Shelat - Habb Al Barad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Shelat - Habb Al Barad

Habb Al Barad
Habb Al Barad
هب البراد وزانت النفسيه
The cool breeze has blown, and the soul is at ease,
والجو روعه والمشاعر حيه
The weather is wonderful, and the feelings are alive.
والغيم غطى الديره السحريه
The clouds have covered the magical land,
وجادت لك الأبيات يا مغنيها
And the verses have flowed for you, oh singer.
هب البراد وزانت النفسيه
The cool breeze has blown, and the soul is at ease,
والجو روعه والمشاعر حيه
The weather is wonderful, and the feelings are alive.
والغيم غطى الديره السحريه
The clouds have covered the magical land,
وجادت لك الأبيات يا مغنيها
And the verses have flowed for you, oh singer.
غَيْمٌ وَسَعَةُ بَالٍ وَمَطَرٍ يَا الغَالِي
Clouds, a vast expanse, and rain, oh my dear,
وَلَا طَرَّى غَيْرُكَ أَبِدْ فِي بَالِي
No one but you ever comes to mind.
قِرَبُكَ هناي وَشُو فَتْكٌ تُحَلَّى لِي
Your closeness is my joy, and your beauty is a sweet delight for me,
وَنَفِّسِي لِأَجِلَّ وِصْلَكَ فِدَا غَالِيهَا
And my soul longs for your connection, I sacrifice for you, my precious one.
غَيْمٌ وَسَعَةُ بَالٍ وَمَطَرٍ يَا الغَالِي
Clouds, a vast expanse, and rain, oh my dear,
وَلَا طَرَّى غَيْرُكَ أَبِدْ فِي بَالِي
No one but you ever comes to mind.
قِرَبُكَ هناي وَشُو فَتْكٌ تُحَلَّى لِي
Your closeness is my joy, and your beauty is a sweet delight for me,
وَنَفِّسِي لِأَجِلَّ وِصْلَكَ فِدَا غَالِيهَا
And my soul longs for your connection, I sacrifice for you, my precious one.
صب المحبه بأشرب من إدلالك
I drink the wine of love from your charm,
وخل الكلام ومد لي فنجالك
Leave the talk and pass me your cup.
انا ما أروق إلا لا صرت قبالك
I only find peace when I am before you,
لا يا بعد روحي ويا مداويها
Oh, you who are the source of my life and my healer.
صب المحبه بأشرب من إدلالك
I drink the wine of love from your charm,
وخل الكلام ومد لي فنجالك
Leave the talk and pass me your cup.
انا ما أروق إلا لا صرت قبالك
I only find peace when I am before you,
لا يا بعد روحي ويا مداويها
Oh, you who are the source of my life and my healer.
فِيكَ الجَمَالُ الطَّاغِي المُتَبَاهِي
In you lies the overwhelming, boastful beauty,
يا لَذَّةَ السُّكَّرِ بِكُوبِ الشاهي
Oh, the sweetness of sugar in a cup of tea.
مَلَامِحُكَ فِتَنُهِ وَزِيَنِكَ راهي
Your features are captivating, and your adornment is splendid,
وَأَوْصَافِكَ الفَخْمَةَ مَنْ يُجَارِيهَا
And your magnificent qualities, who can match them?
فِيكَ الجَمَالُ الطَّاغِي المُتَبَاهِي
In you lies the overwhelming, boastful beauty,
يا لَذَّةَ السُّكَّرِ بِكُوبِ الشاهي
Oh, the sweetness of sugar in a cup of tea.
مَلَامِحُكَ فِتَنُهِ وَزِيَنِكَ راهي
Your features are captivating, and your adornment is splendid,
وَأَوْصَافِكَ الفَخْمَةَ مَنْ يُجَارِيهَا
And your magnificent qualities, who can match them?
وعيونك أليا سلهمت ذباحه
And your eyes that surrendered a killer,
مرتاحه وما كنها مرتاحه
At ease, yet not as if at ease.
نظراتها سحريه ولماحه
Their gaze is magical and insightful,
الله يخليها لمن يرجيها
May God preserve them for the one who hopes for them.
وعيونك أليا سلهمت ذباحه
And your eyes that surrendered a killer,
مرتاحه وما كنها مرتاحه
At ease, yet not as if at ease.
نظراتها سحريه ولماحه
Their gaze is magical and insightful,
الله يخليها لمن يرجيها
May God preserve them for the one who hopes for them.
لُبَّيْهُ يَا الوَجْهُ الجَمِيلُ الهَادِي
I respond to you, oh beautiful, serene face,
شوفك هوا نَفْسِي وَقِرَبِكَ زادي
Seeing you is my soul's desire, and your closeness is my sustenance.
حُبُّكَ بوَادِي وَالبَشَرُ فِي وَادِي
Your love is in my valley, while people are in another,
وَعُرُوقُ قَلْبِي جِيتكِ تُحَيِّيهَ
And the veins of my heart, I come to revive them with you.
لُبَّيْهُ يَا الوَجْهُ الجَمِيلُ الهَادِي
I respond to you, oh beautiful, serene face,
شوفك هوا نَفْسِي وَقِرَبِكَ زادي
Seeing you is my soul's desire, and your closeness is my sustenance.
حُبُّكَ بوَادِي وَالبَشَرُ فِي وَادِي
Your love is in my valley, while people are in another,
وَعُرُوقُ قَلْبِي جِيتكِ تُحَيِّيهَ
And the veins of my heart, I come to revive them with you.
وينك ثلاث أيام فاقد صوتك
Where have you been for three days, I miss your voice,
ترى المَكابَر ضاع بين سكوتك
Pride is lost in your silence.
لا يسرقك عمر الغلا ويفوتك
Don't let the time of love steal you and pass you by,
وتحوسك الدنيا وتحزن فيها
And the world confuses you and makes you sad.
وينك ثلاث أيام فاقد صوتك
Where have you been for three days, I miss your voice,
ترى المَكابَر ضاع بين سكوتك
Pride is lost in your silence.
لا يسرقك عمر الغلا ويفوتك
Don't let the time of love steal you and pass you by,
وتحوسك الدنيا وتحزن فيه
And the world confuses you and makes you sad.
دايم وَجَوَّالُكَ يُجِيبُ الصَّدْمَةَ
Your phone always answers with a shock,
كُلُّ مَا اِتَّصَلَ خَارِجَ نِطَاقِ الخِدْمَةِ
Every time I call, it's out of service area.
إِلَى مَتَى تَبْنِي الوَصْلَ وَتَهَدُّمَهُ
Until when will you build and destroy our connection?
الأَيَّامُ مِنْ دُونِِكَ أَنَا مَا أَبِيهَا
I don't want days without you.
دايم وَجَوَّالُكَ يُجِيبُ الصَّدْمَةَ
Your phone always answers with a shock,
كُلُّ مَا اِتَّصَلَ خَارِجَ نِطَاقِ الخِدْمَةِ
Every time I call, it's out of service area.
إِلَى مَتَى تَبْنِي الوَصْلَ وَتَهَدُّمَهُ
Until when will you build and destroy our connection?
الأَيَّامُ مِنْ دُونِِكَ أَنَا مَا أَبِيهَا
I don't want days without you.
لا تلتفت للعالم النقاده
Don't pay attention to the critical world,
اللي على درب الردى معتاده
Those accustomed to the path of perdition.
على العلوم الناقصه وراده مهما تسوي طيب مايرضيها
They rush to incomplete knowledge, no matter what good you do, it won't satisfy them.
لا تلتفت للعالم النقاده
Don't pay attention to the critical world,
اللي على درب الردى معتاده
Those accustomed to the path of perdition.
على العلوم الناقصه وراده مهما تسوي طيب مايرضيها
They rush to incomplete knowledge, no matter what good you do, it won't satisfy them.

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