Türkiye de her yıl yüzlerce kadın töre, şiddet ve bir çok nedenden dolayı genç yaşta hayatını kaybetmekte bu utanç hepimizin...
Every year in Turkey, hundreds of women lose their lives at a young age due to honor killings, violence, and many other reasons. This shame belongs to all of us...
Soğuk bi kış gününde sobasız bir çadırda doğmuş
She was born in a tent on a cold winter day, without a stove
Altıncı kız çocuk demişler babası yadırgar olmuş
Her father was disappointed because her sixth child was a girl
Üçüncü kadından olmuş fatma koymuşlar ismini
She was born to the third wife, and she was named Fatima
Demişler ederiz büyüsün bi kaç katırla yolcu
They said she would grow up and be sent away with a few mules
Hayat ilk adımda yolmuş saçını
Life plucked the hair from her head at the first step
Bilmezmiş hiç onun güzel gözlerinde umut varmış
She did not know that there was hope in her beautiful eyes
Kim karnını doyurdu
Who fed her?
Sen onun kölesisin demişler
They said, "You are his slave."
O da razı gelmiş yaşıtları ip atlarken
She accepted the fate. While her peers jumped rope
Her gün fatma gidip gider koyun güder
Fatima tended sheep every day
Bahtsızım demiş ruhuna dokunan ablası
Her sister, whose soul was touched by misery, said to her
Sonra gizli gizli gelmiş yanına sokulan
She came secretly and confided in her
Amcası yaşında bi herifle nikahlanmış
She was married to a man the age of her uncle
On üçünde okul yüzü görmeden
At the age of thirteen, before she had ever seen a school
Henüz yokken okuma yazması
She could not read or write yet
Demişler kaderinden öldürür
They said, "Fate will kill her."
Yapacağı tek bi hamle onu
The only move she could make would
Töre denen hapse mahkum
Imprison her in the jail called tradition
Aynı yerde kan ve onur
Blood and honor in the same place
Cehaletin karanlığına gömülmüştür evinde
She is buried in the darkness of ignorance in her home
Bir de üstüne on beşinde anne olur
And she became a mother at the age of fifteen
Yitip giden ölümler yalan
Gone deaths are lies
Yıkık viran evinden kalan
What remains of her ruined home
Huzur biraz elinden kayar
Peace slips away from her hand a little
Zaman kanar derinden yaran
Time bleeds deeply from her wound
Kocası vefat edince denemiş kadın başına büyütmeyi
When her husband died, she tried to raise her children as a single mother
Çocuklarını olmamış ve demişler ki düğünle gir tabuta
She failed, and they told her to enter the coffin with a wedding
Kocasının kardeşiyle evlendirmiş töre
Tradition married her to her husband's brother
Geçim derdi tabi sonra büyük şehir
Of course, she had to struggle to make ends meet and went to a big city
O masmavi gözlerinde saklanmış hayat
Life hid in her deep blue eyes
Kocası otur dermiş kalk demeden kalkmazmış ayağa
Her husband would tell her to sit and she would not get up until he said get up
Çocuklarını odalarına saklarmış baya geç saatlere dek
She would hide her children in their rooms until very late at night
Onlar için katlanmış dayağa
She endured beatings for them
Fakat yorgun düşmüş anne evine dönmek gerekmiş
But she was exhausted and had to return to her mother's house
Vicdanı çocuklarını bırakamamış öfke yer etmiş içinde
Her conscience would not let her leave her children, and anger took hold of her
Zaman dolarken o tek gecekonduda
As time was passing in the slum house
Boşanmak istemiş fakat bu ölmek demekmiş;
She wanted to get divorced, but that meant death
Fatma polise gitmiş demişler ki koş artık eve
Fatima went to the police and they told her to run home
Ailesine gitmiş demişler ki kocandır döver
She went to her family and they said, "He is your husband. He can beat you."
Fatma o akşam vurulmuş o akşam defnedilmiş
Fatima was shot that night and buried that night
Her mezarına baktıklarında utansın gören
Let everyone who sees her grave be ashamed
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