Sivilo - Znam da te Plaši - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sivilo - Znam da te Plaši

Znam da te Plaši
I Know You're Afraid
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači tata što mamu šakama taslači
Because stronger means a father who beats his mother with his fists
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači ne daš ženi pravo da se izjednači
Because stronger means not giving your woman the right to be equal
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači šef što radnike jebe na svaki način
Because stronger means a boss who screws his workers in every way
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači moć koja slabe ne privlači
Because stronger means power that doesn't attract the weak
Ko su ti uzori, mentori? Nezreli mentoli
Who are your role models, your mentors? Immature menthols
Što moć u tiranine pretvori pa niko više muško ne voli
Who turn power into tyranny so that nobody likes men anymore
Ili više voliš odpisane, marginalisane što ih pali pesimizam jer
Or do you prefer the outcasts, the marginalized, who are fueled by pessimism because
Pobjednik je siledžija, a moć luzera viktimizam je
The winner is a bully, and power is the victimhood of losers
Slušaj, pokaži empatiju za žrtve, al ne daj da te umrtve
Listen, show empathy for the victims, but don't let them numb you
Jer onog koji ide dalje, ne razumije onaj što ne želi da mrdne
Because the one who moves forward, doesn't understand the one who doesn't want to budge
Pa samo sjede bijede, cijene što ne vrijede
So they just sit in misery, valuing things that aren't valuable
Jer trulo niko ne dira, a zrelo svako hoće da pojede
Because nobody touches the rotten, but everyone wants to eat the ripe
Pa pokaži kol'ko divan i atraktivan
So show how wonderful and attractive
Može bit onaj što napada i što je agresivan
The one who attacks and is aggressive can be
Tako silan, pokaži da na vrhu je strava
So powerful, show that it's awesome at the top
Slavan, ispravan, nikoga ne ugnjetava
Famous, righteous, oppressing no one
Idi ka zrelom Kralju, Ocu, Heroju
Go towards the mature King, Father, Hero
Svi ćemo živjet bolje kad ti živiš ulogu svoju
We will all live better when you live your role
Jer sve što treba zlom čoeku da pobjedi
Because all it takes for a bad man to win
Je da dobar čoek ne radi ništa jer misli da ne vrijedi
Is for a good man to do nothing because he thinks it's not worth it
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači tata što mamu šakama taslači
Because stronger means a father who beats his mother with his fists
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači ne daš ženi pravo da se izjednači
Because stronger means not giving your woman the right to be equal
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači šef što radnike jebe na svaki način
Because stronger means a boss who screws his workers in every way
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači moć koja slabe ne privlači
Because stronger means power that doesn't attract the weak
Zbog toga moraš biti jači, jači, jači
That's why you have to be stronger, stronger, stronger
Jer svijet bez jakog muškarca možes bačit
Because a world without a strong man is a world you can throw away
Zbog toga moraš biti jači, jači, jači
That's why you have to be stronger, stronger, stronger
Jer svijet bez jakog muškarca možes bačit
Because a world without a strong man is a world you can throw away
Ne kaži što misliš, ne pokazuj šta osjećaš
Don't say what you think, don't show what you feel
Ne pokaži da si snažan jer labilne to vrijeđa
Don't show that you're strong because it offends the unstable
Pa oće u zakone da uvedu figuru mlakonje
So they want to introduce the figure of a weakling into the laws
Sistem da upakuje tako da je luzerima naklonjen
To package the system so that it favors losers
Nezdravo je napravit sve sigurno i mlako
It's unhealthy to make everything safe and lukewarm
Nezdrava je hrabrost koja se nikada ne susretne sa strahom
Unhealthy is the courage that never encounters fear
Sobu punu demona ne rešavaš ključem i kvakom
You don't solve a room full of demons with a key and a doorknob
Kako ćeš da se prosvijetliš ako se se ne družiš s mrakom
How will you enlighten yourself if you don't hang out with the darkness
Odrasla bebo, kako ti nije muka
Grown-up baby, how are you not sick
Da živiš ko Petar Pan, kad god naiđe problem - Kuka
To live like Peter Pan, whenever a problem arises - Hook
Sere, zvoca, stalno ga nešto nervira
He shits, whines, something always annoys him
Sebičnjak, za život bez odgovornosti sve bi da
Selfish, for a life without responsibility he would do anything
Zbog toga zreo muškarac je prebitan
That's why a mature man is too important
Da razvali za sve nas šta god mu život servira
To smash whatever life throws at him for all of us
Opasno dobar i tih, da je žrtva negira
Dangerously good and quiet, so that the victim denies it
Dame i gospodo, živjela big dick energija
Ladies and gentlemen, long live big dick energy
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači tata što mamu šakama taslači
Because stronger means a father who beats his mother with his fists
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači ne daš ženi pravo da se izjednači
Because stronger means not giving your woman the right to be equal
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači šef što radnike jebe na svaki način
Because stronger means a boss who screws his workers in every way
Znam da te plaši da budeš jači
I know you're afraid to be stronger
Jer jači znači moć koja slabe ne privlači
Because stronger means power that doesn't attract the weak
Zbog toga moraš biti jači, jači, jači
That's why you have to be stronger, stronger, stronger
Jer svijet bez jakog muškarca možes bačit
Because a world without a strong man is a world you can throw away
Zbog toga moraš biti jači, jači, jači
That's why you have to be stronger, stronger, stronger
Jer svijet bez jakog muškarca možes bačit
Because a world without a strong man is a world you can throw away

Авторы: Balša Krkeljić

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