Separ feat. ECM Squad & Yzomandias - Zachráň moju dušu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Separ feat. ECM Squad & Yzomandias - Zachráň moju dušu

Zachráň moju dušu
Save My Soul
(ECM, turn that dope shit)
(ECM, turn that dope shit)
Likvidovať si zdravie není ľahké, chce to prax
Destroying your health ain't easy, it takes practice, girl
Neexistuje nič, čo by ti vrátilo ten čas
There's nothing that can bring back that time
Kedysi v cracku na dojazdoch, beh na dlhú trať
Used to be cracked out, running on fumes, a marathon
Všetko je čierne a ty nemáš silu ani vstať
Everything is black and you don't even have the strength to stand
Dokola sa pýtaš, jak si to mohol tak dojebať
You keep asking yourself how you could fuck it up so bad
V izbe je len vydýchaný vzduch, nedá sa vyvetrať
In the room there's only stale air, no ventilation
V tom tuneli je tma a ticho, nejazdí tam vlak
In that tunnel it's dark and quiet, no train runs there
Úzkosti a tlak, na tvojej hrudi strieda iba strach
Anxiety and pressure, only fear replaces them on your chest
Si unavený, ale nedokážeš ani spať
You're tired, but you can't even sleep
Prosíš o to, aby si nikdy nechcel fetovať
You pray that you'll never want to use again
O pár dní to spravíš znova, nedá sa to prekonať
In a few days you'll do it again, you can't overcome it
Robia to tu všetci a bez toho sa nič nekoná
Everyone here does it and nothing happens without it
Sekajú to od kofeínu po sušené mlieko
They chop it up from caffeine to powdered milk
A niekedy ti dajú len zmes nadrtených lékov
And sometimes they just give you a mixture of crushed pills
Ľudskej psychike zoberú z plachet posledný vietor
They take the last breath of wind from the sails of the human psyche
A myseľ ti zaplaví iba prúd tvojich hriechov
And your mind is flooded with only the current of your sins
Si vybavený, nemáš silu, aby si to zniesol
You're done, you don't have the strength to bear it
A tvoja osobnosť sa rozsype jak suchý piesok
And your personality crumbles like dry sand
Bacha na to, aby ti ten život neutiekol
Be careful not to let that life slip away
Zachráň svoju dušu kým je na to ešte priestor
Save your soul while there's still time
Zostal som sám stáť pred tou bránou
I was left standing alone in front of that gate
A neviem, či ešte uvidím ďalšie ráno
And I don't know if I'll see another morning
Viem, čo sa deje, tak som ticho bez otázok
I know what's happening, so I'm quiet without questions
je to jedno, aký mám na to názor
It doesn't matter what my opinion is anymore
Či ma to bolí - ani neviem, asi áno
Whether it hurts - I don't even know, probably yes
V rohu tie diery - hrá sa tam na piano
In the corner those holes - someone's playing the piano there
Hrbaté strigy sa mi skládaju na nájom
Hunched witches are chipping in for my rent
Asi si ma tu chcú nechať týmto pádom
They probably want to keep me here with this fall
Yeah, říkaj: "V nejlepším tam se přestávat"
Yeah, they say: "You should stop while you're ahead"
Jasně brácho, tam začínám přidávat
Sure bro, that's where I start adding more
A přehánět a fakt pořádně, more, furt na hraně
And exaggerating and really going hard, man, always on the edge
Na provazu mezi mrakodrapama
On a rope between skyscrapers
A jseš sráč, jestli nedržíš krok
And you're a bitch if you don't keep up
Jestli se nechceš zabít, nebo zbláznit, tak tu se mnou nemáš dělat co
If you don't want to kill yourself, or go crazy, then you shouldn't be messing with me
Byl jsem u toho, když nad strejdou levitovala jeho duše
I was there when my uncle's soul levitated above him
Chytili jsme ji včas
We caught it in time
A mám stav jako by byl namalovanej na stropě v kostele
And I'm in a state like I'm painted on the ceiling of a church
Byl jsem na druhý straně nechal jsem tam kus sebe
I was on the other side I left a piece of myself there
A přinesl jsem kus pekla a přinesl jsem kus nebe
And I brought a piece of hell and I brought a piece of heaven
Kdybysme se nepotkali, tak tam se zase sejdeme
If we don't meet again, we'll see each other there
Huh, aby bylo nejlíp, tak první musí bejt nejhůř
Huh, to make it the best, it has to be the worst first
Snažim se utopit v hvězdnym prachu a v Grey Goose
I'm trying to drown in stardust and Grey Goose
Nohy na zemi, hlava daleko jak Bejrút
Feet on the ground, head far away like Beirut
Co zbylo tak smíchej do jedný a take off (R.I.P.)
What's left mix it all together and take off (R.I.P.)
Zostal som sám stáť pred tou bránou
I was left standing alone in front of that gate
A neviem, či ešte uvidím ďalšie ráno
And I don't know if I'll see another morning
Viem, čo sa deje, tak som ticho bez otázok
I know what's happening, so I'm quiet without questions
je to jedno, aký mám na to názor
It doesn't matter what my opinion is anymore
Či ma to bolí - ani neviem, asi áno
Whether it hurts - I don't even know, probably yes
V rohu tie diery - hrá sa tam na piano
In the corner those holes - someone's playing the piano there
Hrbaté strigy sa mi skládaju na nájom
Hunched witches are chipping in for my rent
Asi si ma tu chcú nechať týmto pádom
They probably want to keep me here with this fall

Separ feat. ECM Squad & Yzomandias - FLOWDEMORT
дата релиза

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