Shot - Buza De Jos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shot - Buza De Jos

Buza De Jos
Lower Lip
Seara, atunci cand am vazut-o prima oara
That evening, when I first saw her,
Dar ea nu ma baga in seama
But she didn't even notice me.
A doua oara, m-a privit cu teama
The second time, she looked at me with fear,
Ca nu stia ce sa creada
Like she didn't know what to believe.
Niciunul din noi n-are curajul
Neither of us has the courage
Sa vina inspre celalalt
To come towards the other,
Desi stim amandoi ca n-ar fi cazul
Although we both know it shouldn't be the case,
Intre noi este ceva natural
There's something natural between us.
Se uita doar la mine, dintre toti
She only looks at me, among all,
I-as fura sarutul, dar nu-s hot
I'd steal a kiss, but I'm no thief.
Simt ca imi intoarce lumea pe dos
I feel like she turns my world upside down,
Atunci cand isi musca buza de jos
When she bites her lower lip.
Buza de jos, buza de jos
Lower lip, lower lip.
Strada, mi se pare c-am vazut-o inc-o data
On the street, I think I saw her again,
Dar o confund cu alta fata
But I'm confusing her with another girl.
Jur ca nu mi s-a-ntamplat asta vreodata
I swear this has never happened to me before,
Ma mai uit o data
I'll take another look.
Niciunul din noi n-are curajul
Neither of us has the courage
Sa vina inspre celalalt
To come towards the other,
Desi stim amandoi ca n-ar fi cazul
Although we both know it shouldn't be the case,
Intre noi este ceva natural
There's something natural between us.
Se uita doar la mine, dintre toti
She only looks at me, among all,
I-as fura sarutul, dar nu-s hot
I'd steal a kiss, but I'm no thief.
Simt ca imi intoarce lumea pe dos
I feel like she turns my world upside down,
Atunci cand isi musca buza de jos
When she bites her lower lip.
Buza de jos, buza de jos
Lower lip, lower lip.
Fin, so fresh, so clean
Fine, so fresh, so clean,
Deprind un super film, poate fi usor meschin
I'm catching a super film, it could be slightly mean,
Iar ma simt avar
I feel greedy again,
Ar fi vreo problema sa-ti cer corpu-n dar
Would it be a problem to ask for your body as a gift?
Sar, o ard foarte "bungee"
I jump, I burn it "bungee" style,
Stop pozitia, mami, fiindca se apropie tati
Stop the position, baby, 'cause daddy's coming,
Iar vin, grav se lasa
I'm coming again, it's getting serious,
Formam impreuna cifra intoarsa
Together we form the inverted number.
Stop, am plecat din loc
Stop, I left the place,
Sunt ca un ghioc, pot sa ghicesc tot
I'm like a fool, I can guess everything,
Pe burta, pe spate, pe-o parte, deasupra
On my stomach, on my back, on my side, on top,
Ti-o-ntorc ca si karma, doar prin Kamasutra
I'll turn it around like karma, only through Kamasutra.
Hipnoza totala, ma-ntoarce pe dos
Total hypnosis, she turns me upside down,
Atunci cand isi musca din buza de jos
When she bites her lower lip.
Esti doar a mea, iti detin trupul
You're only mine, I own your body,
De-as fi mare hot, ti-as fura sarutul
If I were a big thief, I'd steal your kiss.
Se uita doar la mine, dintre toti
She only looks at me, among all,
I-as fura sarutul, dar nu-s hot
I'd steal a kiss, but I'm no thief.
Simt ca imi intoarce lumea pe dos
I feel like she turns my world upside down,
Atunci cand isi musca buza de jos
When she bites her lower lip.

Авторы: florin boka, vlad munteanu, dorian micu, miruna iova, alex stancu, andrei tiberiu maria, serban ionut cazan, lucian nagy

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