Separ - Intro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Separ - Intro

Pome to raz a navždy uzavreť
Let's close this once and for all, girl
Prečo nemá nikto flow jak ty, bro
Why doesn't anyone have flow like you, bro?
Pretože som preňho išiel hlboko, blúdil som tmou
Because I went deep for it, wandered through the darkness.
Pretože nejdem na snare, pretože nejdem s hajtkou
Because I don't go for the snare, because I don't go with the hype.
Pretože cítim ten vibe a ten sa spojí s hudbou
Because I feel the vibe and it connects with the music.
Prečo nejsi nasratý jak kedysi ja
Why aren't you pissed off like I used to be?
Lebo mám obmedzený čas a ten sa míňa
Because I have limited time and it's running out.
Nadomnou stojí iba Boh a ten sa díva
Only God stands above me and He's watching.
Sem tam to dojebem, ale veď tak to býva
Sometimes I mess up, but that's how it is.
Stále mu ďakujem, že ľudí baví môj rap
I'm still grateful that people enjoy my rap.
Nemusím dokazovať nikomu nič, každý vie
I don't have to prove anything to anyone, everyone already knows.
Ja nie som hviezda, skôr sa cítim ako sústava hviezd
I'm not a star, I feel more like a constellation.
Zavrel si oči sledoval ušami, nechal sa viesť
You closed your eyes, listened with your ears, let yourself be guided.
veta z buldozéru, mi navždy zmenila svet
That line from the bulldozer changed my world forever.
Dal som ti texty, oporu a k tomu nechutný swag
I gave you lyrics, support and some nasty swag.
Volám sa Michael Kmeť, dvihni ruku, daj mi päť
My name is Michael Kmeť, raise your hand, give me five.
Dokázali sme to, mou, nikto to nevráti späť
We did it, babe, no one can take that back.
Keď sa obzrem aj moja vlastná huba stratila reč
When I look back, even my own mouth is speechless.
Spravil som pre kultúru toľko, že to jebli do vriec
I did so much for the culture, they put it in bags.
A z toho materiálu sa more stáva do dnes
And that material is still becoming a sea to this day.
To neni pičovina, jebnutý wannabe flex
This isn't bullshit, some crazy wannabe flex.
Pomohlo to tým raperom, že som pre scénu jak liek
It helped those rappers that I'm like medicine for the scene.
A moja technika je jak čerstvo upečený chlieb
And my technique is like freshly baked bread.
Voňavá na celý dom a ľudia to chceli jesť
Fragrant throughout the whole house and people wanted to eat it.
Toto neni len ďalšie intro, nejaký ďalší track
This isn't just another intro, another track.
Toto je flow do nového sólo albumu, ty gec
This is the flow for the new solo album, you fool.
Flowdemort číslo jedna, tak si to zapni a jedz
Flowdemort number one, so turn it on and eat.

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