Shift, Vescan & Doddy - Vecina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shift, Vescan & Doddy - Vecina

My Neighbour
Vecina asta nu-i normala
My neighbour is not normal
Le-am incercat pe toate, evident, am dat-o in bara
I've tried everything, obviously, I've messed it up
Debusolat ca la scoala
Confused as in school
Cand trecea pe coridor o frumusete rara
When a rare beauty passed by in the corridor
Si-am vazut-o de la geam, intr-o zi
And I saw her from the window one day,
Isi plimba cainele sau pisica sau ce o fi
Walking her dog or cat or whatever
Am coborat rapid sa o salut, zambeste
I ran down to say hello, she smiles
Si apoi, flegmatic, imi zice ca se grabeste
And then, phlegmatically, tells me she's in a hurry
Si se pare ca apare si la magazin
And it seems she appears at the store
Si ia in fata mea ultima sticla de vin
And takes the last bottle of wine in front of me
Si se pare ca apare si la bancomat
And it seems she also appears at the ATM
Si, cand s-a bagat in fata mea, m-a si calcat
And she stepped on me when she got in front of me
Am asteptat momentul potrivit
I waited for the right moment
Sa-i zic ca m-am indragostit
To tell her that I fell in love
Sau ca m-am tampit
Or that I'm an idiot
Era o dimineata grea
It was a difficult morning
Apare in fata mea
She appears in front of me
Auzi, vecina, stii cumva unde stau
Excuse me, neighbour, do you know where I live
E vecina, bat-o vina
She's a neighbour, damn her
Toti o recunoastem din prima
We all recognize her from the first moment
E vecina, bat-o vina
She's a neighbour, damn her
O vedem cand aprinde lumina
We see her when she turns on the lights
N-are rost sa-ti mai zic restul
There's no point in telling you the rest
Stiu c-o stii si tu
I know you know it too
Ea e vecina, bat-o vina
She's a neighbour, damn her
Toti o recunoastem din prima
We all recognize her from the first moment
Vecina mea e mica, dar ridica
My neighbour is short, but she's fierce
Si, cand apare, toti vecinii pica
And when she shows up, all the neighbours fall
Vecina mea nu are nicio frica
My neighbour has no fear
Vecina mea e un fel de cum adica
My neighbour is a kind of, how do you say it
Vecina mea e prima
My neighbour is the best
A ghicit masina si nu coboara la prima
She guessed the car and doesn't get off at the first
Stie ca e cea mai tare, iti creste adrenalina
She knows she's the best, it gives you adrenaline
Nu mai vezi ca ea din Berceni in Colentina
You don't see her anywhere else from Berceni to Colentina
Stie ca te-a prins si intoarce placa
She knows you're caught and turns the page
Stie ca te pierzi, cunoaste joaca
She knows you're lost, she knows the game
Ti-a luat mintile, tu nu te ataca
She's taken your mind away, you're not attacking yourself
E cea mai cea
She's the best
Dau cu pace pentru vecina mea
I raise my glass to my neighbour
Vecina mea nu-i ca a ta
My neighbour is not like yours
Pare culmea, dar nu-i alta ca ea
It seems like the end, but there is no other like her
E vecina, bat-o vina
She's a neighbour, damn her
Toti o recunoastem din prima
We all recognize her from the first moment
E vecina, bat-o vina
She's a neighbour, damn her
O vedem cand aprinde lumina
We see her when she turns on the lights
N-are rost sa-ti mai zic restul
There's no point in telling you the rest
Stiu c-o stii si tu
I know you know it too
Ea e vecina, bat-o vina
She's a neighbour, damn her
Toti o recunoastem din prima
We all recognize her from the first moment
Ba apare, ba dispare, ca un magician
She appears and disappears like a magician
Du-te vino, n-are stare, o tot vezi pe la geam
Back and forth, she's restless, you see her all the time through the window
Mi se pare, mi se pare, singurica madam
It seems to me, it seems to me, the only lady
Cine oare, cine oare poa' sa-i faca program
Who, who can make her program
E vecina, bat-o vina
She's a neighbour, damn her
Toti o recunoastem din prima
We all recognize her from the first moment
E vecina, bat-o vina
She's a neighbour, damn her
O vedem cand aprinde lumina
We see her when she turns on the lights
N-are rost sa-ti mai zic restul
There's no point in telling you the rest
Stiu c-o stii si tu
I know you know it too
Ea e vecina, bat-o vina
She's a neighbour, damn her
Toti o recunoastem din prima
We all recognize her from the first moment
E vecina, e vecina
She's a neighbour, she's a neighbour

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