Shelly Manne - Ascot Gavotte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shelly Manne - Ascot Gavotte

Ascot Gavotte
Ascot Gavotte
Ascot Gavotte
Ascot Gavotte
Mennyi lakk, és frakk és érdemrend.
So much varnish and frock and decoration.
Mennyi gróf és báró fenn és lenn.
So many earls and barons on vacation.
Ó, de fontos, amikor a lósport megnyitja az ajtót Ascot-ban.
Oh! it's smart when the 'orses come to Ascot—in the season.
Körbejárva kancák, mének,
Round the ring, tearing mares and geldings,
Míg a starthoz érnek, oly lázasan
Down the straight to win a race worth having.
Ó, de fényes, amikor a kényes sok paci feláll kint Ascot-ban.
Oh! it's fun when they're going past the post—at Ascot—in the season.
Pulzus, gyorsul,
The pulse is quick, the odds are laid,
Szájszél torzul,
A voice is calling, "They are off!
Tíz ló, fordul,
Ten lengths to go, and Thunderclap,
Szívem, mint az ágyú mordul.
Is leading; by a neck—by half a neck—my heart is in my mouth—
Most az izgalom,
And the excitement,
Új erőre kap,
Gets you—takes your—breath away,
Míg a starter jelt ad,
As the starter's bell clatters,
és a zászló égbe csap,
And the flag goes up—and—they're off—
And "They're off! They're off! They're off!"
ha célig futnak
If your horse wins the race,
Jaj, a favorit lemaradt ottan.
You've backed the favoured—you've landed a place.
És a forró harcba'
And though the hot-spur
Győz a jobb
Beaten by a better spur—
Valahol a turfon Ascotte-ban.>
You'll see the whole show run again next week—at Ascot—in the season.

Авторы: Alan Jay Lerner, Frederick Loewe

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