Sivilo - Više od drugova - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sivilo - Više od drugova

Više od drugova
More Than Friends
Destinacija je stari Aerodrom
Destination is the old Airport,
Roditelji na putu
Parents are away,
Pa se kod mene sastajemo
So we're meeting at my place.
Izvinite, mama i tata
Sorry, mom and dad,
Sto sam vas zajeb'o
For screwing you over,
Jer rekoste bez zurki
Because you said no parties,
A ja sam upravo na jednoj
And I'm at one right now.
Prazna gajba mi je puna
My empty crib is full,
Gajbi, drugova i budnih wifey
Of booze, friends, and awake wifeys,
Jos je svaka k'o Sajsi
Every one is like Sajsi,
A je l' sajsi nikad ne tajpi
And doesn't Sajsi never type,
Nego daj, pij i pruzi im sve
Just give, drink and offer them everything,
Kad kazu "daj mi"
When they say "give me".
U kuhinji je dopuna
In the kitchen is a refill,
Sto treba njenoj casi
What her glass needs,
Zblizite se dok pusite
Get close while you smoke,
Gandzu na terasi
Weed on the terrace.
Poljubi je u dnevnoj
Kiss her in the living room,
Dok ste u masi
While you're in the crowd,
Pa pravac u sobu, samo
Then straight to the room, just,
Mala, druga da mi pazis
Girl, watch my other one for me.
Ok ili ne, samo
Ok or not, just,
Dobro se provedite
Have a good time,
Zajebite policiju i
Screw the police and,
Sami nekog privedite
Bring someone in yourselves.
Samo mene postedite
Just spare me,
Jer vec nekog cekam
Because I'm already waiting for someone,
Posla' sam joj poruku
I sent her a message,
I ok je na to rekla (SMS glasi)
And she said ok to it (SMS reads).
Izvini, ali moram biti uporan
Sorry, but I have to be persistent,
Sto ces s njim po kafica i klubove
Why are you going to cafes and clubs with him,
Daj, slazi ga i reci da si umorna
Come on, lie to him and say you're tired,
I dodji da se uvjeris da smo vise od drugova
And come see that we're more than friends.
Jer zelim da te upoznam
Because I want to get to know you,
Malo bolje da te upoznam (i ja)
To get to know you a little better (me too),
(Zelim bolje da te upoznam
(I want to get to know you better,
Malo bolje da te upoznam
To get to know you a little better,
I ja, i ja, i ja)
Me too, me too, me too).
Godiste je '90.-o
Born in the '90s,
Obline 90 sa 60 i 90 i kusur
Curves 90 by 60 and 90 and change,
Jer kad zatrese guzu
Because when she shakes her ass,
Tesko to podnesem
It's hard for me to handle it,
Sto nece neke velicine
Why won't some sizes,
Kod mene da odu u plusu
Go into plus with me.
Al' to su gomila mangupa
But those are a bunch of thugs,
Sto 'oce skupa
Who want together,
Da imaju upad kod nje
To have access to her,
Al' prica im glupa
But their story is stupid.
Pa je oci pate
So their eyes suffer,
I gledaju svuda
And look everywhere,
U nadi da ce s mojim
Hoping that with mine,
Dozivjeti sudar
They will experience a collision.
Jer kad sam te vidio
Because when I saw you,
Si mi se svidela
I liked you,
Sam ti se svidio
I liked you myself,
Kad si me vidjela
When you saw me.
Obraz okidjen mi
My face will be slapped,
Bice ako ne pridjem
If I don't approach,
I sa tako zgodnim bicem
And with such a beautiful creature,
Ne popijem makar jedno pice
Don't have at least one drink.
Makar jedan razgovor
At least one conversation,
Povedemo o tome
We'll talk about that,
Sta volimo da slusamo
What we like to listen to,
I jebemo
And fuck.
Pardon, jedemo
Sorry, we eat,
Nasmijem te jednom
I make you laugh once,
Ti nazoves me kretenom
You call me an idiot,
Jer ucinjeh te sretnom
Because I made you happy.
Dva metra, sto kila
Two meters, one hundred kilos,
Kakva idila kad bi se
What an idyll it would be,
Tol'ka masa uz tebe pribila
If so much mass pressed against you.
Duboko u sebi
Deep inside,
Da osjetis Sivila
To feel Sivilo,
Nisi skrila da ta ideja
You didn't hide that the idea,
Bi dobra bila
Would be good.
Jos je pila pice boje lila
She was still drinking a lilac-colored drink,
Pa se opustila
So she relaxed,
Paznju pridobila
Gained attention,
Kad me poljubila
When she kissed me.
Onda je pitah
Then I asked her,
"Sta bi sada radila"
"What would you do now",
I "rado bih ti se spustila"
And "I'd gladly go down on you",
Tiho je izustila
She whispered.
Libida su proradila
Libidos were awakened,
Osjetila se u vazduhu
It was felt in the air,
Sa travom sto se ispusila
With the weed that was smoked.
Hentai pogled jer je
Hentai look because she,
Oci skoro sklopila
Almost closed her eyes,
Pa jurimo do sobe
So we're running to the room,
K'o da nas juri Godzila
As if Godzilla was chasing us.
Na putu poce'
On the way she starts,
Eksere da guta
To swallow nails,
Jer 'oce do sutra da
Because she wants to until tomorrow,
Oseti orgazama vise puta
Feel orgasms several times.
Ne brini, sa mnom
Don't worry, with me,
Bices budna do jutra
You'll be awake until morning,
Dok god te milujem
As long as I caress you,
Po pupku, ali iznutra
On your belly button, but from the inside.

Авторы: Balša Krkeljić, Haris Rahmanovic

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