Sergio Dalma - Ara Ja No Es Hora - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sergio Dalma - Ara Ja No Es Hora

Ara Ja No Es Hora
It's Not Time Now
Un altre diumenge, camí del capvespre
Another Sunday, on the way to dusk
Tan dins del meu món, avui penso
So deep in my world, today I think
Alló que el temps amaga
Of all that time conceals
Llegint cada carta i paraula a paraula
Reading each letter and word by word
Per tu va signada
They're signed for you
Un altre diumenge, camí del capvespre
Another Sunday, on the way to dusk
No m'esperava una trucada passada mitja vida
I didn't expect a phone call after half a lifetime
Qui sap si després de tanta espera
Who knows if after so long
Entens una manera
You'll understand in a way
Més no puc entendre que em diguis
But I can't understand you telling me
Que no et vols anar d'aquí
That you don't want to leave here
No ara, no ara
I don't know now, I don't know now
Treuré de mi un somriure
I'll force a smile
I així no hauré de plorar
And so I won't have to cry
Massa temps per a decidir-te
Too much time to make up your mind
Vull oblidar tot el passat
I want to forget all the past
Ara ja no és hora
Now is not the time
Ara que has perdut a la persona és quan t'adones
Now that you've lost the person is when you realize
Que el teu cor no oblida
That your heart doesn't forget
Però fa temps que el meu no et crida
But for a long time now mine hasn't called you
És quan te n'adones
That's when you realize
Ara ja no és hora
Now is not the time
L'ànima que un dia vas ferir es va fer invisible
The soul that you once hurt became invisible
I no canviaré, no tornaré a mostrar-me feble
And I won't change, I won't show myself weak again
Ara ja no és hora
Now is not the time
Un altre diumenge, camí del capvespre
Another Sunday, on the way to dusk
Hi ha coses que no esborraria
There are things I wouldn't erase
Però que mai més faria
But which I would never do again
Encara que passin el dies
Even if days go by
Tothom trobará una sortida
Everyone will find a way out
El bon mans de l'odi comença a podrir-se
The good hands of hate begin to rot
I tu, cada vegada ho fas pitjor
And you, you're getting worse by the day
Què intentes canviar?
What are you trying to change?
Massa temps per a decidir-te
Too much time to make up your mind
Millor si et quedes on estàs
It's better if you stay where you are
Permet que et digui avui
Let me tell you today
Que ara ja no és hora
That now is not the time
Ara que has perdut a la persona és quan t'adones
Now that you've lost the person is when you realize
Que el teu cor no oblida
That your heart doesn't forget
Però fa temps que el meu no et crida
But for a long time now mine hasn't called you
És quan te n'adones
That's when you realize
Ara ja no és hora
Now is not the time
L'Ànima que un dia vas ferir es va fer invisible
The soul that you once hurt became invisible
I no canviaré, no tornaré a mostrar-me feble
And I won't change, I won't show myself weak again
Ara ja no és hora
Now is not the time

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