Shereen - Mashrebtesh Men Nilha - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shereen - Mashrebtesh Men Nilha

Mashrebtesh Men Nilha
Mashrebtesh Men Nilha
بلدنا أمانة في إدينا نعليها مدام عايشين نعيش فيها سنين و سنين و إحنا مطمنين
My country, a trust in our hands, we elevate it, as long as we live, we live in it, years and years, and we are happy
بلدنا أمانة في إدينا نعليها مدام عايشين نعيش فيها سنين و سنين و إحنا مطمنين
My country, a trust in our hands, we elevate it, as long as we live, we live in it, years and years, and we are happy
مشربتش من نيلها
I have not drunk from the Nile
طب جربت تغنيلها
Well, have you tried singing to it?
جربت في عز متحزن تمشي فشورعها و تشكي لها
Have you tried, in the height of sadness, to walk through its streets and complain to it?
ممشتش فضوحيها
I have not walked in its alleys
طيب مكبرتش فيها
Well, have you not grown up in it?
ولا لك صورة ع الرمل دامت ع الشط بمعانيها
Nor do you have a picture on the sand that lasted on the beach with meanings
دور جواك تلقاها هى الصحبة و هى الأهل
Look inside yourself, you will find it, it is your companion and your family
عشرة بلدى بتبقى نسيانها ع البال مش سهل
The company of my country is difficult to forget on my mind
يمكن ناسى لإنك فيها
Perhaps you have forgotten because you are in it
مش واحشاك و لا غيبت عليها
Do you not miss it or are you absent from it?
بس اللى مجرب و فارقها قال فى الدنيا ما فيش بعديها
But the one who has tried it and left it said, there is no distance in the world after it
إن غبت بحنلها و أنسى الدنيا و أجيلها
If I am absent from it, I will yearn for it and forget the world and come to it
و إن جيت أنسى تفكرنا بمليون ذكرى القلب شايلها
And if I come, forget us with a million memories that the heart carries
غالية بلدنا علينا
My country is precious to us
و ها تفضل فى عنينا
And it will remain in our eyes
و مدام بنحب بلدنا تبقى ها تتغير بإيدنا
And as long as we love our country, it will change by our hands
إحنا اللى نعليها بإيدينا نخليها
We are the ones who elevate it with our hands
أجمل لينا و لولادنا مهما العمر يعدى عليها
The most beautiful for us and for our children, no matter how old it gets
دور جواك تلقاها هى الصحبة و هى الأهل
Look inside yourself, you will find it, it is your companion and your family
عشرة بلدى بتبقى نسيانها ع البال مش سهل
The company of my country is difficult to forget on my mind
يمكن ناسى لإنك فيها
Perhaps you have forgotten because you are in it
مش واحشاك و لا غيبت عليها
Do you not miss it or are you absent from it?
بس اللى مجرب و فارقها قال فى الدنيا ما فيش بعديها
But the one who has tried it and left it said, there is no distance in the world after it
مشربتش من نيلها
I have not drunk from the Nile
طب جربت تغنيلها
Well, have you tried singing to it?
جربت في عز متحزن تمشي فشورعها و تشكي لها
Have you tried, in the height of sadness, to walk through its streets and complain to it?

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