Shounanno Kaze - SALUTE - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shounanno Kaze - SALUTE

With all my might, I'll squeeze out every ounce of power I can.
I can't end up here like this.
胸に手を当て夜空を見上げた 星一つない闇が襲う
I put my hand on my chest and look up at the night sky. The darkness of the starless night engulfs me.
雷鳴鳴り響く嵐の中 震える体ふと聞こえたのは
Thunder roars through the storm, and my trembling body suddenly hears a sound:
戦うものへの賛美の歌 Fight Fight
A song of praise for those who fight. Fight! Fight!
行くぞ We A Real Soldier
Let's go! We are real soldiers.
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
逆らえ運命 進めBattle Field
Defy fate and advance on the battlefield!
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
打ち鳴らせ今 Fully Loaded
Fire now! Fully loaded!
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
逆らえ運命 進めBattle Field
Defy fate and advance on the battlefield!
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
打ち鳴らせ今 Fully Loaded
Fire now! Fully loaded!
ウジウジ悩んでた 何時間も
I spent hours fretting and worrying.
唇が乾く 吐き出しそう
My lips are dry. I feel like I'm going to throw up.
掴むのか 逃げるのか
Will I seize it or will I run away?
俺にはない 退却など
Retreat is not an option for me.
正直ビビる 正気でいれなく 足ガクガク
To be honest, I'm scared. I can't think straight. My legs are shaking.
両目血走る 狂気な自分を無理矢理引き出す
My eyes are bloodshot. I force myself to embrace the madness.
家族を想う 瞼の奥
I think of my family in the depths of my eyelids.
I pour all my thoughts into the words, "I will not lose."
熱い仲間と向かった 茨の道へ
I headed down the thorny path with my trusted companions.
The countless scars on my body
Are a testament to our own confidence.
Now, I clench my fists tighter and tighter.
思い出せ 過酷な鍛錬の日々
Remember the harsh days of training.
今を越えろ 変えろHistory
Let's overcome this moment and change history.
未完成の挑戦 当然行こうぜ頂点
An unfinished challenge. Of course, we'll go for the top.
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
逆らえ運命 進めBattle Field
Defy fate and advance on the battlefield!
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
打ち鳴らせ今 Fully Loaded
Fire now! Fully loaded!
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
逆らえ運命 進めBattle Field
Defy fate and advance on the battlefield!
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
打ち鳴らせ今 Fully Loaded
Fire now! Fully loaded!
叩きつけた挑戦状 あの日の延長線上
The gauntlet thrown down, an extension of that day.
殺気立ったテンション 炎上する戦場
The tension is palpable. The battlefield is ablaze.
Even if it's called futile resistance, I'll go through with it.
無鉄砲に行くしかねぇ 常に崖っぷち それが現状
There's no choice but to go all out. We're always on the brink.
Together with my fallen comrades, I chased after the mirage.
掴む宝 ステージが墓場 願いは一つ
Grasping the treasure. The stage is the graveyard. One wish:
Just waiting and believing in something,
過ぎて行くんだ ただ時間だけが
Time alone will pass me by.
To cast off the encroaching anxiety,
I just charge straight ahead, recklessly.
Thinking of those precious to me,
湧き出る力 ふと口ずさんだ
My strength wells up. I hum a tune:
戦うものへの勝利の歌 Fight Fight
A song of triumph for those who fight. Fight! Fight!
行くぞ We A Real Soldier
Let's go! We are real soldiers.
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
逆らえ運命 進めBattle Field
Defy fate and advance on the battlefield!
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
打ち鳴らせ今 Fully Loaded
Fire now! Fully loaded!
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
逆らえ運命 進めBattle Field
Defy fate and advance on the battlefield!
Gun Salute Gun Salute
Gun salute! Gun salute!
打ち鳴らせ今 Fully Loaded
Fire now! Fully loaded!
掴み取るんだ 勝利を
I'll seize it, victory.
Freedom lies ahead, worth dying for.
終わりの見えないBattle Field
On the endless battlefield,
I'll step forward with my unfailing companions.
RED RICE Salute!
Salute to RED RICE!
Salute to SHOCK EYE!
HAN-KUN Salute!
Salute to HAN-KUN!
若旦那 Salute!
Salute to Wakadanna!
特攻 Salute!
Salute to Tokkou!
Salute to the men!
Salute to the women!
お前ら Salute!
Salute to you all!
目指せあの地へ 走れ 死ぬ気で
Let's aim for that place. Run with all your might.
アモーレ 守れ 倒れろ前へ
Protect your love. Fall forward.

Авторы: 若旦那, 篤志

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