Sivilo - Godine kad smo se voljeli - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sivilo - Godine kad smo se voljeli

Godine kad smo se voljeli
The Years We Loved Each Other
Dvades'ti septembar je dan kad ste me rodili
September 20th, the day you gave me birth,
Jeste li tad blagoslov ili prokletstvo dobili?
Did you receive a blessing or a curse on this Earth?
Jer tad se završi život što ste vodili
For then the life you led came to an end,
I poče onaj na kog ste se teško prilagodili
And one you struggled to adapt to did begin.
Sa mnom odlazi plan put oko svijeta
With me, the plan to travel the world takes flight,
Sa mnom dolazi nervoza i kosa sijeda
With me, comes anxiety and hair turning white.
Sa mnom dolazi ispis sa fakulteta
With me, comes expulsion from the university,
Sa mnom dolaze rat, sankcije i bijeda
With me, comes war, sanctions, and misery.
Sa mnom nema više bratstva i jedinstva
With me, there's no more brotherhood and unity,
Naši pasoši su drukčiji jer zemlja nije ista
Our passports differ, the land's not the same, you see.
Vaš otac, rista, radnik, komunista
Your father, Rista, a worker, a communist,
Dok je naš cmizdra što je na sve prista'
While ours is a whiner who agreed to everything, a twist.
I pao pred svakim jer se zalaže za ništa
He fell before everyone, for he stands for nothing,
Pa dočekasmo novčanice od miliona trista
So we ended up with banknotes of a million and something.
Pizda vam materina svima
Fuck you all,
Što ne stvoriste budućnost za vašu ćerku il' sina
For not creating a future for your daughter or son,
Umjesto na vlast, vi ste na nas glas podigli
Instead of on power, you raised your voice on us,
K'o da smo mi krivi za ratove što su predhodili
As if we were to blame for the wars that caused the fuss.
Kod babe i đeda nas vodili, oni nas podigli
You took us to grandma and grandpa, they raised us high,
Kao da s vama nismo imali tačaka dodirnih
As if we had no common ground, you and I.
A jesmo, jer i vi ste bili đeca
But we did, for you were children too,
Što su se mučila da bi im jela i pila đeca
Who struggled so their children could eat and imbue.
Sad smo svi odrasli i ne znamo šta je sreća
Now we're all grown up, and we don't know what happiness is,
Tužna priča kao da na vjetru gori svijeća
A sad story like a candle burning in the wind's abyss.
Pitam se gdje su godine kada smo se voljeli Zašto ste nas stvorili kad za nas se niste borili?
I wonder where the years went when we loved each other, Why did you create us when you didn't fight for one another?
Zašto ste slomili sve što nas je držalo zajedno i što nas je spajalo?
Why did you break everything that held us together and what connected us?
Za podareni život vaš život je zajeb'o
For the gift of life, your life was fucked up.
Želiš da te takvog pamtim śutra kada ostaram
You want me to remember you like this tomorrow when I grow old,
Kao čovjeka što neće za đecu da se postara
As a man who won't take care of his children, so bold.
To odradiće vlast, vlast u život ti se posrala
The government will do it, the government shit on your life,
Pa nikad ne stvorismo dom jer si vječiti podstanar
So we never built a home, you're an eternal tenant, rife.
Onda mu je žešća ideja do mozga dospjela
Then a fiercer idea reached his brain,
Da me bači na košarku i živi od mog uspjeha
To throw me into basketball and live off my gain.
Uspjela guzica da misli za sebe
The ass managed to think for itself,
Pa mi daje loptu po vazdan u pipak da je jebem
So he gives me the ball all day to fuck it, himself.
A tebe mama ovo i ne brine
And you, mom, this doesn't even bother you,
Dokle god pohvale dobijaš za rad iz tvoje firme
As long as you get praise for your work, it's true.
Ni da je dodirne život što s mana vodi
Not even the life full of flaws touches her,
Jer je mrtva među nama a živa od 7 do 3
Because she's dead among us, but alive from 7 to 3.
Još me ne motri, nema nikog na roditeljski
She still doesn't watch me, there's no one at the parent-teacher meeting,
Balša, probisvjet si, ko te rodi? Žele da vide svi
Balša, you're a good-for-nothing, who gave you birth? Everyone wants to see.
Još me ne bodri, prazno mjesto u prvom redu
She still doesn't cheer me on, an empty seat in the front row,
Iako na terenu sve što dam, dam za tebe i Nedu
Even though on the court, everything I give, I give for you and Neda, you know.
Još joj ne godi kad god je s posla dočekam
She still doesn't like it when I greet her from work,
Zagrljaj joj smeta koži, poljubac joj kvari make up
A hug bothers her skin, a kiss ruins her makeup, a quirk.
Wake up prije no što vječno zaspete
Wake up before you fall asleep forever,
I ostavite me s vašim motom "svako živi za sebe"
And leave me with your motto "everyone lives for themselves," however.
Jer ne želim da svako živi za sebe
Because I don't want everyone to live for themselves,
Teška su bremena da ih ja sam nosim na sebe
The burdens are too heavy for me to carry on my shelves.
Na sebi neću da nosim vaše probleme
I won't carry your problems on myself,
Jer dijete ne vodi, dijete treba da se povede
Because a child doesn't lead, a child needs to be led, for health.
Pitam se gdje su godine kada smo se voljeli Zašto ste nas stvorili kad za nas se niste borili?
I wonder where the years went when we loved each other, Why did you create us when you didn't fight for one another?
Zašto ste slomili sve što nas je držalo zajedno i što nas je spajalo?
Why did you break everything that held us together and what connected us?
Za podareni život vaš život je zajeb'o
For the gift of life, your life was fucked up.
Odusta' od košarke, otac odust'o od mene
I quit basketball, dad quit on me,
Ja odust'o od njega, tad su majki pukle vene
I quit on him, then mom's veins burst, you see.
Kad krv se prolije tad sve nizbrdo krene
When blood spills, everything goes downhill, it's true,
Al daj da vratimo vrijeme kad ste dobili mene
But let's rewind time to when you had me, anew.
Jer želim vjerovat da ste me iz ljubavi pravili
Because I want to believe you made me out of love,
Jer kondom niste stavili, na kraj ga niste vadili
Because you didn't put on a condom, you didn't pull out, from above.
Jeste li slavili pošto ste test obavili
Did you celebrate after you took the test,
Jeste li bili svjesni u šta ste se uvalili?
Were you aware of what you got into, at best?
Niste, jer ste lažni pa ste se pravili
You weren't, because you were fake, so you pretended,
Vi ste mladi a mladi su greške pravili
You were young, and young people made mistakes, it's splendid.
Do znanja mi stavili da sve što vas je činilo srećnim
You let me know that everything that made you happy,
Vi ste iza moga rođenja ostavili
You left behind after my birth, so sappy.
Što me niste ostavili, od mene siroče napravili?
Why didn't you leave me, make me an orphan instead?
Ono veče kad ste se sa džipom sudarili
That night when you crashed with the jeep, you were dead.
Mrtve vas izvadili jer od tad smo se samo svadili
They pulled you out dead, because since then we only argued,
Svađali, gađali iz govana se vadili
Fought, pulled ourselves out of shit, we were bombarded.
Prihvatili da za džabe smo razgovore vodili
We accepted that we had conversations for nothing, it's clear,
Pa prešli na ruke, jedni na druge smo ih podigli
So we turned to hands, raised them against each other, my dear.
I onda dođe stadijum kada više ne mariš
And then comes the stage when you no longer care,
Jer kad odstraniš se mlad, stranac si kada ostariš
Because when you remove yourself young, you're a stranger when you're old, it's rare.
A ne batališ na vrijeme kao svi ostali
And you don't quit in time like everyone else,
Jer te strah da će razvod đeci ožiljke napravit
Because you're afraid that divorce will scar the children, yourself.
Sliku više ne možeš popravit
You can't fix the picture anymore,
Ja sam rasut na komade da me ne možeš sastavit'
I'm shattered to pieces, you can't put me together, that's for sure.
Pitam se gdje su godine kada smo se voljeli Zašto ste nas stvorili kad za nas se niste borili?
I wonder where the years went when we loved each other, Why did you create us when you didn't fight for one another?
Zašto ste slomili sve što nas je držalo zajedno i što nas je spajalo?
Why did you break everything that held us together and what connected us?
Za podareni život vaš život je zajeb'o
For the gift of life, your life was fucked up.

Авторы: Balša Krkeljić, Slobodan Veljković

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