In the summer of 2013, I stood on a stage I had only dreamed of, with my usual crew, as always. The theme was to challenge ourselves. I, who couldn't do anything alone, was able to come this far thanks to everyone. We put our heart into the music we love. Before I knew it, we had so many more companions.
去って行った仲間にゃHave a Nice Day 正直寂しかったが 泣かないで 常に粋がって 声だけはデカくて 存在意義叫んだ 名も無い俺 いつになったってお利口になれず 青臭い夢 のめり込む それが誰も真似できぬオリジナリティ 信んじ進んで行け 道無き道へ
To the comrades who left, I say "Have a Nice Day." It was lonely, but I didn't cry. Always acting cool, still loud, I shouted my raison d'etre. I, nameless me, still can't become smart. I throw myself into green dreams. That's my originality that no one can imitate. Believe and keep going, down the pathless path.
A tale of a man chasing dreams, a chance encounter brought on by dreams, there is no success without dreams. Together we shall move forward. If you don't, nothing will begin. If you don't draw, you won't see it. No glory for those who laugh at dreams. With this song as our friend.
I started by throwing away my dreams. What is important to you? I asked my heart. Family, friends, hometown, girlfriend, hobbies, talents; I wrote them all down and eliminated them. What was left was music. That became my path, my dream.
It hasn't changed since that day. God put this melody in my heart. This feeling won't end. I look forward to it. This Destiny. You, my comrades, are my memories.
I can't say it face to face. I'm too embarrassed to sing it, to tell you "thank you." I'll shout it as long as I have a voice. Even in 10 years, the wind blowing in the sky will be the same. Stay by my side. Thank you, Family.
BIG UP... Yeah BIG UP... BIG UP... Yeah BIG UP... この歌を友に
BIG UP... Yeah BIG UP... BIG UP... Yeah BIG UP... This song as our friend.
A tale of a man chasing dreams, a chance encounter brought on by dreams, there is no success without dreams. Together we shall move forward. If you don't, nothing will begin. If you don't draw, you won't see it. No glory for those who laugh at dreams. With this song as our friend.
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