Severina feat. Jala Brat - Otrove - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Severina feat. Jala Brat - Otrove

I kad bi oči sklopila u noći tmurnoj i besanoj
And if I shut my eyes on the dark, sleepless night
K'o na žaru led bi se topila
Your kiss would melt like ice on a funeral pyre
Opijena ljubiš me nestvarno
Intoxicated, you love me like it's not real
Kročila sam putem zločina
I have embarked on a path of evil
U samoći pola me je nestalo
In my solitude, half of me has vanished
Na peronu tame sam iskočila
I have jumped off the platform into darkness
Iz voza koji vodio te samo njoj
From a train that carried me only to her
I još te tražim u magli laži
I am looking for you still in the fog of lies
U hladnoj špilji naših pustih snova
In the cold cavern of our desolate dreams
I k'o klinka vjerovala bih u laži
And like a fool, I would believe the falsehoods
Bez tebe moja duša je k'o prazna soba
Without you, my soul is like an empty room
Otrove, moj otrove
My poison, my poison
Otrove, otrove
My poison, my poison
Vidim pored nje sve vrijeme si
I see that you are with her all the time
A breme bola bacio si na mene
And have left the burden of pain to me
Tablete za smirenje idu mi uz Hennessy
My sedatives with Hennessy
Jer duge noći sjećaju me na tebe
For the long nights that remind me of you
Ovo boli k'o nož u pleća
This pain is a knife in my back
Moja koljena su rane
My knees are raw wounds
Više ne mogu klečat
I'm unable to kneel anymore
Kome se molim, moj smijeh je jecaj
I pray to no one, my laughter is a sob
Višak sam k'o kraljica u špilu s četiri keca
I am the queen in a deck with four jokers
Kročila sam putem zločina
I have embarked on a path of evil
U samoći pola me je nestalo
In my solitude, half of me has vanished
Na peronu tame sam iskočila
I have jumped off the platform into darkness
Iz voza koji vodio te samo njoj
From a train that carried me only to her
I još te tražim u magli laži
I am looking for you still in the fog of lies
U hladnoj špilji naših pustih snova
In the cold cavern of our desolate dreams
I k'o klinka vjerovala bih u laži
And like a fool, I would believe the falsehoods
Bez tebe moja duša je k'o prazna soba
Without you, my soul is like an empty room
Otrove, moj otrove
My poison, my poison
Otrove, otrove
My poison, my poison
Mokar jastuk, a duša k'o barut
My pillow is wet, and my soul is like gunpowder
Dala sam ti sve i sjela na zadnji taxi
I gave you everything and took the last taxi out
Trudim se, ali tebe ne mogu svarit
I'm trying, but I can't get you to come back
Da si prokockao nas kao kelner bakšiš
Like a waiter's tip, you gambled our love away
Dok k'o okovi lome suze i utjehe
While the tears and condolences suffocate like chains
K'o oko vrata uže, k'o pištolj u glavu uperen
Like a noose around my neck, a gun pressed to my head
Emocije k'o ruže uvenu čim ih ubereš
Emotions wither away like picked flowers
Hrđu sa srca stružem, samo čekam da uvenem
I scrape the rust off my heart, waiting for the day I die
Ko te poslao kad ne znam da volim te
Who sent you when I did not know how to love you?
Molim te, šta je ostalo to srce da slomim
Please tell me, what is left that I might break this heart?
A-a-a uostalom umirem jer boli te
A-a-a yet I die because you are in pain
I sav otrov u tebi zove se imenom mojim
And all the poison in you is called by my name
I kad bi oči sklopila u noći tmurnoj i besanoj
And if I shut my eyes on the dark, sleepless night
K'o na žaru led bi se topila
Your kiss would melt like ice on a funeral pyre
Opijena ljubiš me nestvarno
Intoxicated, you love me like it's not real
Kročila sam putem zločina
I have embarked on a path of evil
U samoći pola me je nestalo
In my solitude, half of me has vanished
Na peronu tame sam iskočila
I have jumped off the platform into darkness
Iz voza koji vodio te samo njoj
From a train that carried me only to her
I još te tražim u magli laži
I am looking for you still in the fog of lies
U hladnoj špilji naših pustih snova
In the cold cavern of our desolate dreams
I k'o klinka vjerovala bih u laž
And like a fool, I would believe the falsehoods
Bez tebe moja duša je k'o prazna soba
Without you, my soul is like an empty room
Otrove, moj otrove
My poison, my poison
Otrove, otrove
My poison, my poison

Авторы: Jasmin Fazlić

Severina feat. Jala Brat - Halo
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