Separ feat. Minimo - Cirkus - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Separ feat. Minimo - Cirkus

Prečo majú furt pocit, že potrebujem ja ich a ne oni mňa
Why do they always feel like I need them and not the other way around?
Prečo sa ti tu mám fotiť a robiť kokota na konci dňa, ha
Why should I take pictures here and act like a fool at the end of the day, huh?
Prečo sa malé buchty chcú podobať na modelky a nevedia spať
Why do little chicks want to look like models and can't sleep at night?
Prečo chlapci musia mať svaly a vážiť si na gramy, čo budú žrať
Why do those guys need to have muscles and weigh their food in grams?
Všetko je povrchný cirkus, gumené cecky, s fotrom bol napiču vzťah
Everything is a superficial circus, rubber tits, a fucked up relationship with your dad
Celý ten skurvený závod je iba maska, čo celý čas zakrýva strach
This whole damn race is just a mask that hides fear all the time
Zo zlyhania a čo na to povedia iní, to sa ti nemože stať
Fear of failure and what others will say, that can't happen to you
Byť otrokom názoru masy možeš len vtedy, keď to tak ty budeš brať
You can only be a slave to the opinion of the masses if you let it be that way
Bereme do ruky prak a rotujú kovové matice do stredu čela
We take a slingshot in our hands and rotate metal nuts into the center of the forehead
Ukáž tatkovi titulku, kde si jak kurva, veď toto si chcela
Show your dad the cover where you're like a whore, this is what you wanted
Doniesla si si sem cecky a piču, len rozum zostal pri dverách
You brought your tits and pussy here, but your brain stayed at the door
Nemohol sa dívať na to jaký máš mejkap a jaká si skvelá
He couldn't stand to see your makeup and how great you are
Fajnová rybacia huba, tvár bez mimiky, nafúknutá jak čmelák
Fine fish lips, a face without expression, inflated like a bumblebee
Transexuálne hovado, mozog ti vytlačili jak jebák
Transsexual freak, your brain was squeezed out like a pimple
Ahoj ja som ten Separ, vulgárny raper, to je niečo jak spevák
Hi, I'm Separ, a vulgar rapper, that's something like a singer
áno mám veľké uši a židovský nos, lebo som feťák
Yes, I have big ears and a Jewish nose because I'm a junkie
Chodila by po rukách
She would walk on her hands
Novodobá porucha
A modern disorder
Len aby ju videli
Just so they could see her
V čom je zasa obutá
What shoes she's wearing again
Kto to a čo zač
Who are they and what are they like
Milujú sa nač sa báť
They love each other, why be afraid
Natlač si ho do hlavy
Shove it into your head
Bandaliro karabach
Bandaliro karabakh
Biceps a pitbul a auto je základ
Biceps and a pitbull and a car is the foundation
Ten pitbul je sprostý, v kotrbe maštal
That pitbull is stupid, he has a stable in his skull
A auto na fotrovu firmu, ty zasran
And the car is on your dad's company, you bastard
Bicepsy zaliate vodou, zastav
Biceps filled with water, just stop
A pozri sa okolo seba
And look around you
Psovi daj výbeh a výchovu nech mu nemusí tak jebať
Give the dog a run and training so he doesn't have to bark so much
Nemusíš byť nasilu niekto, kto nejsi a celý sa predať
You don't have to force yourself to be someone you're not and sell yourself completely
Ten cirkus je vyjebaný viral, čo smrdí na celé auto jak telací kebab
This circus is a fucked up virus that stinks up the whole car like a veal kebab
Skurvená pastva na oči ti nakazí mozog plesňou, tak treba sa nedať
A damn feast for the eyes will infect your brain with mold, so you have to resist
Preto mám každý deň sobotu, preto mám úplne piči, kedy je streda
That's why I have Saturday every day, that's why I don't give a shit what day it is
Mám piči, do je vo vláde a jebem tvoj titul odtiaľto nepríde zmena
I don't give a fuck who's in the government, change won't come from there
Mám piči, tých bravčových kokotov, môj život je iba o mojich stenách
I don't give a fuck about those pig cops, my life is only about my walls
O mojom synovi na lízing a o mojich krásnych ženách
About my son on lease and my beautiful women
Chodila by po rukách
She would walk on her hands
Novodobá porucha
A modern disorder
Len aby ju videli
Just so they could see her
V čom je zasa obutá
What shoes she's wearing again
Kto to a čo zač
Who are they and what are they like
Milujú sa nač sa báť
They love each other, why be afraid
Natlač si ho do hlavy
Shove it into your head
Bandaliro karabach
Bandaliro karabakh
Ere bere, koza sere, medzi dvere von
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, out the door you go
One check, dva check, Mini mikrofón
One check, two check, Mini's got the microphone
Nebereme k sebe toho, do sklon
We don't take those who have a tendency
Chovať sa jak tela a pohŕdať životom
To act like bodies and despise life
Nechceme tých, ktorý majú ten defekt
We don't want those who have that defect
Robiť veci v živote len na efekt - ide sám proti sebe jak zarastený nechet
To do things in life just for effect - he goes against himself like an ingrown nail
Tennesseeho mačka na horúcej streche
Tennessee cat on a hot tin roof
čím viac ich vidím, tým viac ma to baví
The more I see them, the more I enjoy it
Fascinuje chcem im vidieť do hlavy
It fascinates me, I want to see inside their heads
Ľudia plný hovien jak správy
People are full of shit like the news
Svet je len cirkus treba sa chrániť
The world is just a circus, you have to protect yourself
A brániť sa takýmto typom
And defend yourself against such types
A strániť sa od ich... stereotypov
And stay away from their... stereotypes
Vrátiť sa naspäť... od ikon
Go back... from icons
K tomu, do si ty... a ne, že Louis Vuitton
To who you are... and not Louis Vuitton

Авторы: Martina Csillagová, Michael Kmeť

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