Shoxrux - Hato - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Shoxrux - Hato

Hato (Mistake)
Madorim yo′q shu bugunda bor-u yo'g′im mana shu yuragimda абсолютный бардак, вот так
I feel lost today, my existence solely residing in this heart filled with absolute chaos, that's how it is.
Kechagina berilgan bu va'dalaring gapirildi просто так, unutildi darrov
The promises you made just yesterday were spoken in vain, instantly forgotten.
Yana nima dema, har gal bitta gapingga ishonib yashadim-ku man ahmoq! Sani gaping mana bundoq:
Don't say anything else, I was a fool to believe your every word! Your words were like this:
"Keling endi iltimos, mani kechiring, endi yaxshi yashaylik" (Yo'q!)
"Please, forgive me, let's start anew" (No!)
Qani endi shu gaplaringda agarda bo′lganida ayni haqiqat
If there was any truth in your words,
O′zing yanada o'ylab ko′rgin ming bora, bo'larmidi shu darajada xunuk o′rtamizdagi bu oqibat (Kimda kasofat?)
Think a thousand times more, would the consequences between us be this ugly? (Whose fault is it?)
Qani o'sha sevgi-muhabbat, qani nafosat? Bir birimizga nisbatan dillarimizda yashaydi endida faqatgina nafrat
Where is that love and affection, where is the tenderness? Now, only hatred resides in our hearts towards each other.
Bo′ldi yetar ortig'ini gapirmadim, qisqasini aytganda, jonim, sanga ming rahmat!
Enough, I won't say more, in short, my dear, thank you a thousand times!
Zaboni shirin, ammo, go'zal visol bevafo
Sweet tongue, but a beautiful face so unfaithful,
Dillar gado holatlar mahzun, beparvo
Hearts are desolate, sad, and indifferent.
Ko′zlarda yo′qoldi ma'no! Yo′q ma'no!
Meaning vanished from the eyes! No meaning!
Yo′q ma'no!
No meaning!
Xonam uzra, ozor-u jonim mani, sig′mayapman axir o'zimga, xonada man
Within my room, my pain and soul, I can't fit into myself, I'm trapped.
Yanada holati pora, huzur-u osmon-u dilim
My state is even more miserable, my peace, my sky, my heart.
Yaxshi yuribsanmi ishqilib, azizim nadomat-u dardni solib qalbimga
I hope you're doing well, my dear, leaving regret and pain in my heart.
Qani endi sani o'shanda uchratnaganimda hozirda hamma narsa bo′larmidi o′zgacha?
If I hadn't met you then, would everything be different now?
Yana xudo biladi, balki bo'lardi battar, bu dunyoning hamma yo′llarida to'la xavf-xatar
God only knows, maybe it would be worse, all roads in this world are full of danger.
Mayli, iltimos, mani bitta narsaga ishontirgin!
Please, just convince me of one thing!
Manga vafodormisan, degan savolimga faqatda rost javob ber!
To my question "Are you faithful to me?", just answer truthfully!
O′zim ham bilardim Peshonangda ter!
I knew it myself Sweat on your forehead!
Gapir endi, mani qaysi kamchiligim uchun qilding hamma tomonlama yer? (Rrr)
Speak now, for what flaw of mine did you completely crush me? (Rrr)
Hamma xatolaringni kechirar edim-ku ammo bunisini kechirmasman zinhor!
I would have forgiven all your mistakes, but I will never forgive this!
Zaboni shirin, ammo, go'zal visol bevafo
Sweet tongue, but a beautiful face so unfaithful,
Dillar gado holatlar mahzun, beparvo
Hearts are desolate, sad, and indifferent.
Ko′zlarda yo'qoldi ma'no! Yo′q ma′no!
Meaning vanished from the eyes! No meaning!
Yo'q ma′no!
No meaning!
Dir-bidir-bidir, hali ham hozir
Dir-bidir-bidir, even now
Nima? Kamchiliging bormi?
What? Do you have any flaws?
Xiyonat qilishdan oldin, Xudo bergan kallani ishlatish kerakmasmidi?
Before betraying, shouldn't you have used the brain God gave you?
Asabimga tegma! Hozir san bilan gaplashgani, bilsang, umuman holim yo'q
Don't get on my nerves! I'm in no state to talk to you right now.
Yuragimda o′q, man endi telbaman!
An arrow in my heart, I'm delirious now!
Butun borlig'imni, yana hamma narsalarimni, nomimni unutganman
I've forgotten my entire being, everything I had, even my name.
Sani esa qalbimdan o′chirib tashlaganman
But I've erased you from my heart.
Ket yo'qol endi, ko'zimga korinma!
Get lost now, don't let me see you!
Bilaman san zo′rsan, e man kimman?! Bilmadim qadrimni
I know you're amazing, who am I?! I didn't know my worth.
Telefoningdagi xatlaringni o′qiganimda ado bo'ldim, voy dod!
When I read the messages on your phone, I was devastated, oh my God!
Bilasanmi shuni? Ularni kimga yozding?
Do you know this? Who did you write them to?
Maqsadingga yetishdingmi? Oxir-oqibatda bir narsani tushunish ham qiyin bo′ldi
Did you achieve your goal? In the end, it was hard to understand anything.
Qolmadi ma'no...
There's no meaning left...
Nima bu? Qasdmi yo xato?!
What is this? Intentional or a mistake?!
Qasdmi yo xato?
Intentional or a mistake?
(Yo′q ma'no!)
(No meaning!)

Авторы: bobur umarov

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