Sin Bandera - Serenata Rap - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sin Bandera - Serenata Rap

Serenata Rap
Rap Serenade
OK Listos muchachos, OK
OK Guys, Ready? OK
Un, dos
One, two
Si te encuentro en la calle no me atrevo ni hablarte
If I meet you on the street, I don't even dare to speak
Se bloquean mis palabras no me atrevo a mirarte a los ojos
My words get blocked, I don't dare look into your eyes
Y aunque suene imposible si pudiera amplificar el latir del corazón
And though it sounds impossible, if you could amplify the beat of my heart
Sentirías al baterista de una banda de metal pesado
You'd feel the drummer of a heavy metal band
Y hoy por eso estoy aquí parado
And that's why I'm standing here today
Porque me sale mucho más fácil con una de mis canciones
Because it's much easier for me with one of my songs
Para lograr que sientan hasta muros y peatones
To make even walls and pedestrians feel
Y para no telefonear te digo todo cara a cara
And to avoid calling, I'm telling you everything face to face
Como si la pena no me importara
As if I didn't care about the awkwardness
Soy muy tímido
I'm very shy
Escondo amor en mi, no fallo
I hide love within me, I don't fail
Para decirte que desde que te vi siempre es mayo
To tell you that since I saw you, it's always May
Y en mayo el mundo es bello y está lleno de colores
And in May the world is beautiful and full of colors
Y todavía en los árboles habitan sólo flores
And still, only flowers inhabit the trees
Y tarde que temprano van a
And sooner or later they will
Derramar su fruto
Bear their fruit
Y dime cómo estas?
And tell me, how are you?
Ansiosamente espero...
I anxiously wait...
Espero que este sentimiento sea correspondido
I hope this feeling is reciprocated
Yo estoy aquí delante y te quiero y te sonrío
I'm here in front of you and I love you and I smile at you
Asómate a la ventana amore mío
Look out the window, my love
Asómate al balcon, responde niña por favor
Come to the balcony, answer me girl, please
Sólo vine hasta aquí con tornamesa y un micrófono
I only came here with a turntable and a microphone
Traje aquí a mi banda a cantarte lo que siento
I brought my band to sing to you what I feel
Si me quisieras besar yo estaría contento
If you wanted to kiss me, I would be happy
Es que esta serenata es mi cita con el destino
This serenade is my date with destiny
Pues quiero que en la vida estemos y yo siempre unidos
Because I want you and me to be together forever in life
Una serenata rap para decir a ti
A rap serenade to tell you
Me gusta como miras y lo que piensas de
I like the way you look and what you think of me
Me gusta tu nariz en sintonía con el mundo
I like your nose, in tune with the world
Me gusta tu trasero, casi redondo
I like your backside, almost round
Que torna en un satelite a cada ser viviente
That turns every living being into a satellite
Me gustas por que eres, inteligente
I like you because you are intelligent
Se ve muy claro en tus manos como las mueves
It's clear in your hands, the way you move them
Y haces que hasta los sentimientos siempre me renueves
And you make even my feelings always renew
Tus caderas son los andes y tus pechos los volcanes
Your hips are the Andes and your breasts are volcanoes
Me gusta tu buen gusto de la ropa con que sales
I like your good taste in the clothes you wear
Que está muy por encima de la moda del momento
Which is far above the current fashion
Una flor que así creció entre el asfalto y el cemento
A flower that grew like this, between asphalt and cement
Asómate a la ventana amore mío
Look out the window, my love
Asómate a la ventana amore mío
Look out the window, my love
Asómate a la ventana amore mío
Look out the window, my love
Asómate a la ventana amore mío
Look out the window, my love
Seranata rap, serenata metropolitana
Rap serenade, metropolitan serenade
Confía un poco en
Trust me a little
Aquí estaré cada mañana
I'll be here every morning
No debes creer las cosas que otros te digan de
You shouldn't believe the things others say about me
Es que son muy envidiosos quizás porqué
They're just very envious, perhaps because
Yo no te prometo historias de pasión como de guiones
I don't promise you stories of passion like from scripts
De cine de romances solo falsas ilusiones
Of movies and romances, just false illusions
Yo te ofrezco la verdad, cuerpo, alma y un cerebro
I offer you the truth, body, soul and a brain
Amor es solamente amor es solo solo eso
Love is just love, it's just just that
Asómate a la ventana amore mío (asómate ya)
Look out the window, my love (come out now)
Asómate a la ventana amore mío (asómate ya)
Look out the window, my love (come out now)
Asómate a la ventana amore mío (asómate ya)
Look out the window, my love (come out now)
Asómate a la ventana amore mío
Look out the window, my love
Amor que nadie ama se resigna a no lograrlo
Love that no one loves resigns itself to not achieving it
Lo escribiré en los muros y luego en el subterráneo de esta ciudad
I will write it on the walls and then in the subway of this city
Millones de habitantes que van día con día ignorándose hacia delante
Millions of inhabitants who go day by day ignoring each other forward
Y después no porqué, porqué, quién sabe cómo
And then I don't know why, why, who knows how
Después no porqué, porqué quien sabe cómo
Then I don't know why, why, who knows how
Dos almas de repente se generan un destino
Two souls suddenly generate a destiny
Palacios, ruido, smog son como un jardín divino
Palaces, noise, smog are like a divine garden
Personas entregadas intercambian un anillo
Dedicated people exchange a ring
En un departamento que será como un castillo
In an apartment that will be like a castle
Asómate a la ventana amore mío
Look out the window, my love
Tus caderas son los andes y tus pechos los volcanes
Your hips are the Andes and your breasts are volcanoes
Me gusta tu buen gusto de la ropa con que sales
I like your good taste in the clothes you wear
Que está muy por encima de la moda del momento
Which is far above the current fashion
Una flor que así creció, entre el asfalto y el cemento
A flower that grew like this, between asphalt and cement
Asómate a la ventana amore mío (asómate ya)
Look out the window, my love (come out now)
(Sin bandera, sin bandera)
(Sin Bandera, Sin Bandera)
Asómate a la ventana amore mío (asómate ya)
Look out the window, my love (come out now)
(Serenata rap, serenata rap)
(Rap serenade, rap serenade)
Asómate a la ventana amore mío (asómate ya)
Look out the window, my love (come out now)
Non ci credere alle cose che ti dicono di me
Don't believe the things they say about me
Asómate a la ventana amore mío
Look out the window, my love
(Serenata rap, serenata rap)
(Rap serenade, rap serenade)
Affacciati al balcone rispondimi al citofono
Come to the balcony, answer the intercom
Sono venuto qui col giradischi e col microfono
I came here with the turntable and the microphone
Insieme al mio complesso per cantarti il sentimento
Together with my band to sing to you the feeling
E se tu mi vorrai baciare sarò contento
And if you want to kiss me, I'll be happy
E questa serenata è la mia sfida col destino
This serenade is my challenge with destiny
Vorrei che per la vita noi due fossimo vicino
I wish that for life we two were close
Una serenata rap per dirti che di te
A rap serenade to tell you that about you
Mi piace come mi guardi mi piace come sei con me
I like how you look at me, I like how you are with me
Serenata rap serenata metropolitana
Rap serenade, metropolitan serenade
Mettiti con me non sarò un figlio di puttana
Be with me, I won't be a son of a bitch
Non ci credere alle cose che ti dicono di me
Don't believe the things they say about me
Sono tutti un po' invidiosi chissà perché
They're all a bit envious, who knows why
Io non ti prometto storie di passioni da copione
I don't promise you stories of passions from a script
Di cinema, romanzi e che ne so di una canzone
Of cinema, novels, or what I know of a song
Io ti offro verità corpo anima e cervello
I offer you truth, body, soul and a brain
Amore solamente amore solo solo quello
Love only, love only, only that
Serenata rap serenata rap
Rap serenade, rap serenade
Serenata rap serenata metropolitana
Rap serenade, metropolitan serenade
Serenata rap serenata rap
Rap serenade, rap serenade
Affacciati alla finestra amore mio
Look out the window, my love

Авторы: Rita Ambrus, Lorenzo Cherubini, Michele Centonze

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