Skálmöld - Valhøll - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Skálmöld - Valhøll

Hetja er fallin, höndin sár,
Hero is fallen, hand is sore
Höfuðið klofið strjúpa.
Head is cleaved to the neck
Gróa þar síðan Baldursbrár,
Ever since then grow sea mayweed [baldursbrár]
Berjalyng kroppar rjúpa.
Berries eats the Rock Ptarmigan [rjúpa]
Valkyrjur sækja vígamenn,
Valkyries fetch the fighting men
Völlurinn ataður blóði.
Field is covered in blood
Einherja mun þig Óðinn senn
Einherja you Odin will
útnefna, vinurinn góði.
Nominate my good friend.
Hafinn á loft og traust er tak,
Carried into the air, steady grip
Tekinn án nokkurra refja.
Taken without any gainsay.
Vergmálar víða vopnaskak,
Echos widely weapons clash,
Við megum alls ekki tefja.
We can not delay now
Sannað sig núna hefur hann,
Now he has proven himself,
Hetja og örlagavaldur.
A hero and fate maker.
Kveðjum við þennan mæta mann,
We say our goodbyes to this good man,
Maðurinn heitir Baldur.
The man I speak of is Baldur.
Valkyrjur valinn kanna,
Valkyries the val explore now,
Velja menn til stórræðanna.
Pick the men for the confrontation.
Okkar þannig Bifröst bíður,
Bifrost waits for us like that,
Baldur hafri Þórs upp ríður.
Baldur bucks [goats] of Thor now rise.
Yfir sjáum heiðna hrafna,
Overhead two ravens flying,
Huginn, Muninn visku safna.
Huginn, Muninn wisdom gater.
Heimdallur mun hliðin opna,
Heimdall shall open the gates,
Höldum inn og beint til vopna.
We shall in and straight to arms.
Einherjar um völlinn vaða,
Einherjar the val now roam,
Valhöll, staður allra staða.
Valhall, place of all places.
Miðgarður kveður, magnlaus þá
Midgard goodbye, powerless then
Mókaður um ég svamla.
Confused I roam around [?]
Núna ég horfi niður á
Now I look down upon
Nautin við bæinn minn gamla.
The bulls around my old town.
Bærist þar líf við Bæjartjörn,
Life is there around Bæjartjörn
Balinn er umvafinn lyngi.
Bale is covered in heather.
Leika sér þarna lítil börn,
Around there play little children,
Lífið, það gengur í hringi.
Life there moves in circles.
okkur goðin gæta,
Over us the gods now watch,
Glaðir skulum kverkar væta.
Glad we shall fill our throats.
Mært hvern annan mætir getum,
Maidens to the other men introduce,
Mjöðinn drekkum kjötið etum.
The mead we drink and the meat we eat.
Báðir tveir, jarl Gunnar, Grímur,
Both of them, jarl Gunnar, Grímur,
Glösin tæma, kveða rímur.
Glasses empty, saying rhymes.
Búnir undir ragnarökin,
Prepared now for Ragnarok,
Rekum sverðin út um bökin.
Shove the swords out through the backs.
Sárin gróa, sorgir bakka,
The wounds they heal and sorrows dwindle,
Sálin heil, ég Óðni þakka.
Soul is whole, I Odin thank!
[English translation:]
[English translation:]
Hero is fallen, hand is sore
Hero is fallen, hand is sore
Head is cleaved to the neck
Head is cleaved to the neck
Ever since then grow sea mayweed [baldursbrár]
Ever since then grow sea mayweed [baldursbrár]
Berries eats the Rock Ptarmigan [rjúpa]
Berries eats the Rock Ptarmigan [rjúpa]
Valkyries fetch the fighting men
Valkyries fetch the fighting men
Field is covered in blood
Field is covered in blood
Einherja you Odin will
Einherja you Odin will
Nominate my good friend.
Nominate my good friend.
Carried into the air, steady grip
Carried into the air, steady grip
Taken without any gainsay.
Taken without any gainsay.
Echos widely weapons clash,
Echos widely weapons clash,
We can not delay now
We can not delay now
Now he has proven himself,
Now he has proven himself,
A hero and fate maker.
A hero and fate maker.
We say our goodbyes to this good man,
We say our goodbyes to this good man,
The man I speak of is Baldur.
The man I speak of is Baldur.
Valkyries the val explore now,
Valkyries the val explore now,
Pick the men for the confrontation.
Pick the men for the confrontation.
Bifrost waits for us like that,
Bifrost waits for us like that,
Baldur bucks [goats] of Thor now rise.
Baldur bucks [goats] of Thor now rise.
Overhead two ravens flying,
Overhead two ravens flying,
Huginn, Muninn wisdom gater.
Huginn, Muninn wisdom gater.
Heimdall shall open the gates,
Heimdall shall open the gates,
We shall in and straight to arms.
We shall in and straight to arms.
Einherjar the val now roam,
Einherjar the val now roam,
Valhall, place of all places.
Valhall, place of all places.
Midgard goodbye, powerless then
Midgard goodbye, powerless then
Confused I roam around [?]
Confused I roam around [?]
Now I look down upon
Now I look down upon
The bulls around my old town.
The bulls around my old town.
Life is there around Bæjartjörn
Life is there around Bæjartjörn
Bale is covered in heather.
Bale is covered in heather.
Around there play little children,
Around there play little children,
Life there moves in circles.
Life there moves in circles.
Over us the gods now watch,
Over us the gods now watch,
Glad we shall fill our throats.
Glad we shall fill our throats.
Maidens to the other men introduce,
Maidens to the other men introduce,
The mead we drink and the meat we eat.
The mead we drink and the meat we eat.
Both of them, jarl Gunnar, Grímur,
Both of them, jarl Gunnar, Grímur,
Glasses empty, saying rhymes.
Glasses empty, saying rhymes.
Prepared now for Ragnarok,
Prepared now for Ragnarok,
Shove the swords out through the backs.
Shove the swords out through the backs.
The wounds they heal and sorrows dwindle,
The wounds they heal and sorrows dwindle,
Soul is whole, I Odin thank!
Soul is whole, I Odin thank!

Авторы: Thrainn Arni Baldvinsson, Baldur Ragnarsson, Jon Geir Johannsson, Gunnar Benediktsson, Snaebjoern Ragnarsson, Axel Arnason, Bjoergvin Sigurdsson

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