Separ feat. Maxo & Majk Spirit - Vždycky Bol - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Separ feat. Maxo & Majk Spirit - Vždycky Bol

Vždycky Bol
Always Hurt
Vždycky bol
Always hurt
Vždycky bol
Always hurt
Vždycky bol, vždycky bol, vždycky bol
Always hurt, always hurt, always hurt
Separ, Separ
Separ, Separ
Spirit, Speezy
Spirit, Speezy
DJ Wich, vždycky bol, vždycky bol
DJ Wich, always hurt, always hurt
Vždycky bol
Always hurt
Vždycky bol, vždycky bol
Always hurt, always hurt
Ten čo Vami hýbe (vždycky bol, vždycky bol, vždycky bol)
The one who moves you (always hurt, always hurt, always hurt)
Vždycky bol, vždycky bol
Always hurt, always hurt
Ten čo s vami hýbe (vždycky bol, vždycky bol, vždycky, vždycky bol)
The one who moves you with (always hurt, always hurt, always, always hurt)
Vždycky bol, vždycky bol
Always hurt, always hurt
Ten čo Vami hýbe (vždycky bol, vždycky bol, vždycky bol)
The one who moves you (always hurt, always hurt, always hurt)
Vždycky bol, vždycky bol
Always hurt, always hurt
Kým po mňa príde, budem ten čo, ten čo s vami hýbe
Until he comes for me, I'll be the one who, the one who moves you
Vždycky bol extrémne zásobený lyrikou
Always extremely stocked with lyrics
Jak Biggie Small
Like Biggie Small
Aj keď prostroreký, nemotal tie hlavy, čistý stôl
Although outspoken, he didn't twist those heads, a clean slate
Stále tvrdohlavý, videl obraz života jak z knihy snov
Still headstrong, he saw the picture of life like a book of dreams
Celý život na hrane, strechy mrakodrapu jak čiriklo
A lifetime on the brink, the roof of a skyscraper like a lark
Mimikry jak chameleón, nikdy bro
Mimicry like a chameleon, never bro
Férový jak Čistychov
Fair like Čistychov
Aj keď netúžil, celý život bol sprevádzaný mystikou
Although he didn't crave it, his whole life was accompanied by mysticism
To rozúzlenie osemnásta dynastia, Egypt, oh
That resolution, the eighteenth dynasty, Egypt, oh
Kľudne sa kukne do zrkadla spáva
He'll gladly look in the mirror while sleeping
Spokojným spánkom neodrbáva
Doesn't sleep peacefully
Neni to ten čo ťa poohovára
Not the one who gossips about you
Do papule povie všetko sláva
He'll say everything to your face, that's fame
Mu nerobí nič je to za nim nemáva
He doesn't do anything, it's behind him, he doesn't have it
Tie maniere je jak pokosená tráva
Those manners are like mowed grass
Rovný a čistý jak v pohári sava
Straight and clean like bleach in a glass
Furt je to on však sleduj jak dáva
He's still the one, but watch him give
Vždycky to bolo len za jedným stolom
It was always just at one table
Vždycky to bolo len o ňom zbohom
It's always been just about him, goodbye
Nikdy to nebol len lajk a follow
It was never just a like and a follow
Nikdy to neboli copy a gorov
It was never copy and gorov
Zleteli z Tatry a boli oporou
They flew down from the Tatras and were a support
Hudbe čo nemala obdobu chorou
To music that had no equal, sick
Krajinou zobrali synom len vzdorou
They took the country by storm with their defiant sons
A ich mikrofóny boli plné názorov
And their microphones were full of opinions

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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