SID - いつか - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SID - いつか

この想いを伝えたくて 今夜も震えて歌う
I'm singing tonight, trembling, wanting to convey these feelings to you
溢れ出すメロディ 君だけに向かって 届け
Pouring out a melody, reaching out to you alone
取り戻せないと知れば 慌てて代わりを探す
If I knew I couldn't get you back, I'd find a replacement in a panic
そうやって誤魔化し 逸らした日々
That's how I've been rationalizing, avoiding the days
受け止めるのが怖くて 薄目でぼかした僕と
Afraid to accept it, half-heartedly blurring the lines between me
軽率な君とで 始めた
And you, the one who was reckless, and the love we started
彼にないものを求めるのに 彼の面影押しつけてる
Looking for something he doesn't have, but pressing his shadow on you
続きはなくて 出口も見当たらない
There's no sequel, and no exit in sight
この想いを伝えたくて 今夜も震えて歌う
I'm singing tonight, trembling, wanting to convey these feelings to you
溢れ出すメロディ 君だけに向かって
Pouring out a melody, reaching out to you alone
君がほのめかす「いつか」を 長い間 待ち疲れ
I've grown tired of waiting for the "someday" you hinted at
見えてきた答えは どうしようもなく 会いたい
The answer that has become clear is that I want to see you, no matter what
必要以上に 過去を聞かせるわけを 察して
Realizing why you bring up the past more than necessary
少しでも 同じ痛み 覚えて
So that I would remember, even a little, the same pain
何度も消して欲しいと願う 彼に繋がる11桁
Over and over, I've wished that the 11 digits that connect you to him would disappear
言い出せなくて また少し 遠くなる
But I can't say it, and so the distance grows again
この想いを伝えたくて 今夜も震えて歌う
I'm singing tonight, trembling, wanting to convey these feelings to you
溢れ出すメロディ 君だけに向かって
Pouring out a melody, reaching out to you alone
僕が投げかけた「いつか」は 誰よりも普通でよく
The "someday" I proposed was so ordinary, so normal to everyone else
近すぎて掴めないものがあることに 気づく
That I realized there was something I could reach out for but couldn't grasp
それから 幾つかの嘘とか 相変わらずの距離とか
And since then, the little lies, the distance that's always there
疲れることに疲れる前に 早く
Before I get tired of being tired, quickly
この想いを伝えたくて 今夜も震えて歌う
I'm singing tonight, trembling, wanting to convey these feelings to you
溢れ出すメロディ 君だけに向かって
Pouring out a melody, reaching out to you alone
「いつか」来る さよならのとき 拭き取る側でいたいから
Because I want to be the one who wipes away your tears when that "someday" comes
誰よりも普通で 誰よりも近い 僕で
The one who's closer to you than anyone, more ordinary than anyone

Авторы: マオ, Shinji, shinji

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