sid msc - A las Malas Aprendí - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский sid msc - A las Malas Aprendí

A las Malas Aprendí
The Hard Way I Learned
Yo a las malas aprendi
I learned the hard way
pero no hay pedo esta es la vida que eleji
But it's all good, this is the life I chose
yo se que Fia no quisiera verme asi
I know Fia wouldn't want to see me like this
pero las cosas estan echas yo quiero seguir asi
But things are done, I want to keep going like this
Yo a las malas aprendi
I learned the hard way
pero no hay pedo esta es la vida que eleji
But it's all good, this is the life I chose
yo se que Fita no quisiera verme asi
I know Fita wouldn't want to see me like this
pero las cosas estan echas yo quiero seguir asi
But things are done, I want to keep going like this
Las cosas cambiaron y el morro no es un pendejo
Things changed and the dude is not a wimp
Prefirio la musica y los pasos de su viejo
He preferred music and the steps of his old man
ahora los tengo lejos sobrevivo y no me quejo
Now I have them far away I survive and I don't complain
La calle me entreno por eso de ni uno me dejo
The street trained me that's why I don't let anyone get to me
Yo no me olvido quien soy ni de donde vengo
I don't forget who I am or where I come from
Respeto y lealtad por consejos que me brindo el Ñengo
Respect and loyalty for the advice that Ñengo gave me
Feliz con lo que tengo mi barrio ruca y familia
Happy with what I have my hood, girl, and family
Me toco sobrevivir con carne aunque sea vijilia
I had to survive with meat even if it's Christmas Eve
Juanito cuida mis paso ya sean triunfos o fracasos
Juanito takes care of my steps, whether they are triumphs or failures
Yo no mas te pido wibis no sigas mis paso
I only ask you wibis not to follow my steps
Que alla afuera esta caliente y creme no es nada facil puedes perdelo todo por confiar en un imbecil
That out there it's hot and believe me it's not easy you can lose everything by trusting a fool
Voy a dejar de ser hombre el dia que de pasos pa atras
I will stop being a man the day I step back
Yo no segui la escuela no encaje con los demas
I didn't follow school, I didn't fit in with the others
Y el rap fue necesidad lo hago de cora y me dio frutos nunca me intereso lo que piensen bola de putos
And rap was a necessity I do it from the heart and it paid off I was never interested in what a bunch of motherfuckers think
Yo a las malas aprendi
I learned the hard way
Pero no hay pedo esta es la vida que eleji
But it's all good, this is the life I chose
Yo se que Fita no quisiera verme asi
I know Fita wouldn't want to see me like this
Pero las cosas estan echas yo quiero seguir asi
But things are done, I want to keep going like this
Yo a las malas aprendi
I learned the hard way
Pero no hya pedo esta es la vida que eleji
But it's all good, this is the life I chose
Yo se que Fita no quisiera verme asi
I know Fita wouldn't want to see me like this
Pero las cosas estan echas yo quiero seguir asi
But things are done, I want to keep going like this
Yo vi la luz en Julio del 98 creci con mis padres y oigo rap desde los 8
I saw the light in July of '98 I grew up with my parents and I've been listening to rap since I was 8
Nunca fui muy aplicado menos me gusto la escuela
I was never very studious, I liked school less
El niño empezo a gatear no te extrañes si ahora vuela
The kid started to crawl, don't be surprised if he flies now
Nunca fui dado al trabajo ni a seguir una doctrina
I was never given to work or to follow a doctrine
Preferia estar con mis homies y hacer freestile en la esquina
I preferred to be with my homies and freestyle on the corner
No sigo un plan de vida espero el tiempo lo decida
I don't follow a life plan, I hope time decides
Si lo mejor que se hacer es arriba de una tarima
If the best I do is on top of a stage
Hay demasiada niebla mi futuro esta borroso
There's too much fog, my future is blurry
Pero gracias a mi rap mis odres se sientan horgullosos
But thanks to my rap, my folks feel proud
Los mismos homies de siempre siempre fuera de control
The same homies as always, always out of control
Antes el vicio era el futbol ahora son las drogas y el alchol
Before the vice was soccer now it's drugs and alcohol
No me olvido de los homies no de los doble cara
I don't forget the homies, not the two-faced ones
Aqui todo se paga y la tricion va a salir cara
Here everything is paid for and betrayal is going to be expensive
Unos ganandose la vida otros robando pa vivir
Some earning a living, others stealing to live
Sines me vieron nacer y tambien me vera morir perro
Sines saw me born and will also see me die, dog
Yo a las malas aprendi
I learned the hard way
Pero no hay pedo esta es la vida que eleji
But it's all good, this is the life I chose
Yo se que Fita no quisiera verme asi
I know Fita wouldn't want to see me like this
Pero las cosas estan echas yo quiero seguir asi
But things are done, I want to keep going like this
Yo a las malas aprendi
I learned the hard way
Pero no hay pedo esta es la vida que eleji
But it's all good, this is the life I chose
Yo se que Fita no quisiera verme asi
I know Fita wouldn't want to see me like this
Pero las cosas estan echas yo quiero seguir asi
But things are done, I want to keep going like this

Авторы: Adolfo Vladimir Castellanos

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