Severina - Ostavljena - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Severina - Ostavljena

Dajte mi viski,
Give me whiskey,
Nocas nisam za vino,
I'm not in the mood for wine tonight,
Ubio me kao nijedan prije
He killed me like no one else before
Malo teturam,
I'm a little tipsy,
Al' bas mi je fino
But I'm feeling fine
I nista, nista mi nije.
And nothing, nothing matters to me.
Idem kuci tako sretna i sama
I'm going home so happy and alone
Leci cu opet u nas krevet straha
I'll fly again to our bed of fear
Kraj covjeka kog zvala sam svojim
Next to the man I used to call mine
A sad ga se bojim.
And now I'm afraid of him.
Kraj mene godinama
For years, next to me
Miran spavao
He slept peacefully
Ja oka nisam sklopila ni trena
I haven't slept a wink in all that time
Jer sam se straha nauzivala
Because I was consumed by the fear
Da cu biti zamjenjena.
That I would be replaced.
Al' sreco moja, ja cu tebe ostaviti prva
But lucky me, I'll be the first to leave you
Ne zbog toga sto sam jaka zena
Not because I'm a strong woman
Ja sam se straha nauzivala
I was consumed by the fear
Da cu biti ostavljena.
That I would be abandoned.
Ne, duso, meni ne treba
No, darling, I don't need
Maneken za ljubav
A love mannequin
Ko se sebi svidja
Who is in love with himself
Dok mene grli
While he's holding me
Meni treba neko da voli kad voli
I need someone who loves when he loves
Da me zagrli prvi.
Who is the first to embrace me.
Ljepoti mojoj prvi si se klanjao
You were the first to bow down to my beauty
Pa si je prvi u blato bacio
And you were the first to drag it into the mud
Ti sto si prvi na ljubav se kleo
You who first swore your love
Prvi si me izdao.
Were the first to betray me.
Kraj mene godinama
For years, next to me
Miran spavao
He slept peacefully
Ja oka nisam sklopila ni trena
I haven't slept a wink in all that time
Jer sam se straha nauzivala
Because I was consumed by the fear
Da cu biti zamjenjena.
That I would be replaced.
Al' sreco moja, ja cu tebe ostaviti prva
But lucky me, I'll be the first to leave you
Ne zbog toga sto sam jaka zena
Not because I'm a strong woman
Ja sam se straha nauzivala
I was consumed by the fear
Da cu biti ostavljena.
That I would be abandoned.

Авторы: Severina Vuckovic

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