Siropmov - Mac (Sârma) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Siropmov - Mac (Sârma)

Mac (Sârma)
Mac (Sârma)
A aratat mama spre florile de mac
Mother pointed to the poppies
A spus ca sunt frumoase, ca au inflorit
She said they were beautiful, that they had bloomed
Jur, neintetionat primul cuget a fost la heroina
I swear, my first unintentional thought was about heroin
Merit una peste cap
I deserve a smack upside the head
Daca te doare acum, gandeste-te cu un glont in tine
If you're hurting now, think about having a bullet in you
Ce bine ca l-am ferit si nu o singura data
It's a good thing I dodged it, and not just once
Poate ca si Dumnezeu m-a vazut ca-s diferit
Maybe even God saw that I was different
Te pup Tata
Love you, Dad
Mutam pagina
Let's turn the page
Dar nu uita
But don't forget
Ca e aceasi carte ce-ai citit mai devreme e valabil pana la ultima foaie
It's the same book you read before, it applies until the last page
Ma motivez singur cand debitez
I motivate myself when I spit
Sunt un geniu, te pup Tony ma faci sa ma iubesc
I'm a genius, love you Tony, you make me love myself
Nu stii sa tii un om de mana
You don't know how to hold someone's hand
Sa tii un om de mana
To hold someone's hand
Sa tii un om de mana
To hold someone's hand
Nu stii sa tii un om de mana
You don't know how to hold someone's hand
Da-i drumul la tot ce te sugruma
Let go of everything that's choking you
La tot ce te sugruma
Of everything that's choking you
Ai inima de sarma
You have a heart of wire
Pact cu diavolul, daca diavolul e rau, atunci si banii sunt
Pact with the devil, if the devil is evil, then so is money
Dar da-ma dracu
But damn it
Mai bine sa manance mama mea bine decat sa fiu eu vreun sfant
It's better for my mother to eat well than for me to be a saint
E bine
It's okay
Ca n-am avut probleme in familie
Because I've never had problems in my family
Totul a fost okay, lin, limpede
Everything was okay, smooth, clear
Mi le-am creat singur
I created them myself
Si-mi multumesc mie pentru asta, pentru ca m-am autodistrus
And I thank myself for that, for destroying myself
Altfel eram un copil normal si nu aveam suflet artistic
Otherwise I would have been a normal kid with no soul
Gandeam pesimist exact cum o fac acum dar nu zilnic
I thought pessimistically exactly as I do now but not daily
Nopti nedormite
Sleepless nights
De cate or as fi vrut sa ma trezesc si eu
How many times have I wanted to wake up
Simplu, la un simplu picnic
Simply, at a simple picnic
Pacat ca bagam
Too bad I was snorting
Tot ce se termina in am si aveam
Everything that ends in am and had
Si aveam
And had
De fapt ce pula mea, ce pacat
Actually what the heck, what a shame
Sa-mi creasca coarne in cap ca m-am distrat
To grow horns on my head because I had fun
Poate cateodata prea mult cu fete care nu meritau
Maybe sometimes too much with girls who didn't deserve it
Imi pare rau, incercam sa ma regasesc pe mine
I'm sorry, I'm trying to find myself
Va iubesc, va pup, ceau
I love you, love you, bye
Nu stii sa tii un om de mana
You don't know how to hold someone's hand
Sa tii un om de mana
To hold someone's hand
Sa tii un om de mana
To hold someone's hand
Nu stii sa tii un om de mana
You don't know how to hold someone's hand
Da-i drumul la tot ce te sugruma
Let go of everything that's choking you
La tot ce te sugruma
Of everything that's choking you
Ai inima de sarma
You have a heart of wire

Авторы: Antoniu Vekony

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