Separ feat. Dame & DJ Spinhandz - 90te - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Separ feat. Dame & DJ Spinhandz - 90te

Vyťahané, bežové pančuchy, manchesterové gate,
Stretched out, beige tights, corduroy pants,
Umelí zelení vojaci, hodiny vojny v blate,
Artificial green soldiers, hours of war in the mud,
čiernobiele fotky, na ktorých sa opúšťate,
black and white photos, where you are leaving each other,
čo kazeta spoločné s ceruzou si pamätáte?
what do a cassette and a pencil have in common?
Na malebné detstvo nebolo vác jak pápi a kuko,
For the picturesque childhood there was nothing more than a TV and a cuckoo clock,
Do ruky Termix a von na chrbte s lukom,
In hand a Termix and outside on your back with a bow,
V bráne odstavená najmocnejša BMXka na dvore,
In the goal, the most powerful BMX on the yard,
Som vedel flekovať tak, že lubne boli v pozore.
I knew how to smear so that the suckers were at attention.
Od rána do tmy vonku, kým zažli lampy,
From morning till dark outside, until the lights turn on,
Mamky kričali z okien, rozpúšťali bandy,
Moms were screaming from the windows, dissolving bands,
Všetci boli rovnakí, nikto neriešil handry,
Everybody was the same, nobody was concerned about clothes,
Jebnuté deti, pád komunizmu, kopec srandy.
F*cked up kids, the fall of communism, loads of fun.
Neboli mobili, debili nesedeli doma,
There were no cell phones, no idiots sitting at home,
Keď si ich chcel nájsť, musel si behať jak puma,
When you wanted to find them, you had to run like a cougar,
Všetky fleky, potom pískať pod oknami znova,
All the stains, then whistle under the windows again,
Všetci boli furt vonku, aj taká bola doba.
Everybody was always outside, that's what the time was like.
Vraciam sa späť do tej doby, keď sa nosili traky,
I'm going back to the time when suspenders were worn,
Držali neforemné kaky manchesteráky a takí,
They held up shapeless corduroy pants and so on,
Sme boli všetci, cvičky, trenky, účes rovnaký,
We were all the same, sneakers, underpants, hair style,
Zbierali céčka, kradli značky áut a odznaky.
We collected stamps, stole car brands and badges.
Nebol laptop, mobil, Xbox, ani domáce kino,
There was no laptop, cell phone, Xbox, or home cinema,
To ozajstné kino bolo, čo vonku sa žilo,
The real cinema was what happened outside,
Bola pevná linka, zvonček, kde sme sa dohodli,
There was a landline, a bell, where we agreed,
Boli tri pevné miesta, kde vždy bol niekto bez dohody.
There were three fixed places, where there was always someone without agreement.
Neboli hypermarkety, obchody veľké jak Tescá,
There were no hypermarkets, shops as big as Tesco,
Boli malí obchodnici, čo poznali tie decká,
There were small shopkeepers who knew the kids,
Si predstav, kedysi boli štyri malinovky,
Imagine, once there were only four soft drinks,
Startky, ..., Petry a žiadne Davidovky.
Startky, ..., Petry and no Davidowky.
Nákup na týždeň sa dal zvládnuť za kilo,
Shopping for a week could be done for a quid,
V podstate jak teraz, len kilo hodnotu zmenilo,
Basically like now, only the quid changed its value,
ťažko to vysvetliť, bolo to iné na živo,
it's hard to explain, it was different live,
Bolo tak málo vecí, aj tak nám to k šťastiu stačilo.
There were so few things, and yet it was enough for us to be happy.

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