Porque ahi viene, ahi va la que me motiva a componer, la que me hace brincar y saltar, siempre caigo en el mismo pie
Because there she comes, there she goes, she who inspires my songwriting, she who makes me bounce and leap, but I always land on the same foot
Y es que tiene en su andar algo que no doy para contener solamente con su mirar, me mira y yo no se que hacer
And it's that she has something in her stride that I can't resist just with her look, she looks at me and I don't know what to do
Yo me siento ni un niño chiquitico cuando beso su labios despacito, y quisiera poder para el tiempo desmotrarle como me desespero
I feel like a little kid when I kiss her lips gently, and I wish I could stop time to show her how desperate I am
Si preguntan con quien andas saliendo, no respondas yo se que soy tu dueño, juega siempre con quien te este cayendo, tu eres mia porque los dos sabemos
If they ask who you're dating, don't answer, I know I own you, always play with whoever you're falling for, you're mine because we both know
De estos amores a escondidas, estan pendientes, de hacerme la guerra contigo y no pueden (2)
That these secret romances are keeping people on edge, they're eager to wage war with you and me, but they can't (2)
Porque ahi viene ahi va, la que me motiva a componer, la que me hace brincar y saltar, siempre caigo en el mismo pie
Because there she comes, there she goes, she who inspires my songwriting, she who makes me bounce and leap, but I always land on the same foot
Porque ahi viene ahi va, la que me motiva a componer, la que me hace brincar y saltar, siempre caigo en el mismo pie
Because there she comes, there she goes, she who inspires my songwriting, she who makes me bounce and leap, but I always land on the same foot
123 la funcion a comenzado, ven te abrazo muy printo seras mia, un buen vino con musica y bailamos, cuerpo a cuerpo esta bella melodia
123 the show has begun, come here, I'll hug you, very soon you'll be mine, a fine wine with music, and we'll dance, our bodies entwined, this beautiful melody
Como es corto el timpo que estamos juntos
How short the time is that we're together
No preguntes que es lo que esta pasando, son dos locos los que se estan amando, no te rias...
Don't ask what's happening, it's two crazies who are falling in love, don't laugh...
"Y lo que todo el silvestrismo esperaaabaaa...
"And what the whole Silvestrismo has been waiting foooooor...
Oyeee juuuaaan...
Heyyyy Juaaaan...
Hasme el pase de luis jooseee...
Give me Luis Jooooeeee's pass...
El pase del neeeneee..."
The boy's pass..."
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