Silvito el Libre - A ti no te gusta el rap - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Silvito el Libre - A ti no te gusta el rap

A ti no te gusta el rap
You Don't Like Rap
El rap con P
Rap with a P
Recuerdo que te conoci en, unos de esos bonches callejeros
I remember meeting you at one of those street parties
Me pusiste el pero pa al final entrar al hormiguero
You played hard to get, but in the end, you joined the crowd
Descubri quien eras y te soy sincero
I discovered who you were, and I'll be honest
A ti no te gusta el rap, a ti te gustan los raperos
You don't like rap, you like rappers
Sombrero, sudadera chop pa la cadera
Hat, hoodie, chopped for the hips
Saca billetera porque las groupies no usan carteras
Get your wallet out because groupies don't use purses
Veras, medias pa afuera (si) vocabulario abierto
You see, socks out (yeah), open vocabulary
Alcohol y converse pa entrarle mas fresca a los conciertos
Alcohol and Converse to get into concerts fresher
Hablamos mucho aunque mucho no entendi
We talked a lot, even though I didn't understand much
Si la fiesta no se acaba creo que me duermo ahi
If the party doesn't end, I think I'll sleep there
No tenias quien te llevara y me preguntaste a mi
You had no one to take you, and you asked me
Que te iba a decir a ti si mi nombre comienza con si (si)
What was I going to say to you if my name starts with "yes" (yes)
Pa que contaste la segunda parte del drama
Why did you tell the second part of the drama?
Me caracterizo por portarme bien y respetar las damas
I'm known for behaving well and respecting ladies
Me pongo chama siento que el deber me llama
I get shy, I feel like duty calls
Y asi fue que casualmente terminamos en la cama mama
And that's how we casually ended up in bed, mama
Se de que esas cosas no son de verdad
I know that those things aren't real
Falsa realidad busca algo que estrofa mas pa atras
False reality, look for something that rhymes further back
Descarga na mas, sientate y disfruta del momento
Just download, sit back and enjoy the moment
Que ese tipo e caso siempre termina en reprendimiento
Because that type of case always ends in reprimand
Al otro dia ya La Habana lo sabia
The next day, all of Havana knew
Como perseguia por poco me busca hasta la policia
How you chased me, the police almost came looking for me
Con papelazos, escandalos, guaperias
With tantrums, scandals, bravado
Que hasta tube que inventarles que tenia una mujer paria
I even had to invent that I had a pariah wife
Historias que crea la mente, dañan a la gente
Stories that the mind creates, harm people
Y se repiten constantemente
And they are constantly repeated
Consciente, sigue y dejame vivir la vida busca la salida
Be aware, move on and let me live life, find the way out
Y echale la culpa a la bebida
And blame it on the drink
A ti no te gusta el rap
You don't like rap
Lo tuyo es la farandula, descarga na mas,
Yours is the show business, just download,
Entrar al concierto por atras
Enter the concert from behind
A ti no te gusta el rap
You don't like rap
Tu sigue en tu universidad,
You keep going to your university,
Despertate ma que yo hablo de la realidad
Wake up, ma, I'm talking about reality
A ti no te gusta el rap
You don't like rap
A ti te gusta las peñitas, las griterias,
You like the little groups, the screams,
La guarita tu tranquilita
The guardhouse, you calm down
A ti no te gusta
You don't like it
Entretiene mientra en palos vienes
Entertain yourself while you come in sticks
Soy sincero es que a ti te gustan los raperos
I'm honest, you like rappers
Estube, buscandole sentido por saber, poder comprender
I was, looking for meaning to know, to be able to understand
Escuchar criterios de mujer
Listen to women's opinions
Y asi pude ver, que hay personas que a veces no crecen
And so I could see, that there are people who sometimes don't grow up
Su orgullo perece pues son victimas de inmadureces (se)
Their pride perishes because they are victims of immaturity (yeah)
Pasaron meses tantos que casi olvide
Months went by, so many that I almost forgot
To lo que pase, casi me enferme cuando le saque el pie
Everything that happened, I almost got sick when I took my foot out
Un dia que me soltaron de esa pata y se
One day they let me go from that leg and such
Marcando el porque, en la misma esquina ahi me la encontre
Marking the reason, on the same corner there I found her
Por suerte la pepilla apenas me miro
Luckily, the girl barely looked at me
Yo me dije yo, libre que rapido te olvido
I said to myself, free, how quickly she forgets you
Menos mal, que nunca le gusto la confusion
It's a good thing she never liked confusion
Porque estaba muy contenta de manos con un negron
Because she was very happy hand in hand with a black guy
De esos, pullover zero 5 xxl
One of those, zero 5 xxl pullover
Gorras de los yankees y unas botas de esas grandes como duelen
Yankees caps and some of those big boots that hurt
Buscaneriando y derritiendo papeles
Hustling and melting papers
Que espere en la guagua y fui bajando como el cha con velez
I waited for the bus and went down like the guy with velez
Pa la casa, son cosas que pasan como vicios
To the house, they are things that happen like vices
Y sacan de quicio pa el gusto se hicieron los oficios
And they drive you crazy, the trades were made for pleasure
Gente, inconsecuente caliente sin claros fines
People, inconsistent, hot without clear goals
Que los mismos bailan con calimba que con los patines
That they dance with kalimba as well as with skates
Al pan pan y al vino vino sin mucha intriga
To bread bread and wine wine without much intrigue
Al muchacho de las botas grandes que dios lo bendiga
May God bless the boy with the big boots
En lo que diga, puede ser mi amiga en unos años
Whatever she says, she may be my friend in a few years
Y a mi no me dan deseos
And I don't feel like
De salir ni el dia de mi cumpleaños
Going out even on my birthday
Las experiencias son cadenas que arrastramos
Experiences are chains that we drag
Le damos rienda al deseo y ahi nos despreocupamos
We give free rein to desire and there we don't care
Pues caemos, en jueguitos algo peligrosos
Well, we fall, into somewhat dangerous games
Seas rapero, bombero, buzo o cazador de osos
Whether you're a rapper, firefighter, diver or bear hunter
A ti no te gusta el rap
You don't like rap
Lo tuyo es la farandula,
Yours is the show business,
Descarga na mas, entrar al concierto por atras
Just download, enter the concert from behind
A ti no te gusta el rap
You don't like rap
Tu sigue en tu universidad,
You keep going to your university,
Despertate ma que yo hablo de la realidad
Wake up, ma, I'm talking about reality
A ti no te gusta el rap
You don't like rap
A ti te gusta las peñitas,
You like the little groups,
Las griterias, la guarita tu tranquilita
The screams, the guardhouse, you calm down
A ti no te gusta
You don't like it
Entretiene mientra en palos vienes
Entertain yourself while you come in sticks
Soy sincero es que a ti te gustan los raperos
I'm honest, you like rappers

Авторы: Rodriguez Varona Silvio L

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