Shel Dixon - Lobos Vestidos de Ovejas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shel Dixon - Lobos Vestidos de Ovejas

Lobos Vestidos de Ovejas
Wolves Dressed as Sheep
Ellos hablan de paz y promueven la guerra
They speak of peace while promoting war
Hablan de Dios y al demonio le rezan
They speak of God yet pray to the devil
Cuidado que son lobos vestidos de oveja
Beware, for they are wolves dressed as sheep
Cuanto daño mas le causaras a mi tierra
How much more harm will you inflict upon my land
Ellos hablan de paz y promueven la guerra
They speak of peace while promoting war
Hablan de Dios y al demonio le rezan
They speak of God yet pray to the devil
Cuidado que son lobos vestidos de oveja
Beware, for they are wolves dressed as sheep
Cuanto daño mas le causaras a mi tierra
How much more harm will you inflict upon my land
Escuchame señor te pido por favor,
Listen to me, Lord, I beg of you,
Como todo ser humano se que soy pecador pero aqui en mi alma ya no
Like every human being, I know I am a sinner, but here in my soul, I can no longer
Aguanto el dolor y me siento impotente ante tanto terror,
Bear the pain, and I feel powerless in the face of so much terror,
Ante el fuego cobarde de este vil dictador,
Before the cowardly fire of this vile dictator,
Ante la bala asesina del hostil tirador,
Before the murderous bullet of the hostile shooter,
Ante el llanto de una madre y grito desgarrador
Before the cry of a mother and a heart-wrenching scream
Hay mandale un ballado que las cubra de amor,
Oh, send a ballad that covers them with love,
Es por eso te pido que sane las heridas
That is why I ask you to heal the wounds
Es muy grande el dolor de mi patria querida
The pain of my beloved homeland is immense
Manda como fuego bendiciones de arriba
Send blessings from above like fire
Para que no me toque ni me alcanze su ira
So that their wrath may not touch or reach me
Te pido por los justos y los desamparados los desaparecidos y los que
I pray for the just and the helpless, the disappeared and those who
Son torturados los que cobardemente fueron
Are tortured, those who were cowardly
Asesinados y por todos esos niños que hoy estan a tu lado.
Murdered, and for all those children who are now by your side.
Ellos hablan de paz y promueven la guerra
They speak of peace while promoting war
Hablan de Dios y al demonio le rezan
They speak of God yet pray to the devil
Cuidado que son lobos vestidos de oveja
Beware, for they are wolves dressed as sheep
Cuanto daño mas le causaras a mi tierra
How much more harm will you inflict upon my land
Ellos hablan de paz y promueven la guerra
They speak of peace while promoting war
Hablan de Dios y al demonio le rezan
They speak of God yet pray to the devil
Cuidado que son lobos vestidos de oveja
Beware, for they are wolves dressed as sheep
Cuanto daño mas le causaras a mi tierra
How much more harm will you inflict upon my land
He visto policias como perros
I have seen policemen like dogs
Serviles paramilitares asesinando civiles
Servile paramilitaries murdering civilians
Les he visto celebrando y levantando
I have seen them celebrating and raising
Fusiles porque pirañas de esos mismos rediles
Rifles because piranhas from those same folds
He visto a mi gente cruzando la frontera
I have seen my people crossing the border
Huyendo de amenzasa por temor ala guerra
Fleeing threats for fear of war
Como a los campesinos les han quitado su
How the peasants have been stripped of their
Tierra por ser azul y blanco y levantar su bandera
Land for being blue and white and raising their flag
He visto a los medicos que son despedidos
I have seen doctors being fired
He visto a periodistas cuando son agredidos
I have seen journalists being attacked
He visto tantas cosas que me tienen herido
I have seen so many things that have wounded me
Señor pon tu mano por favor te lo pido
Lord, please lay your hand, I beg of you
Ilumina esta tierra hay bendice mi tierra no
Illuminate this land, oh bless my land, do not
Abandones tu pueblo por un dictador que a su riqueza se aferra
Abandon your people for a dictator who clings to his wealth
Ellos hablan de paz y promueven la guerra
They speak of peace while promoting war
Hablan de amor y son lobos vestidos de oveja
They speak of love and are wolves dressed as sheep
Ellos hablan de paz y promueven la guerra
They speak of peace while promoting war
Hablan de Dios y al demonio le rezan
They speak of God yet pray to the devil
Cuidado que son lobos vestidos de oveja
Beware, for they are wolves dressed as sheep
Cuanto daño mas le causaras a mi tierra!
How much more harm will you inflict upon my land!

Авторы: Got Reggae?

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