Separ - Mladý Chalan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Separ - Mladý Chalan

Mladý Chalan
Young Buck
(čo-ah?) Toto je reálny príbeh (reálny), mladý Separ,
(what-ah?) This is a real story (real), young Separ,
Nejaké roky dozadu, (čo-A-A) ti jebe na hlavu? (Separ-Separ... čo, ah, ah - čo?)... KGB crew... kto tam bol somnou tak vie to ... raz dva-raz dva... poď...
Some years back, (what-A-A) are you crazy? (Separ-Separ... what, ah, ah - what?)... KGB crew... those who were there with me know it ... one two-one two... come on...
Je to nejaký ten rok dozadu mladý chalan,
It was some years ago, a young buck,
Vedel že talent bola by škoda keby ho neposkladal.
He knew he had talent, it would be a shame if he didn't put it together.
Hodiny strávené za stolom s ceruzou v ruke,
Hours spent at the table with a pencil in hand,
Checkoval veci a fleky miesta v autobuse.
Checking things and spots on the bus.
Mesta čo ťa rovno zožere pokiaľ ťa nedokúše,
Cities that will devour you if they don't bite you,
Nemôžeš byť dosraný - doma sa schovať pod vankúše.
You can't be scared - hiding at home under pillows.
Chcel mať meno byť ako Daor a Senior,
He wanted to have a name, to be like Daor and Senior,
Išiel do toho naplno s tou hlavou pojašenou.
He went all in with that crazy head of his.
Soplák, na školáku, na stoličke rooftop pod lampou,
A snot-nosed kid, on a school chair, rooftop under a lamp,
Furt sa flákal mával na škole problémy s dochádzkou.
Always slacking off, had problems with attendance at school.
V zošitoch len tagy throwupy a skeče,
Only tags, throw-ups, and sketches in notebooks,
Mal piči učivo aj bez neho mu život neuteče.
He didn't give a damn about the curriculum, life wouldn't run away from him without it.
Mal svojho rozumu dosť poznámky písal na steny,
He had enough of his own mind, he wrote notes on the walls,
Na sídlisku odkiaľ je aj prvý slovenský writer vážený.
In the housing estate where the first respected Slovak writer is also from.
S Danom prvé panely v jarde mali raj na zemi,
With Dan, the first panels in the yard, they had heaven on earth,
20 minút outline blesk do tmy stratený.
20 minutes outline, lightning into the darkness, lost.
Sledovali jardy kupovali farby,
They watched the yards, bought paints,
Kryli si chrbát lebo veci nediali sa v rámci srandy.
They covered each other's backs because things weren't happening for fun.
Behali po meste s modelom zásobovali bandy,
They ran around the city with a model, supplying gangs,
Aby bolo na cesty na miesta kam nemôže každý.
So there would be something for the roads, for places where not everyone can go.
To bola doba keď boli veci inak,
That was the time when things were different,
Deti nesedeli doma pri pičovinách,
Kids didn't sit at home with bullshit,
Maľovanie bolo viac jak vyjebané hobby,
Painting was more than just a fucking hobby,
Chodievam často do tej doby sedieť späť na tie schody.
I often go back to that time to sit on those stairs again.
(Nebolo vždy toto všetko tak ako dnes... tak jak bomby-tagy od parťákov všade... bolo toho veľa a tie zážitky silné... cítim sa jak umelec, bol som writer aj raper!)
(It wasn't always all like this... like bombs-tags from buddies everywhere... there was a lot and those experiences are strong... I feel like an artist, I was a writer and a rapper!)
Išiel ďalej jak metro od zastávky k ďalšej,
He went further like a subway from one stop to the next,
Videl zmysel a vedel že sa v maľovaní našiel.
He saw the meaning and knew he had found himself in painting.
Prvý Vulcan Cross spolu s Danom na áčku,
The first Vulcan Cross with Dan on the train,
V živote som nedal horší skeč na kopačku.
I've never done a worse sketch on a shoe.
No každý ďalší panel kvalitnejší, farebnejší lepší,
But every next panel was of higher quality, more colorful, better,
Každý kto to videl videl že ten štýl neni detský.
Everyone who saw it could see that the style was no longer childish.
Sme to jebali do radu jak kokotom medzi cecky,
We were banging it in a row like dicks between tits,
Jedna ruka so starými psami týmto zdravým všetkých.
One hand with the old dogs, with this I salute everyone.
V tom čase dávno skečovali tvary KGB,
At that time, they were sketching KGB shapes a long time ago,
Sedem bombimgov za víkend s celou crew tak nech ti nejebe.
Seven bomb-images in a weekend with the whole crew, so don't fuck with us.
Boli sme nindžovia dali sme hocičo,
We were ninjas, we did anything,
Všetko zajebané od farieb robilo vrásky rodičom.
Everything covered in paint gave parents wrinkles.
Som bol pri tom - aj keď iní maľovali viac,
I was there - even though others painted more,
Keď mali 3OO panelov mal som ich 5O.
When they had 300 panels, I had 50.
Zrazu milióny zážitkov cesty po európe,
Suddenly millions of experiences, journeys through Europe,
Kontakty na writerov love na tiket ktoré nepreslopeš.
Contacts with writers, love on tickets you can't lose.
Hodiny jazdy vo vlakoch, hlava v oblakoch,
Hours of riding on trains, head in the clouds,
Pečiatky rôznych krajín v pase, na chrbte len batoh.
Stamps from different countries in my passport, just a backpack on my back.
Videl miesta ktoré bežný človek neuvidí nikdy,
He saw places that an ordinary person will never see,
Stres a eufória v jednom pocite mi dala kyslík.
Stress and euphoria in one feeling gave me oxygen.
To bola doba keď boli veci inak,
That was the time when things were different,
Mladí nesedeli doma pri pičovinách,
Young people didn't sit at home with bullshit,
Maľovanie bolo viac jak vyjebané hobby,
Painting was more than just a fucking hobby,
Chodievam často do tej doby sedieť späť na tie schody.
I often go back to that time to sit on those stairs again.
(Nebolo vždy toto všetko tak ako dnes... tak jak bomby-tagy od parťákov všade... bolo toho veľa a tie zážitky silné... cítim sa jak umelec, bol som writer aj raper!)
(It wasn't always all like this... like bombs-tags from buddies everywhere... there was a lot and those experiences are strong... I feel like an artist, I was a writer and a rapper!)
V tento moment je to bohužiaľ ina káva,
At this moment, it's unfortunately a different kind of coffee,
Sem-tam dám legal starý separ zaostáva.
Here and there I do a legal one, the old Separ is falling behind.
No každopádne som vďačný za chvíle života,
But in any case, I'm grateful for the moments of life,
Keď nám bolo jedno všetko - more živá tupota.
When we didn't care about anything - a sea of living footsteps.
Zdravím KGB, zdravím Rascals aj Mutantov,
Greetings to KGB, greetings to Rascals and Mutants,
Moja zovretá päsť k oblohe pre bratov.
My clenched fist to the sky for my brothers.
Cením všetko čo bolo dajte mi venovanie k panelu,
I appreciate everything that was, give me a dedication to the panel,
Za vás píšem obrovský big up fat capom na stenu.
For you, I write a huge big up with a fat cap on the wall.
Text pridala Leush
Lyrics added by Leush
Text opravil _Nero
Lyrics corrected by _Nero
Video přidal _Nero
Video added by _Nero

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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