Shoxrux - Qalbimga Kir - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Shoxrux - Qalbimga Kir

Qalbimga Kir
Enter My Heart
Qara, ko'rdingmi, ko'nglim boshqalar uchun yopildi,
Look, you see, my heart closed to others,
Oxiri borib, tuyg'ularim otilmoqda ko'ksimni yorib.
Finally, my feelings are bursting, tearing through my chest.
Joylandi yuragimga muhabbat topib, gilimni qorib,
Love found its place in my heart, searching my soul,
Bugunda sen hamma holatingda mendan ustunsan, g'olib.
Today, you are superior to me in every way, the victor.
Endi sensiz kunim qanday o'tar noaniq hol,
Now, how my day will pass without you is uncertain,
Bir qotgan qolip.
A frozen mold.
Sen mening ko'nglimdagi ayni muddao, ochilgan fasli bahor,
You are the very purpose within my heart, the blossoming spring,
Beozor, bir beg'ubor qizsan.
An innocent, pure girl.
O'zingga ma'lum bo'lgan bir ajoyib sir, qalbimdagi tasvir,
A wondrous secret known to you, the image in my heart,
Sening uchun eshiklarimni ochdim.
For you, I opened my doors.
To'satdan kelib qolarsan deb, mening muhabbatim,
Hoping you would suddenly arrive, my love,
Qalbimga kir, qalbimga kir.
Enter my heart, enter my heart.
So'rama, so'rama,
Don't ask, don't ask,
So'rama, so'rama,
Don't ask, don't ask,
Yuragimni so'rama, jonim,
Don't ask about my heart, my dear,
Men seniki, seniki, a-a...
I am yours, yours, ah...
Meni deb hammadan voz kecha olasanmi, jonim?
Can you give up everything for me, my dear?
Ko'nglimdagi ummonim, ming dardimga darmonim.
My ocean within my heart, the remedy for my thousand pains.
Sen meni, men seni sevganday seva olasanmi, sevgilim?
Can you love me as I love you, my love?
Javoban sevilishni kutmoqda mening yuragim.
My heart awaits the answer, to be loved in return.
Xayollarimdan o'tsang vaqti kulaman,
When you cross my thoughts, I smile for a moment,
So'ng ketidan ko'z yumgan holda yanada mahzunman,
Then, with closed eyes, I become even more sorrowful,
To'kilgan qumman,
Like spilled sand,
Yoqar edi shubhasiz izlarimni boylagan qo'llaring.
Your hands that held my tracks would undoubtedly cry.
Yo'qotgim kelmas hozir seni,
I don't want to lose you now,
Nima xulosada sening fikring?
What is your final thought?
Ichingdagini yetti uxlab turib, tush ko'rib ham bilmasam,
If I wouldn't know your feelings even in my deepest sleep, in a dream,
Nima deding, sen bilan hayotimni butunlay bog'lasam?
What did you say, if I entirely bind my life with yours?
So'rama, so'rama,
Don't ask, don't ask,
So'rama, so'rama,
Don't ask, don't ask,
Yuragimni so'rama, jonim,
Don't ask about my heart, my dear,
Men seniki, seniki, a-a...
I am yours, yours, ah...
By Bakhrom13
By Bakhrom13

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