Separ feat. Matej Straka - Vyjebala Rešpekt - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Separ feat. Matej Straka - Vyjebala Rešpekt

Vyjebala Rešpekt
Fucked Up Respect
Roky čakala, roky plakala
She waited for years, cried for years
Hľadala čáva, chlapa a chalana
She was looking for a man, not a boy
čo minimálne auto a barák
Who has at least a car and a house
čo sa vždy postará, aby všetko dostala
Who will always take care of her, so she gets everything
Tak sa dala do gala, make-upom dogabala
So she dressed up, put on her make-up
Hľadala niečo ako Rytma alebo Separa
She was looking for something like Rytmus or Separ
Musí to byť osud, lebo ho zbadala
It must be fate, because she saw him
Ale neni zlatokopka, lebo sama zarába
But she's not a gold digger, because she makes her own money
Neni piča takže mu hneď neskočí na banán
She's not a bitch, so she won't jump on his dick right away
Ale nechce ani nudného kokota - farára
But she doesn't want a boring prick - a priest
Musí dobre kúrovať, vedieť s ním narábať
He must be good in bed, she needs to know how to handle him
Ale musí jej dať slobodu a ne ju naháňať
But he must give her freedom and not chase her
Byť vtipný a zároveň jej pomáhať
Be funny and help her at the same time
Keď schýzu, keď krámy prídu
When she's crazy, when her period comes
A nemóže byť tupý, mať mozgovú výduť
And he can't be stupid, have a brain fart
Proste úplný jackpot - vyjebaný výbuch
Just a complete jackpot - a fucking explosion
Tak sleduje kurvu čo je s ním, jak sa hýbu
So she watches that bitch who's with him, how they move
A rozmýšľa, jaký zvoliť prístup - JESUS!
And thinks about what approach to take - JESUS!
Snáď to neni jeho žena
I hope that's not his wife
čávo nemóže mať tak zlý vkus
The dude can't have such bad taste
Kamoškyn kamoš je s ním kamoš
Her friend's friend is friends with him
Zohnala jej číslo, napísal a si píšu
She got her number, he wrote and they're already texting
Samozrejme nebere sa ohľad na píču
Of course, she doesn't care about that bitch
Aj tak to nebolo nič vážne
It wasn't anything serious anyway
urobila výsluch
She already interrogated him
Rada sa predvádza, miluje Sex v meste
She likes to show off, she loves Sex and the City
Vóbec ju nesere, že čávo na ňu čakal doma
She doesn't give a shit that the dude was waiting for her at home
Kým si ona vyjebala rešpekt
While she fucked up respect
Smutné, no trefné
Sad, but true
Keď si práve ona spieva tento refrén
When she's singing this chorus right now
Hnusné, no bežné
Disgusting, but common
Z dediny sa prefajčila na predmestie
She smoked her way from the village to the suburbs
Dali sa dokopy a sen je
They got together and the dream is
Razom realita každodenne, lenže
Suddenly a daily reality, but
čajka sa po pár mesácoh správa tak
after a few months the chick is acting like
Jak keby mala non-stop menzes
She has a non-stop period
Sama neví čoo, ale je to, chce všetko
She doesn't know what, but it is, she wants everything
Z večera do rána cez noc a bez hviezd
From evening to morning, through the night and without stars
V klube to jebe do tej hlavy cez nos
In the club, she's shoving it up her nose
Bežne Mercedes Benz ju vyváža po meste
Usually a Mercedes Benz drives her around town
A si v piči keď si myslíš, že to nemóže byť lepšie
And you're fucked if you think it can't get any better
Lebo toto bola iba predzvesť toho
Because this was just a foretaste of
že žena toho čaká mnoho
that a woman expects a lot
Ty prijebaná ringla tak sa aspoň ohol
You fucking stove, at least shave
Keď neupraceš, nenavaríš tak zbohom
If you don't clean, don't cook, then goodbye
Takých kurev jak si ty stojí 5 za každým rohom
There are 5 bitches like you on every corner
Vraj ho miluješ. tie pičoviny mu ani nehovor
You say you love him. Don't even tell him that bullshit
Tvoja domácnosť je vyjebaný horor
Your household is a fucking horror
Vonku si modelka a doma smetie
Outside you're a model and at home you're trash
Jak sa jeden kabát toľkokrát prezliecť?
How can you change one coat so many times?
Ohováraš ľudí ktorých nepoznáš a presne
You gossip about people you don't know and you know exactly
Vieš kto je s kým a rozdelíš ich keď sa hecneš
Who is with whom and you will break them up if you get excited
Celý deň spí a potom celé noci je preč
She sleeps all day and then she's gone all night
Zrazu je to buchta čo nechceš
Suddenly she's a chick you don't want
A to si rozmýšľal, že si ju vezmeš
And you were thinking of marrying her
Že je to matka tvojich detí
That she's the mother of your children
Teraz máš od nej herpes
Now you have herpes from her
Rada sa predvádza, miluje Sex v meste
She likes to show off, she loves Sex and the City
Vóbec ju nesere, že čávo na ňu čakal doma
She doesn't give a shit that the dude was waiting for her at home
Kým si ona vyjebala rešpekt
While she fucked up respect
Smutné, no trefné
Sad, but true
Keď si práve ona spieva tento refrén
When she's singing this chorus right now
Hnusné, no bežné
Disgusting, but common
Z dediny sa prefajčila na predmestie
She smoked her way from the village to the suburbs
Žabka prosím ťa nežartuj
Froggy please don't joke
Naštartuj to auto a zmizni dopiče
Start the car and get the fuck out of here
sa tu prosím ťa nemancuj
Please don't show off here anymore
čáva si vybrala jak banku - je čas sa zamysleť
The chick chose you like a bank - it's time to think
On ti dal všetko a ty si mu nedala nič
He gave you everything and you gave him nothing
Robiť z neho kokota bol tvoj top koníček
Making a fool of him was your top hobby
Nemóžeš dostávať, keď nedávaš nič naspäť
You can't get anything if you don't give anything back
A móžeš sa aj pojebať andelíček
And you can fuck yourself, little angel
Moja zlatá
My dear
V živote nebudeš mať normálneho chlapa
You will never have a normal man in your life
Keď sa nezačneš inak správať aj ty
If you don't start acting differently
Nemóže ťa nosiť na rukách niekto
Someone can't carry you in their arms
Koho si nevážiš, bavíš sa s ním jak piča
Who you don't respect, you talk to him like a bitch
Lezeš mu na nervy
You get on his nerves
Nemóžeš robiť formu na chlapa
You can't mold a man
čo chcel mať s tebou rodinu a
who wanted to have a family with you and
Kvôli tebe chcel byť normálny
wanted to be normal because of you
Ale čávo čo rozum a love
But a dude who has brains and money
Ti nebude robiť kokota
He won't be your fool
Keď pozná v meste všetky barmanky
When he knows all the bartenders in town
Rada sa predvádza, miluje Sex v meste
She likes to show off, she loves Sex and the City
Vóbec ju nesere, že čávo na ňu čakal doma
She doesn't give a shit that the dude was waiting for her at home
Kým si ona vyjebala rešpekt
While she fucked up respect
Smutné, no trefné
Sad, but true
Keď si práve ona spieva tento refrén
When she's singing this chorus right now
Hnusné, no bežné
Disgusting, but common
Z dediny sa prefajčila na predmestie
She smoked her way from the village to the suburbs

Авторы: Matej Straka, Michael Kmeť

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