Shotta - Fiesta Privá - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Shotta - Fiesta Privá

Fiesta Privá
Private Party
Yo, micros, platos, tienden a mi zona,
Yo, mics, turntables, gather 'round my zone,
Bebetelo desentona pintamonas,
Drink it up, off-key poser,
Pintale la placa al policia con montana y fiesta priva,
Spray-paint the cop's badge with Montana, it's a private party,
Micro plato, callate la boca,
Mic and turntable, shut your mouth,
Bebetelo, desentona hijo de puta,
Drink it up, you off-key son of a bitch,
Pintale la placa al policia con el posca y fiesta priva.
Spray-paint the cop's badge with Posca, it's a private party.
180 direccion al aeropuerto,
180 heading to the airport,
El conductor soy yo,
I'm the driver,
Huele a marihuana con sus muertos hace calor,
It smells like marijuana and dead bodies, it's hot,
Igual atropello al que esta pintando la esvastica en el camion
I might as well run over the guy painting the swastika on the truck
Y luego os sigo,
And then I'll follow you guys,
Direccion a donde sea, fiesta de tecno no creo,
Heading wherever, techno party, I doubt it,
Yo escribo en mi azotea alli to parece eterno,
I write on my rooftop, everything seems eternal there,
Pero no veas si extreso a tu manager en verdad,
But you should see me stress out your manager, for real,
Quiero disfrutar, pidete un pampero, llego tarde sin probar,
I want to enjoy myself, order a Pampero, I'm late and haven't had a taste,
Da igual, tengo tune mi nave,
Doesn't matter, I got tunes in my ride,
Compara cada frase un laser que sale del bafle y caven,
Compare each line, a laser coming out of the speaker and they cave in,
To los que vallan en botines,
Everyone wearing boots,
Hardcore melodia define lo que tiene el nene,
Hardcore melody defines what the kid has,
Te voy a vaciar de tanto vacilar, disculpa,
I'm gonna empty you out with so much boasting, excuse me,
Cuadernos te cuentan lo que se oculta,
Notebooks tell you what's hidden,
Apunta, mi crew te catapulta, desenfunda,
Write it down, my crew catapults you, unsheathe,
Si te cabe el titanic derrapando no es mi culpa,
If the Titanic fits in there while skidding, it's not my fault,
No ni na, espero que todo cambie,
No, not at all, I hope everything changes,
El ultimo baile, convierto mc's en frailes,
The last dance, I turn MCs into monks,
Fuego abierto, disparen al aire,
Open fire, shoot in the air,
Que hacen nazis de valde, ms tarde hagan parte,
What are Nazis doing in Valde? Later on, they'll be part of it,
Y al clinico, su cabeza al frigorifico,
And to the clinic, his head to the refrigerator,
Un clasico, los chicos del barrio, atentado lirico,
A classic, the boys from the hood, lyrical attack,
Vampirico, de tipazo, se muere al falso,
Vampiric, with a great figure, death to the fake,
Sal de la sala potando, vaya fracaso,
Leave the room throwing up, what a failure,
Alcohol, fines de semana sustituye a gimnasio,
Alcohol, weekends replace the gym,
Ignacio te manda al espacio,
Ignacio sends you to space,
Pierdo facilmente la nocion del tiempo,
I easily lose track of time,
Necesito ayuda urgentemente o tirarme de un puente,
I urgently need help or to jump off a bridge,
Cario, ya estoy en casa en forma de libelula,
Honey, I'm already home in the form of a dragonfly,
Toa tu cula mancha espectacular,
Your whole ass is a spectacular stain,
Con un morao de pirula, sacala,
With a purple mark from a joint, take it out,
Por aqui los moros llevan por la calle colgando collar de varas,
Around here, the Moors wear necklaces of sticks hanging down the street,
Flipao, es lo que te define,
Freaked out, that's what defines you,
Deja de pintarla ya con la cara que tienes,
Stop painting it with the face you have,
Unos pintan trenes, saben lo que hacer,
Some paint trains, they know what to do,
Tu eres tela de kie poniendo topics en internet.
You're a piece of shit posting topics on the internet.
Yo, micros, platos, tienden a mi zona,
Yo, mics, turntables, gather 'round my zone,
Bebetelo desentona pintamonas,
Drink it up, off-key poser,
Pintale la placa al policia con montana y fiesta priva,
Spray-paint the cop's badge with Montana, it's a private party,
Micro plato, callate la boca,
Mic and turntable, shut your mouth,
Bebetelo, desentona hijo de puta,
Drink it up, you off-key son of a bitch,
Pintale la placa al policia con el posca y fiesta priva.
Spray-paint the cop's badge with Posca, it's a private party.
Yo, el Pelicano sonando,
Yo, the Pelican is playing,
As produce el Ozone, Sevilla esta al mando,
As produced by the Ozone, Seville is in command,
Vienes a matarme?, me haces un favor,
You come to kill me? You're doing me a favor,
Bajo una postal mia vomitando encima de tu Golf,
I leave a postcard of me vomiting on top of your Golf,
Necesita un calmante, un sable,
She needs a sedative, a saber,
A la infanta, plan B, se la folle un elefante,
To the princess, plan B, an elephant fucks her,
Apresurense, esta sonando Chayanne rapero,
Hurry up, Chayanne the rapper is playing,
Cerca del suelo, no por ti ser que voy ciego,
Close to the ground, not because of you that I'm blind,
Soy todo lo contrario a tu cache,
I'm the opposite of your cache,
Tos mis compis quieren ser superhombres de niche,
All my buddies want to be niche supermen,
A mi, llename el vaso pa que me hinche,
For me, fill up the glass so I can swell,
Mueres en un micro, las chinas te pintaran un muro, toma un ticket,
You die on a mic, the Chinese will paint a mural of you, take a ticket,
The flow bettle,
The flow beetle,
Tanto entonar pa na,
So much singing for nothing,
Al final suena to igual sin que salpique,
In the end, everything sounds the same without splashing,
Esta es mi fiesta priva, tu album de fotos lo voy a quemar,
This is my private party, I'm gonna burn your photo album,
Golfa no hace falta que te lo dedique,
Slut, there's no need to dedicate it to you,
Si no me puedo fiar ni de mi sombra,
If I can't even trust my own shadow,
Diles que se escondan,
Tell them to hide,
Que en mi fiesta priva si se les nombra,
That in my private party, if they're mentioned,
Que caen bombas gordas como anacondas en tromba,
Fat bombs like anacondas will fall in a swarm,
Mi nombre en alfombra,
My name on a carpet,
Tus muertos, si que estan en forma,
Your dead, they're in shape,
Salios de tumbas se beben el bar y zumban,
They came out of their graves, drank the bar dry, and buzzed,
Este esta loco, si ni siquiera me conoces
This guy's crazy, you don't even know me,
No me acuses no hablo de tu grupo usted callao no abuse,
Don't accuse me, I'm not talking about your group, you keep quiet, don't abuse,
Luces, camara, accion, una botella de ron supuse,
Lights, camera, action, a bottle of rum I supposed,
No se que espera, Sevilla cervecera,
I don't know what you're waiting for, Seville, the beer drinker,
En una noche borracho perdi las llaves, el movil, la cartera.
One night drunk I lost my keys, my phone, my wallet.
Yo, micros, platos, tienden a mi zona,
Yo, mics, turntables, gather 'round my zone,
Bebetelo desentona pintamonas,
Drink it up, off-key poser,
Pintale la placa al policia con montana y fiesta priva,
Spray-paint the cop's badge with Montana, it's a private party,
Micro plato, callate la boca,
Mic and turntable, shut your mouth,
Bebetelo, desentona hijo de puta,
Drink it up, you off-key son of a bitch,
Pintale la placa al policia con el posca y fiesta priva.
Spray-paint the cop's badge with Posca, it's a private party.

Авторы: Jorge Masot Gallardo, Ignacio Gonzalez Rodriguez

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