Watch as the torchlight cuts through the darkness,
Nejsom pojebaný zasran čo sa ťa zlakne,
I'm not a damn bastard who's afraid of you,
Vidím len priemerných šedých raperov čo sú na dne.
I only see mediocre gray rappers who are at the bottom.
Som zocelený ulicou neraz som dostal lakte,
I am tempered by the streets, I've been hit with elbows more than once,
Neraz rozdal bomby na sánky takže,
More than once I've blown bombs on jaws so,
Keď sa chceš hrať skúšaj to vo svojej parte,
If you want to play, try it in your own circle,
Piča raperom vypisujem pardé.
I'm sorry, but I'm writing off punk rappers.
Mladá krv posol smrti jak havran zvonec,
Young blood, a harbinger of death like a raven's bell,
Preberám ich smetiarske rapy jak bezdomovec
I'm taking out their trashy raps like a homeless man
Koše, som šablóna rapu, úplne košér,
Garbage cans, I'm a rap stencil, completely kosher,
Si z toho v piči jak si verím, sa doser.
You're at a loss how much I believe in myself, so piss off.
Furt Buldozér! Furt plný kotel!
Always a bulldozer! Always on fire!
Nonstop bijem papulou beaty jak fotel,
I relentlessly hit beats with my mouth like a chair,
Moja vlajka veje vo vetre a tebe teče sopel,
My flag flies in the wind and your nose runs,
Hnutie za rap vybité zuby a fokel.
A rap movement with broken teeth and a seal.
Pojebaní dilinovci núkajú mi čísla,
Fucking idiots offering me numbers,
Chlapci čo sú zlí jak ich najebaný freestyle,
Guys who are as bad as their stoned freestyle,
Som kryštáľ slohu nedám hocikomu,
I'm a crystal of verse, I won't give it to just anyone,
Ste stratení jak decko čo utieklo z domu.
You're as lost as a child who's run away from home.
Vďaka Bohu, mám na vás imunitu,
Thank God, I have immunity to you,
Som jak highkick na hrtan stratíš stabilitu,
I'm like a high kick to the throat, you'll lose your balance,
Striktný rap ťa rozjebe jak kladivo kus bakelitu,
Strict rap will smash you like a hammer, a piece of bakelite,
Slovná zásoba početná jak kanále satelitu.
A vocabulary as numerous as satellite channels.
Môžeš držať piču, iná cesta není,
You can shut up, there is no other way,
Sleduj sebavedomý hrdý čávo obdarený,
Watch a confident proud guy who is gifted,
Silou slov, ktoré majú váhu,
With the power of words that have weight,
Jak vyjebaný vorváň s podporou davu.
Like a fucking sperm whale with the support of a crowd.
Nedám ti zľavu, vím jakú mám cenu,
I won't give you a discount, I know what I'm worth,
Kontaktuj nás a doneseme komplet menu,
Contact us and we'll bring you the full menu,
Permanentne zajebem ja nerobím henu,
I'll fuck you up permanently, I don't do henna,
Hejteri sú z toho v piči s nervami, slintajú penu.
Haters are freaking out with nerves, salivating.
Nemôžem sa dívať na to jak si slabý choď mi z cestý, z cestý. Zbal si ten cirkus choď do piče nevracaj sa sem s ním. Potrebuješ talent tak nerob to nasilu, nejde to nijak ledva tlačíš na pílu.
I can't stand to watch you weak, get out of my way, out of my way. Pack up that circus, get the hell out of here, don't come back with it. You need talent, so don't force it, it doesn't work, you can hardly push the saw.
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