Shahzoda - Sen (RMX) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shahzoda - Sen (RMX)

Sen (RMX)
You (RMX)
O‘tib ketdi oqshomlar
Evenings have passed,
Esdan chiqdi uchrashuvlar
Meetings forgotten,
Baxtimiz yo‘qoldi birdan
Our happiness suddenly vanished,
Sen meni unutgan kundan
From the day you forgot me.
Afsus uchrashmaymiz endi
Alas, we won't meet again,
Hatto nigohlarimiz ham
Not even our glances will,
Uchrashmaydi nega endi
Why won't they meet now,
Hatto yonimdan o‘tsang ham
Even if you pass by me?
Ajralish bu shunchalik oson
Parting is so easy,
Uchrashish bu naqadar qiyin
Meeting is so difficult,
Baxtli bulish uni asrash qiyin.
To be happy, to cherish it is hard.
Sen yonimda bo‘lgin
Be by my side,
Yodimda bo‘lgin sen meni jonim
Stay in my memory, you are my soul,
Senda hayolim meni yorim
My thoughts are with you, my love,
Sensan hayotim
You are my life.
Sen yonimda bo‘lgin
Be by my side,
Yodimda bo‘lgin sen meni jonim
Stay in my memory, you are my soul,
Senda hayolim meni yorim
My thoughts are with you, my love,
Sensan hayotim
You are my life.
Balki usha oqshomlarni
Perhaps those evenings,
Men ham eslamayman endi
I won't remember anymore,
Biz birga bo‘lgan kunlarni
The days we were together,
Men bugundan unutaman
I will forget from today.
Afsuski asrayolmadik
Unfortunately, we couldn't protect,
Biz yo‘qotik baxtimizni
We lost our happiness,
Afsus birga bo‘lolmadik
Alas, we couldn't be together,
Afsus chindan sevaolmadik
Alas, we couldn't truly love.
Ajralish bu shunchalik oson
Parting is so easy,
Uchrashish bu naqadar qiyin
Meeting is so difficult,
Baxtli bo‘lish uni asrash qiyin.
To be happy, to cherish it is hard.
Sen yonimda bo‘lgin
Be by my side,
Yodimda bo‘lgin sen meni jonim
Stay in my memory, you are my soul,
Senda hayolim meni yorim
My thoughts are with you, my love,
Sensan hayotim
You are my life.
Sen yonimda bo‘lgin
Be by my side,
Yodimda bo‘lgin sen meni jonim
Stay in my memory, you are my soul,
Senda hayolim meni yorim
My thoughts are with you, my love,
Sensan hayotim
You are my life.
Sen yonimda bo‘lgin
Be by my side,
Yodimda bo‘lgin sen meni jonim
Stay in my memory, you are my soul,
Senda hayolim meni yorim
My thoughts are with you, my love,
Sensan hayotim
You are my life.
Sen yonimda bo‘lgin
Be by my side,
Yodimda bo‘lgin sen meni jonim
Stay in my memory, you are my soul,
Senda hayolim meni yorim
My thoughts are with you, my love,
Sensan hayotim
You are my life.

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