Separ feat. Ektor - Hnus - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Separ feat. Ektor - Hnus

Jak máš vyzerať si videla na internete,
You saw how you're supposed to look on the internet,
No jak vyzeráš vyzerá že sa ti to pletie,
But how you actually look seems like you're getting it all mixed up,
Vyberáš značkové handry nech si najkrajšia na svete,
You choose branded clothes to be the most beautiful in the world,
Ale, teraz držte piču iba seďte,
But, now shut the fuck up and just sit down,
Poviem vám jak to s vami pičiská smutné je,
I'll tell you how sad it is with you bitches,
Nestačí iba vyzerať nech uspeješ,
It's not enough just to look good to succeed,
Okúsaný lak na odrastených gélových nechtoch,
Bitten-off polish on grown-out gel nails,
Popraskaná tvrdá koža na päte jak hroch pre dvoch,
Cracked hard skin on your heels like a hippopotamus for two,
Napätie vo vzťahu jak v testoch,
Tension in the relationship like in tests,
čierne chlpy na rukách aby frajera jeblo,
Black hairs on your arms to make your boyfriend puke,
ďalej, tu hnilé zuby štrbavé,
Furthermore, there are rotten, chipped teeth,
Všade usadený žltý zubný kameň,
Yellow tartar settled everywhere,
Neklamem, si vyjebaná žumpa amen,
I'm not lying, you're a fucked-up dump, amen,
A tvoje vlasy jak hniezdo v skurvenej slame,
And your hair is like a nest in fucking straw,
No a práve preto máš teraz slzy na kraji,
And that's why you have tears on the edge now,
Bo patríš do party píč čo sa zanedbali.
Because you belong to the party of bitches who have neglected themselves.
R: Hus, nemôžem sa na teba dívať,
R: Disgust, I can't look at you,
Je to hnus, nevadí neplač zachovaj kľud,
It's disgusting, don't worry, don't cry, stay calm,
sa to zmeniť keď máš zdravý sluch,
It can be changed if you have healthy hearing,
Stačí aby si zmenila prístup,
You just need to change your approach,
Buď budeš napiču alebo jak lusk,
Either you'll be fucking awesome or like a snap,
Som tu, aby som ti otvoril oči,
I'm here to open your eyes,
Nech ti to není fuk. /
Don't let it be a fuck to you. /
Je tak nádherná, na ty skejtový chleby,
She's so beautiful, except for those skateboard shoes,
Kterí ani nejdou sundat jak dlouho je na sobě,
Which can't even be taken off because she's been wearing them for so long,
Klidně si ji pozvi domů kámo ale říkam ti že,
Dude, you can invite her home, but I'm telling you,
Nejsem na půsti Pána radši počká na chodbě,
I'm not into Lent, let her wait in the hallway,
Nádherná, na to že denně říka že prostě
Beautiful, except that she says every day that she just
Nechápe proč kolem prdele tolik sádla,
Doesn't understand why she has so much fat around her ass,
Slibuje že zítra půjde do fitka nejde ani
She promises that she'll go to the gym tomorrow, you can't even
Rozumět co říka přes tu plnou hubu žrádla,
Understand what she's saying with her mouth full of food,
Nádherná, na ty zuby který vypadají
Beautiful, except for those teeth that look
Jak kdyby kurva vykouřila denně čtyři krabky,
Like she fucking smoked four packs a day,
Nechutný vlasy ani s bouchačkou v ruce
Disgusting hair, even with a gun in my hand
Bys mně nedonutil dotknout se ty umaštěný šlapky,
You wouldn't force me to touch that greasy whore,
Nádherná, na to že líp než ona se o
Beautiful, except that even that little lost beagle
Sebe stará i ten malej zatoulanej bígl,
Takes better care of himself than she does,
Radši to ukončím, sorry vole Separ ale
I'd rather end it here, sorry dude Separ but
Jenom na pomyslím a zvedá se mi kýbl.
Just thinking about them makes me want to puke.
R: Hus, nemôžem sa na teba dívať,
R: Disgust, I can't look at you,
Je to hnus, nevadí neplač zachovaj kľud,
It's disgusting, don't worry, don't cry, stay calm,
sa to zmeniť keď máš zdravý sluch,
It can be changed if you have healthy hearing,
Stačí aby si zmenila prístup,
You just need to change your approach,
Buď budeš napiču alebo jak lusk,
Either you'll be fucking awesome or like a snap,
Som tu, aby som ti otvoril oči,
I'm here to open your eyes,
Nech ti to není fuk. /
Don't let it be a fuck to you. /
Obtiahnuté tričko a legíny,
Tight T-shirt and leggings,
škoda že máš na bokoch šuľce jak dve turbíny,
It's a shame you have rolls on your sides like two turbines,
Sebakritika nikde no všade lupiny,
No self-criticism anywhere, but dandruff everywhere,
Za nechtami hnoj, čo si z dediny,
Dirt under your nails, are you from the village,
Infantilná piča jak Hello Kitty,
Infantile bitch like Hello Kitty,
Si tak mimo že si na to musím vypiť,
You're so out of it that I have to drink to it,
Tvoj make-up je vyjebané sci-fi,
Your makeup is fucking sci-fi,
Obočie ceruzou dva oblúky, bože si tak v piči,
Eyebrows with two arches drawn in pencil, God, you're so fucked up,
Kto ťa vyjebe do huby, do riti, preboha hnus,
Who will fuck you in the mouth, in the ass, for God's sake, disgusting,
Zalez do búdy opité kokoty do riti pusť,
Get in the kennel, drunken cunts, let go of the ass,
Do vlasov semeno nabudúce spapať skús.
Try eating semen in your hair next time.
Nech si nezajebeš tvoj pestovaný plnofúz,
So you don't fuck up your cultivated full beard,
Najväčšie zlo že je to len tvoja chyba,
The biggest evil is that it's only your fault,
Keď je žena jak chlap, niekde to muselo zlyhať,
When a woman is like a man, something must have gone wrong,
Darmo ti kunda robí stoku jak slimák,
It's no use your pussy making a sewer like a snail,
Nikto ťa nechce keď vyzeráš jak zemák.
Nobody wants you when you look like a potato.
R: Hus, nemôžem sa na teba dívať,
R: Disgust, I can't look at you,
Je to hnus, nevadí neplač zachovaj kľud,
It's disgusting, don't worry, don't cry, stay calm,
sa to zmeniť keď máš zdravý sluch,
It can be changed if you have healthy hearing,
Stačí aby si zmenila prístup,
You just need to change your approach,
Buď budeš napiču alebo jak lusk,
Either you'll be fucking awesome or like a snap,
Som tu, aby som ti otvoril oči,
I'm here to open your eyes,
Nech ti to není fuk. /
Don't let it be a fuck to you. /

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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