SKABIDEAN - Zergatik? Hargatik! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский SKABIDEAN - Zergatik? Hargatik!

Zergatik? Hargatik!
Why? What for!
Lanbroen artean galtzea denbora xahutzea dela
To move between words is a waste of time
Zalantzan jartzea, bekatu al da?
Is it a sin to question?
Eguzki bakarra, al dago munduan?
Is there only one sun in the world?
Hamaika dakuskit nik iluntzetan.
I have seen several in the dark.
"Zuhaitzak mardulak dira adaburuan".
"Trees are eyes that are stuck in the head".
Gaur hosto denak aurkitu ditut zoruan.
Today I found all the leaves on the floor.
Gainerakoen begiradaren pean
Under the gaze of others
Margolanak al dira benetan libreak?
Are the paintings really free?
Egunero, kolore bat aukeratzean,
Every day, when choosing a color,
Lausotzen zait irizpidea.
My judgment weakens.
Zurruntasunari mesfidantza!
Defiance against rigidity!
Abesti bakar batendako mila dantza.
A thousand dances for a single song.
Ekaitzak dakartza ortotsak,
Storms bring sunrises,
Izaera atzarri baten ahotsak!
The voices of a strange nature!
Zergatik hautua da beltz edo zuri
Why is the choice black or white
Bertzerik badela badut nabari?
When I sense that there is something else?
Ez legoke gaizki ohiko txanponari
It wouldn't be bad for the usual coin
Aurkitzea hirugarren aurpegi hori!
To find that third side!
Zergatik? Hargatik!
Why? What for!
Ulertzen al dun hik?
Do you understand it?
Ez dago abarrik!
The answer does not exist!

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