Hiç bi hacker çözemedi hiphop benim ıpim sabah altı yürü kulalıkta jedi mind tricks dertler olur bırak dermanımı verir hayki neyim var ki playliste ekle hiphop cahillere beyin nakli
No hacker can comprehend my hip-hop, my IP
6 AM, walk in the crowd, Jedi Mind Tricks, my troubles be gone, give me my remedy, shout what's wrong with me, add hip-hop to your playlist, enlighten the ignorant
Gerçekleri duydugunda kim korktu rapçi çünkü şiir iki sene sonra immortal technique biz yolcu ettik ölümü tutar elim kürek yandın çünkü hala aklımızda bu kalemin break dansı
When you heard the truth, who was scared? The rapper, because poetry, two years later, Immortal Technique, we bid farewell to death, my hands hold a shovel, you burnt because my pen's breakdance is still fresh in our minds
Artık farklı mizansenler ardı attı bi şartel milliyetçi veya faşist algılandı ki cartel tanrım aldım dersimi ben aşkı kaldırıp at gel çünkü şiir saian gibi altı katlı bi panzer
Different mises-en-scenes have been cast aside, a cartel has been formed, nationalist or fascist, I was perceived as an organization, God, I’ve learned my lesson, I, like Saian, pick up my love and discard it because poetry is a six-story tank
Rapçi oldum kardeşlerim abilerim rapci oldu yani evim hepsi yalan saniyelik tespit tişörtüme bakıp dalga geçenlerin o zekayla geçebilecegi tek testti hamilelik testi
I became a rapper, my brothers and sisters became rappers, that’s my home, it’s all lies, the quick assessment, those who mocked my shirt, their intelligence could only pass one test: a pregnancy test
Ben picaso ve bu verse kafiyenin resmi
I’m Picasso, and this verse is the picture of rhyme
Kelime süngün al tak yerine
Word bayonet, put it in its place
İlerle ama arada bi bak geriye
Move forward, but sometimes look back
Rap ugruna askeriz hep
We’re all soldiers for rap
Çıkar maskeni ve terket sahneni de
So unmask yourself and leave the stage
En dibindeyim kuyunun hayalim bi mpd eskittigim walkmanı al ben mahkum tesbih şiir en iyiler öldü yaşayan hiç kimse en iyi degil sınıfın en arkasında sessizligim rest in peace
I’m at the bottom of the well, my dream is an MP3 player, take my old walkman, I’m a prisoner's rosary, poetry, the best are dead, no one alive is the best, in the back of the class, my silence is rest in peace
Çocuklugum hiphop nba ben mvp mp3 formatında yaşa hayatı bencilligin öldürürken müzigi krs one dinliyodum teybe takmadım candy shop izlemedim mtv
My childhood was hip-hop, NBA, I was MVP, in MP3 format, live your life, while your selfishness kills, I was listening to KRS-One, I didn’t play Candy Shop, I didn’t watch MTV
Sen tt ol da sevin mutlulugum başka benim ummadık bi taşla derin yaralar açtım asma derim yüzünü çünkü derdim anlatmak pes etmemeyi makaveli hayatta olsa ritm tutup aşka gelir
You can be a TT and be happy, my happiness is different, I’ve opened deep wounds with an unexpected stone, don’t hang your face because my concern is to tell you not to give up, Makaveli would come to life and fall in love with the rhythm
Siz anca lak lak edin albüm gelince kargoyla bi heycanla aç paketi bu duygu yeni nesile gereksiz ve saçma gelir özgürlügümü al bi maaşa bi takımla tasma getir
All you do is prattle on, when the album arrives, open the package with excitement, this feeling is unnecessary and absurd to the new generation, take away my freedom for a salary, bring a leash with a team
Mcdonaldsta hiphop deyip boş kafayla takma kepi
Wear a cap and talk about hip-hop at McDonald's
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