Shady Explícito - MERCY - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shady Explícito - MERCY

Señor ten piedad de mi
Lord have mercy on me
Oh señor ten piedad de mi
Oh Lord have mercy on me
Porque si hablamos sobre vivir
Because if we're talking about living
Me ha costado sobrevivir
It's been hard to survive
Señor ten piedad de mi
Lord have mercy on me
Oh señor ten piedad de mi
Oh Lord have mercy on me
Porque si hablamos sobre vivir
Because if we're talking about living
Me ha costado sobrevivir
It's been hard to survive
No es que sea difícil pero tampoco es easy
It's not that it's difficult but it's not easy either
Son pocos los momentos de paz, muchos los de crisis
There are few moments of peace, many of crisis
A veces me digo a mi mismo negro take it easy
Sometimes I tell myself, black man, take it easy
Antes de que escriba con polvora y escupa un misil
Before I write with gunpowder and spit a missile
La bomba ya detonó,
The bomb has already detonated,
De tono oscuro este boombap se tornó y de a poco se formó
This boombap turned dark and slowly formed
Este sentimiento enfermo y si te miento entonces que me parta un rayo
This sick feeling and if I lie to you then may lightning strike me
Hayo que ya ni duermo
I don't even sleep anymore
Muchos problemas, tu dirás, con 25 años?
Many problems, you'll say, at 25 years old?
Me parece extraño, que sai vo' de todo el daño que sufrío
It seems strange to me that you've come out of all the damage I've suffered
Por eso es que mi corazón es frio
That's why my heart is cold
No sonrío lo suficiente pa ser parte de este río de gente
I don't smile enough to be part of this river of people
Y es que siempre fui solitario independiente
And I was always solitary, independent
Los adversarios andan pendiente por si caigo por si de entre
Adversaries are watching in case I fall, in case I fall from among
To mis tropiezos no me levanto en el siguiente
All my stumbles, I don't get up on the next one
Pero pienso tanto que mi rival mas hardcore es mi propia mente
But I think so much that my most hardcore rival is my own mind
Y tambien mi mejor aliado
And also my best ally
Como puedo confiar en alguien si en el pasado
How can I trust someone if in the past
Cada vez que lo intenté siempre salí traicionao
Every time I tried, I always came out betrayed
Por eso que ahora no le compro a ningun perro culiao
That's why I don't buy anything from any dog now
Te hai fijao?
Have you noticed?
Que mientras mas planes tu hagas y todo empieza a salir bien
That the more plans you make and everything starts to go well
La vida se rie en tu cara
Life laughs in your face
Les gusta vernos siendo miserables
They like to see us being miserable
Dame un uno versus uno contra dios y dejaré que mi ser hable
Give me a one-on-one against God and I'll let my being speak
Dime porque a los que venimo desde abajo nos tratan como estropajo
Tell me why those of us who came from below are treated like rags
Y surgir nos cuesta el doble de trabajo
And it takes twice the effort to emerge
Salimo adelante a base de esfuerzo sin atajos
We get ahead through hard work, no shortcuts
Y por mas que el destino me golpee yo no me bajo
And no matter how much fate hits me, I don't get off
Aqui seguimo dando cara
Here we are, facing it
Aunque la vida nos salga un poco cara
Even though life is a little expensive for us
Mi gente de barrio es la mas fuerte nadie nos para
My people from the neighborhood are the strongest, no one stops us
Cada dia se acorta mas la brecha que del exito nos separa
Every day the gap that separates us from success is getting shorter
Señor ten piedad de mi
Lord have mercy on me
Oh señor ten piedad de mi
Oh Lord have mercy on me
Porque si hablamos sobre vivir
Because if we're talking about living
Me ha costado sobrevivir
It's been hard to survive
Señor ten piedad de mi
Lord have mercy on me
Oh señor ten piedad de mi
Oh Lord have mercy on me
Porque si hablamos sobre vivir
Because if we're talking about living
Me ha costado sobrevivir
It's been hard to survive

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