Sherpa - Guerrero en el Desierto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sherpa - Guerrero en el Desierto

Guerrero en el Desierto
Warrior in the Desert
Estaba en un momento de moral bajo
I was in a moment of low morale
La causa era que mi abion habian derribado
The cause was that my plane had been shot down
Cai en un lugar oscuro, triste y desolado
I fell into a dark, sad and desolate place
Desierto donde habitan los fantasmas del pasado.
A desert where the ghosts of the past dwell.
Y empece a sentir el miedo
And I began to feel the fear
Que se siente en un mal sueño
That is felt in a bad dream
Y en las sombras de las diunas parecia
And in the shadows of the dunes it seemed
Que extrañas criaturas se movian.
That strange creatures were moving.
Me sentia derrotado
I felt defeated
U empece a dudar
And I began to doubt
Que de alli pudiera escapar.
That I could escape from there.
Pero quiso el destino que encontrase un libro
But fate would have it that I found a book
Indio Chaman, El inmortal, gran hechicero
Indian Shaman, The immortal, great sorcerer
Le llaman El Mahual
They call him The Mahual
El guerrero en el desierto
The warrior in the desert
Su conocimiento me podia revelar
His knowledge could reveal to me
Y aquella noche su voz en el viento pude escuchar.
And that night I could hear his voice in the wind.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Decia que en el mundo esiste otra realidad
He said that in the world there is another reality
Que solo la descubren los que siguen al mahual
That only those who follow the mahual discover
Que es un camino duro de disciplina y soledad
That it is a hard path of discipline and solitude
Pero que el premio es alcanzar la inmortalidad.
But that the prize is to attain immortality.
Controlar todos rus sueños
To control all your dreams
Transcendiendo el universo
Transcending the universe
Escapando del destino
Escaping the destiny
Que espera a la umanidad
That awaits humanity
Encendio un fuego u comenzo un ritual
He lit a fire and began a ritual
Al ritmo de su tanbor
To the rhythm of his drum
Y con un conjuro su voz como un trueno
And with a spell his voice like thunder
Al gran espiritu invoco.
Invoked the great spirit.
Comenzo a danzar alrrededor del fuego
He began to dance around the fire
Yo tambien dance con el
I danced with him too
Se transformo en puma, en cuervo,
He transformed into a puma, a raven,
En coyote y en serpiente de cascabel.
A coyote and a rattlesnake.
No se si era cristo, buda o mahoma
I don't know if he was Christ, Buddha or Muhammad
Abrahan o lucifer
Abraham or Lucifer
Yo solo se que aquelñla noche
I only know that that night
Revivi gracias a el
I was revived thanks to him
Brujo sincero el nagual
Sincere warlock the nagual
Leí "Las enseñanzas de Don Juan"
I read "The Teachings of Don Juan"
Y ya nada volvió a ser igual
And nothing was ever the same again
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,

Авторы: Jose Luis Campuzano Feito

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