You went to the movies and you had forgotten all about me and gone on to say that you have found someone better than me. You now tell me that you have found better friends than me because I'm lazy.
Stop stressing yourself. For the last time, I haven't cheated on you. So stop crying and making a fuss like a child.
Waddawa.waddawa gwesikyetaaga
Unforgettable, you are the one I need
Waddawa mbuuza waddawa gwesikyegomba
Unforgettable, tell me how can I forget you
Waddawa Ex waddawa jangu olabe bwenyumirwa
Unforgettable, my ex, just take a look and you will be overwhelmed
Waddawa mbuuza waddawa jangu olabe bwenjooga.
Unforgettable, tell me how can I get you out of my mind.
Nagonda nnyo wakaluba nyo
I have forgotten a lot, I have forgotten you
Wayogela nyo nasilika nyo
You have forgotten a lot, I have forgotten you
Wanumya nyo nakaaba nyo
I have cried a lot, I have forgotten you
Waseka nyo wattikka nyo.(nyo nyo ebinnyo nyo)
You have laughed a lot, I have forgotten you.(a lot lot of forgetten a lot)
Kati natuuka tompa stress nakoowa
Now I can see that you don't love me
Eyo love abatubba mumpe space nakoowa
Here is my love, let those who hurt us give us space
Gwenafuna you know mi giving lovin (mbakuba baloba)
You know I'm giving you lovin (they say so too)
Na better lovin. Love yoono teli ndala yempuunzaaaa. (Nessim pan production)
Better lovin. This kind of love is not for ordinary people. (Nessim on production)
Kankunyumize story zetuyitamu film zomukwano zetuzanya film star laba bweyakafilamu nganeka cinema tekanagwa.
Let's forget about that story. Instead, let's make our own movie, a film about friends that we can watch over and over again like a film star that went to the movies without going to the cinema.
Baby, stop stressing yourself. For the last time, I haven't cheated on you. So stop crying and making a fuss like a child. I haven't forgotten you a lot.
Wulila nagonda nyo wakaluba nyo.
Cry cry I have forgotten you a lot.
Wayogelanyo nasilika nyo
You have forgotten a lot, I have forgotten you
Wanumyannyo nakaaba nyo
I have cried a lot, I have forgotten you
Kyakugwaana chaana gwe
You are no longer important to me
Nyo nyo ebbinnyo nyo.
A lot lot of forgetten a lot.
Till fade
Till fade
Ebinyo nnyo
A lot of forgotten a lot
Oh da da
Oh da da
About this ex ex lover
About this ex ex lover
Chosen blood nessim
Chosen blood nessim
We got a feeling
We got a feeling
Twookya... kya.
Twookya... kya.
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