure him,
Está angustia'o buscando giles para cagarlos
He is anxious looking for suckers to screw them over.
La tercera es la historia de Tomás
The third is the story of Tomás,
Buena pinta, deportista vive en lo alto de la ciudad
Good looking, athlete, lives at the top of the city,
Hartos amigos salió de un colegio privado
Lots of friends, he came out of a private school,
Este año lo tomó libre es privilegiado
He took this year off, he is privileged,
En cuanto a dinero pero su familia es puro aire
In terms of money but his family is pure air,
Su padre viaja mucho, es poco lo que habla con su madre
His father travels a lot, he talks little with his mother,
Encontró refugio en el carrete
He found refuge in partying,
Tiene auto, maneja ebrio e imprudente
He has a car, drives drunk and recklessly,
Poco importan los demás mientras la pase bien
The others don't matter much as long as he has a good time,
Anda por la vida disfrutando sin importar con quien
He goes through life enjoying himself no matter who he is with,
La ética de clase alta inculta y sin respeto
The ethics of the upper class, uneducated and without respect,
El estereotipo del cuico lo absorvió por completo
The stereotype of the "cuico" completely absorbed him,
Lo tiene todo pero no sabe nada
He has everything but knows nothing,
Busca el modo de probar todo a la pasada
He looks for a way to try everything in passing,
Va rápido, sale de una entra en otra
He goes fast, leaves one and enters another,
Mujeres, drogas, copete, marihuana y falopa
Women, drugs, booze, marijuana and cocaine,
No trota alza la copa busca su cuota
He doesn't jog, he raises his glass, he seeks his quota,
Las luces se reflejan cuando choca
The lights reflect when he crashes,
Poco le importa, toma el taxi de Juan
He doesn't care much, he takes Juan's taxi,
Para en una esquina porque ahí debe comprar
He stops on a corner because he has to buy there,
Un angustiado lo mira de reojo a pocos metros
An anguished man looks at him sideways a few meters away,
Espera por su dosis se va poniendo inquieto
He waits for his dose, he is getting restless,
A la luz de un foco brilla un cuchillo pero ya es tardéis
A knife shines under the light of a spotlight but it is too late,
Tomás yace en el suelo, el taxi parte con el culpable
Tomás lies on the ground, the taxi leaves with the culprit.


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