Separ, Momo & Cistychov - Týmto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Separ, Momo & Cistychov - Týmto

By This
Hej (hej) Bratislava drží spolu (spolu)
Hey (hey) Bratislava holds together (together)
Musíš ctít starú
You gotta respect the old school
Aby si veril v novú školu čo vám dali za výchovu (za výchovu)
To believe in the new school, the upbringing you were given (the upbringing)
Teraz Momo sám, Monsignor Separ a Čistychov spolu
Now Momo alone, Monsignor Separ and Čistychov together
My sme hore, čakáme na ráno, vidíme jak svet spí
We're up, waiting for the morning, watching the world sleep
Svit je na dosah, slnko mení tmavý vesmír.
Dawn is within reach, the sun changes the dark universe.
Sem s ním, nech v ňom čestná hudba žiari,
Bring it on, let honest music shine in it,
Aj nad pomyselné čiary aj nad miliardový mainstream.
Beyond imaginary lines and beyond the billion-dollar mainstream.
sa za ním nikto netrhá, jak pes za mäsom besný
No one tears after it anymore, like a dog after meat, furious
Stiahne doma v papučách, dátum vydania je presný,
Downloads at home in slippers, the release date is precise,
Keď sa pýtam, cigánia, že majú originál lesklý,
When I ask, the gypsies, that they have a shiny original,
Nepodporí, čo ho baví, no ten album chce mať bez chýb.
They won't support what they enjoy, but they want that album flawless.
Bez chýb, do detailu pripravený odísť na net,
Flawless, prepared to the detail to go online,
Kritikom dufám od nás ulahodí tento námet,
I hope this theme will please the critics from us,
Kedy záveť bude platná stupáť s rizikom
When the will is valid, it rises with risk
Na tebe to stojí opráš plecia nestoj pri nikom
It's on you, dust off your shoulders, don't stand by anyone
Niesom Louis Vuitton, polšeraton, Cartoon Hilton ne
I'm not Louis Vuitton, half-sheraton, Cartoon Hilton no
Niesom diamant, briliant som zirkon,
I'm not a diamond, a brilliant, I'm a zircon,
A tymto pripominam v repe strasne svätý grál
And by this I remind you of the holy grail in rap
Som názor za ľudí z ulíc ne pyšný slepý král
I'm the opinion of the people from the streets, not a proud blind king
Prenikám hlbšie letím k vám jak pelikán
I penetrate deeper, I fly to you like a pelican
Mám svoju pravdu, poznám odpovede, tak sa nepýtam
I have my truth, I know the answers, so I don't ask
Dávno rozbitá je podpora, jak sklo do všetkých strán
Support has long been shattered, like glass in all directions
Treba zlepiť črepy dokopy v celok verím vám
We need to glue the shards back together, I believe in you
No nechci od nás viac, jak vieš dať späť, nech to neni veľa
But I don't want more from us than you know how to give back, let it not be much
Musíš podporiť, čo sa ti páči, nebuď slepé teľa
You have to support what you like, don't be a blind calf
Člen spoločnosti, čo ťa nikdy nevidela
A member of society that has never seen you
Zober hudbu do rúk, aby pred očami nezhorela.
Take music into your hands so it doesn't burn before your eyes.
Týmto, týmto, týmto, týmto
By this, by this, by this, by this
Ukáže sa ktorý ma na sebe ten symptón
It will show who has that symptom on them
Čo žere hudbu pretlačeným dcerám synkom
Who eats music shoved down the throats of daughters and sons
Ovplyvnení presne jak sa prepokladá
Influenced exactly as expected
Vidím to
I see it
Týmto, týmto, týmto, týmto
By this, by this, by this, by this
Ukáže sa ktorý ma na sebe ten symptón
It will show who has that symptom on them
Čo ukazuje telka žerú ľudia vidím to
What the TV shows, people eat, I see it
To psycho nevidíte zhodťe žezla vzdajte im to
That psycho, you don't see it, throw down the scepters, give it up to them
Vypni zvuk zapni rozum otvor uši
Turn off the sound, turn on your mind, open your ears
Posluchač chce ti na tvoj rap kabat ušiť
The listener wants to sew a coat for your rap
taky pocit že tuší čo s čím sluší
He has a feeling that he knows what goes with what
Je múdry v partii aj tak chuj tuší
He's wise in the group, yet he still has no clue
Veľa obmedzencov zmena v hudbe fakt bolí
Many limitations, change in music really hurts
O dozrievaní v hudbe vedia oni kak holý
They know about maturing in music like a bald man
Zastali o desať rokov vzad v rozvoji
They stopped ten years ago in development
Keby si to spravil tak aj tak ten disk nepodporí
If you did it that way, he wouldn't support that disc anyway
Všeci len posnoriť na nete obľúbene veci
Everyone just sniffs their favorite things on the net
Bereš si ich zo sebou hoci kde, kde si
You take them with you wherever you are, wherever you are
Hra ti to v aute, v slúchadlách, vonku aj doma
It plays in your car, headphones, outside and at home
Lenže zadarmo nedá sa mať plný pohár
But for free you can't have a full glass
Myslíš že dokedy to bude trvať keď ju nekupiš
Do you think how long it will last if you don't buy it
Je vás fakt málo ktorý to nechcete dopustit
There are really few of you who don't want to let it happen
Aby skapala naša čo je pre gurmánov
So that ours, which is for gourmets, dies
Zobrala ju masa jak voda len vata pre zasranov
The masses took it like water, just cotton wool for assholes
Chceli by ste supermanov, chceli by ste super raperov
You would like supermen, you would like super rappers
Doma super ebedo, chlap super hebedo
Super ebony at home, super hebedo guy
love na cigarety, drogy, chlast neviem čo
There's love for cigarettes, drugs, booze, I don't know what
No nedá korunu za mp3 desat za CD
But he won't give a crown for mp3, ten for CD
Tu produkcia stojí peniaze a hlavne vela času
Here production costs money and especially a lot of time
Ak mám nahánat sa za prachami hudba nemá čas
If I have to chase money, music has no time anymore
Poď si to vymeniť budem ťa uznávať zadarmo
Come exchange it, I'll acknowledge you for free
A ty rob ľudí šťastnými a hraj nech mi je fajno
And you make people happy and play so I feel good
Týmto, týmto, týmto, týmto
By this, by this, by this, by this
Ukáže sa ktorý ma na sebe ten symptón
It will show who has that symptom on them
Čo žere hudbu pretlačeným dcerám synkom
Who eats music shoved down the throats of daughters and sons
Ovplyvnení presne jak sa prepokladá
Influenced exactly as expected
Vidím to
I see it
Týmto, týmto, týmto, týmto
By this, by this, by this, by this
Ukáže sa ktorý ma na sebe ten symptón
It will show who has that symptom on them
Čo ukazuje telka žerú ľudia vidím to
What the TV shows, people eat, I see it
To psycho nevidíte zhodťe žezla vzdajte im to
That psycho, you don't see it, throw down the scepters, give it up to them
Text pridal cLeim
Lyrics added by cLeim
Text opravil KFakt
Lyrics corrected by KFakt
Video přidal ondrastyjebo
Video added by ondrastyjebo

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